Monday, April 25, 2016

April 24, 2016
Katy Sorenson OP-ED
The Sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

MS Sorenson,

“FPL may be able to buy off elected officials with 
campaign contributions and some environmental 
organizations with donations and seats 
on their boards.”
The Sun Sentinel

The number for the State’s Attorney’s office in Broward County is 954 xxx xxxx. If you think you need the US Attorney’s number look it up.

Your role as the chief harridan of the Good Government Initiative of the University of Miami demands that if you have knowledge of a felony, of white envelopes changing hands in parking lots, of quids being swapped for quos, you must report this to the nearest competent legal authority. If no one will listen to you you must go to the people who run the Sun Sentinel. This is why Pulitzer Prizes are given out. Big business bribes public officials. That’s boffo box office. Plus, and this is very important for a card carrying, fire breathing modern American Liberal, someone like you, to get the lumpenproles worked up. You can lead them, they with their pitchforks glistening in the sun, you occupying the high ground of moral authority, cloaked with the special power of “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome” to expose the crooks and send their perfidious asses to jail. How about Gitmo? It’s going to be empty soon, isn’t it?

Facts are like holy water to a vampire for knotted knickered mAL chicks, If you know whodunit you must come out and say it. Names, dates, places. If you don’t know, shut your God Damn mouth lest you be thought of, as the original Dr. J said, “a wretched un-idea’d girl”. 

Kevin Smith

PS – “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome”? Send a SASE

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