Monday, April 25, 2016

April 24, 2016
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel

Big Stein,

It’s happening right in front of my eyes. You, one of the keepers of the flame of modern American Liberalism, may be having a lower case Whittaker Chambers moment. Shades of Dante! “Halfway through my journey I found myself in the dark wood of error”.

De profundis, amigo, but you, the uber modern American Liberal, may be having a Damascus moment in public.

“Survey sez, Yup”

Apparently John Galt and Howard Roarke have led a night time assault into the aerie of non-thinking modern American Liberals where you were, until recently, were so comfortably perched.

It must have been a disturbing moment, what with you saddled  on Kumbaya, the stalwart steed of “Midnight basketball” “alternative shopping”, and the long delayed Summer of Revival, to have your ass flung violently to the unforgiving earth where the “Gods of the Copy-Book Headings” still rule.

Twice now, both times in print in the bully pulpit of the Op-Ed page of the unlinkable Sun Sentinel, you have praised UBER, the ride company, as the answer to the rude mannered cum foetid smelling aromas of the government protected taxi industry.
I switched my 5 or 6 times a month trip for early AM coffee from McDonald’s to Dunking Donuts.

I have one basic retail rule. It makes no difference whether it is fast food, transesophageal echocardiograms, funerals, or seminars on the 4 source theory of Pentateuch composition. I AM PROFIT. Everyone else in the joint, be they indentured servants, wage slaves, unctuously aspiring middle managers, or the robber baron malefactors of great wealth – except for the Kennedys – whose names are on the door is OVERHEAD. Once that is understood on both sides of the transaction great things can happen.

I had some problems at the local Mickey D’s. They were not resolved to my satisfaction. I went to Dunking Donuts where I noticed 2 immensely, profoundly different things.

#1 – When I walked in everybody, but I mean everybody, said hello;
#2 – There was a tip jar by the cash register.

Yo Biggie! It’s what makes the dog hunt.

Page 1 of today’s Sun Sentinel tells us the sad tale of the Broward County Board of Education and $850,000,000 of unspent bond money. It probably qualifies as a 10b5 violation of the 1934 Securities Act. Not to comment on it would be the same as ignoring a big old bobbing turd in the punch bowl.

Part of any prospectus, said prospectus consisting of written reasons why you should give money to the offeror, is the use of proceeds. The money raised was to be used for the following reasons with those reasons being listed. Logic would dictate that you don’t borrow money for 30 years to buy something whose use life is measured in months or days. Capital items versus expense items, anyone?

Imagine the uproar today if the Broward County board of Education had used 30 year bond money in 1986 to buy state of the art computers? Gateway 2000 anyone? How about an IBM Peanut PC? I am sure the 1986 Apple, the one that in a bow to the fledgling Green movement, was steam powered, is a big hit in the underfunded by racism, inner city schools, petri dishes for super predators, right?

The reason for the above, dear Stein, is not in the stars. It is hard wired into the genes of modern American Liberal aparatchiks. Since failure is never punished success cannot be rewarded.

Honest Injun but it can be as simple as that.

I suggest an adult beverage of choice, a comfortable chair, good lighting, and a copy of “Property and Freedom” by Richard Pipes. I envy you the journey.



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