December 20, 2015
Senator Maris Sachs
City Hall
100 NW 1st Street
Delray Beach, FL 33444
RE: A small thing, a thing no bigger than a man’s fist on the horizon, a thing which is about to become a teachable moment, a thing that shows that the line between chicken shit and chicken salad is becoming thinner and less clear.
Senator Sachs,
As a modern American Liberal, one such as you, one approaching the wing-nut, moon-bat choir section of today’s Democratic Party, I call your attention to a teensy weensy factual error in your mini OP-ED in today’s Sun Sentinel.
Of course, and particularly since you are a fire breathing modern American Liberal and are genetically disposed to never let facts interfere with an argument, anyone who believes in Midnight Basketball, cash for Clunkers, Goals, not quotas, and the never starting Summer of Recovery and therefore the never ending Summer of Recovery, must be cut some slack.
You said that FDR said something in 1932 that he actually said in 1933. A small thing, yes, but a big step for the Democratic Party. You may remember, “with advantages”, that Vice President Curley Biden – named Curley after the smartest Stooge – had him saying it in 1929, and on TV to boot. That alone caused the Brotherhood of Dopey Bastards to pull his union card.
He said “We have nothing to fear but…fear itself”. He said it on March 4, 1933. BTB, he spent most of 1932 promising to balance the budget. He accused President Hoover of financial malfeasance bordering on criminality by using deficit financing.
Honest Injun. You could look it up.
It is owed to the ledger to point out that despite heroic efforts by really smart people the Depression, by any measurable objective standard was worse in 1939 than it was in 1933. A strong case can be made for the unofficial end to the Depression to have begun when Boeing went to 3 shifts at its B-17 plant in Wichita.
Honest Injun. You could look it up.
It would almost be like “piling on” if I were to point out that he was the 3rd President – Can you believe they were all Democrats? I can – in 48 years to promise American mothers that he “would not send American boys to fight in foreign wars”.
Honest Injun. You could look it up.
One more thing…
In its entirety…
“As the world’s bastion of freedom and democracy,
we must never bow to fear because to do so
is the antidote of our very liberty.”
The Sun Sentinel
Your C.V. says that you are an attorney.
At some point while you were in law school one of your teachers must have said that words have consequences. [Ideas also but that’s a subject for a different discussion. I am sure you are familiar with Richard Weaver] A mortgage that says the interest rate is around 6% is unacceptable both to the lender and the borrower. Defining something as “almost a felony” is anathema.
What the Hell does “antidote of our very liberty” mean?
My Webster’s defines antidote thus:
“A remedy to counterattack the effects of poison”
Are you inferring that liberty is poison?
Are you saying that we have too much liberty? Not enough?
Exactly what are you saying?
Kevin Smith
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