September 22, 2015
Mitchell Berger, Esq.
Berger, Singerman
350 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft; Lauderdale, FL 33316
RE: Sometimes a picture is worth 6,000,000 words. Some comments on today’s Wall Street Journal Page 1 above the fold picture of Netanyahu and Putin.
Mr. Berger,
Let us stipulate that Netanyahu is from Israel and Putin is from Russia. I wouldn’t want any misunderstandings.
Putin is in a provocative manspread, one that would get him arrested if he tried it on the Lexington Avenue Express, looking like the Cheshire Cat right after he found out that he doesn’t have to smile anymore. Netanyahu, not quite hat in hand, looks like a salesman making his points who is not sure what he will get even if he makes the sale.
With the exception of Jimmy Carter it is impossible to imagine that picture being taken during any other Presidential term since 1947.
Let it be noted that Golda Meir, a Milwaukee native, said that of all the American Presidents she dealt with the only one who kept his word 100% of the time, every time, was Richard Nixon. Exhibit 1 is October, 1973. I like to point out that if I were a Jew rather than a member of a Church started by a Jew how assured I would have been when Candidate Clinton’s husband said that if Israel were to be beset in time of limitless peril he would jump into a trench and grab a rifle. I gently reminded him that should he be called on to load said rifle that the sharp end of the cartridge goes up the spout first. You can never have too much information.
Would it be out of bounds to ask Candidate Clinton why, 7 years into her famous flubbed Russian “reset” moment, the duly elected leader of America’s longest continuous ally in the Middle East looks like he is sitting in the principal’s office hoping for the best but dreading the worst.
The President and his Secretary of State drew a red line in the Syrian sand. President Assad, like his father, is a skillful poker player. He is at this best when he has no chips.
He went over the line at Mach 2.2. He knew there would be no consequences. Indeed it was better for him to thumb his nose at America.
In 1994 the Republic of Ukraine gave up its nuclear arsenal in return for American guarantees of its sovereignty. How has that worked out?
4 Americans were butchered at Benghazi.
Everyone in that part of the world, a part not particularly influenced be either Burke or Jefferson, noticed that after lying about the cause, the United States did nothing.
[As an aside, I knew 2 blooded veterans – he form Britain, she from Greece – who were present at the birth of Israel. They told me that the bill, a bill that was always marked “Paid in Full”, was 10 executed Arabs for each murdered Jew. Kipling’s ratio was ten times that but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.]
The situation, always close to SNAFU, is now galloping to FUBAR. FUBAR? Send a SASE.
And you are sponsoring a love-in, chow-down for Hillary Clinton, a principal architect of the current chaos?
Here’s the best part.
Talk about cojones grandes
Cuatros cojones grandes
2 things leap to mind.
#1 – My aunt from Hester Street always told me that I should never let anyone piss on my back and tell me it’s rain.
#2 – For telling us offhandedly that there will be “5 or 6 more Benghazis and more e-mail messes” but don’t worry, you are hereby named
No Affirmative Action set asides for you. No quotacumgoals. You got it the old fashioned way.
Accept this as notice that I will not be providing you with 100 pounds of unborn manatee filets, suitable for either sushi or on a gluten free bagel with a schmear.
Feed them yourself.
Kevin Smith
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