December 25, 2015
Chris Cuomo
Turner TV
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
RE: “Midnight Basketball” anyone?
Mr. Cuomo,
Truth be known, as well it should, and damn the consequences but your family is like herpes. Based on wretched excess it is a gift that keeps on giving.
In my righteous crusade, not yet a jihad, to poleax you for cause I forgot to include the big old rattlesnake at the garden party. It’s the one by the keg just biding his time waiting for an unsuspecting ankle.
Sometimes I overswing at the letter high, off speed piñata from the batting practice pitcher who is anxious to keep his job. In your case I proved that Homer still nods. I forgot.
You are probably too young to remember the 1977 NYC campaign for Mayor. Any intramural modern American Liberal primary turns very quickly into a pissing contest. No quarter asked; no quarter given. “Politics ain’t beanbag” has the edges of its envelope pushed every time louts such as your family enter the public arena. All that prevented the Lord from doing a Curtis LeMay Tokyo fire raid on the modern day Gomorrah was His sense of “mirth”. The cacophony of modern American Liberal farging arseholes herding each other into election booths makes for great theatre. I think Godot was on to something.
Anyway the highlight then and now, 37 years later, was your brother using union printers to make up 6,391 signs that read
Considering the campaigns of 1800, 1828, and 1876, 2 out of 3 of which were run with the only electricity being on the key on Ben Franklin’s kite, it would have been small potatoes, particularly since it bore the fine American Italianate Liberal hands of Cuomo pere and Cuomo fils. “Nothing personal Eddie. Strictly business.”
[Let the record show that Paula Deen, she of old time high carbohydrate, grits goes with gelato TV empire confessed that about the same time she used the dreaded “N” word, the word that White people dare not use, {You can use it if you are a Black writing an autobiography or a Shaft wanabee at an NBA game} She was last seen having her once ample ass welded to a Pioneer rocket whose mission was to get to Pluto and settle the planet issue once and for all. Vaya a con Dios, Paula.]
Juvenal first spoke of the conundrum of upsetting speech, of irritating speech, of hateful speech when he said “Quis custodes custodiet”?
Who will guard the custodians?
The opening words of the First Amendment are majestic in their simplicity. “Congress shall make no law…”
Like abortion, there can be no exceptions up to and including 4th and 5th trimester vivisections and dismemberments lest the entire structure crumble.
I did some homework on the CUOMO/HOMO brouhaha. In so doing I came across an interview that your brother the Governor gave to NPR on 1/17/14.
“Extreme Conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault weapon,
and anti-gay have no place in New York.
Nature is kind to animals, young children, and modern American Liberals. She blesses them with short memories. How else to explain gay bashing that would shame snake handling, gun lovin’, climate change deniers being tolerated in the case of the family Cuomo?
Nat Hentoff wrote a book with the intriguing title “Free Speech for Me but Not for Thee”. It has become a Saul Alinsky-like guide for mALs, AKA “Men without chests”, as they go through life with a conceit so fatal that it stinks and shines in the moonlight.
They are convinced that they can shine shit and that there is always a clean end to pick up an errant turd.
I hear a distant chant of Viva IL Duce. Deep down all mALs are too comfortable with power. Deep down, and in your family’s case, not so deep down, you are drawn to brown shirts, jack boots, and miniature Kristallnachts or when you said it was OK to call Ed Koch a finnochio. You give the Medicis a bad name.
If you don’t know that Mussolini was the darling of New Deal mALs you should because he was. Look it up.
Kevin Smith
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