March 5, 2017
Clarence McKee
McKee Communications
11550 Heron Bay Blvd
Coral Springs, FL 33076
RE: Woe is us! What to do? Some comments on your Jeremiad-like mini Op-Ed in today’s Sun Sentinel about Broward County’s “race problem”.
Mr. McKee,
Your eclectic use of statistics – 8 Black Judges v 82 White Judges, $43,000 Black median income v $74,000 White median income, 9% Black unemployment v 4.4% White unemployment, 54 Black EMTs v 846 White EMTs – leads you to the inexorable conclusion that Broward County has a “race problem”.
[Please note that I am not mentioning the disproportionate number of Black NBA players. Do you think that a set aside should be created for over-weight, can’t jump White point guards? “Fairness” is all, right?]
In typical, oh so typical modern American Liberal fashion you confusingly conflate causation with correlation. Also, you are a willing victim of a Logical fallacy now 25 centuries old: Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc. On the other hand, if it weren’t for tautologies modern American Liberals wouldn’t be able to think at all.
How is it possible that after 8 years of “cooling the earth and calming the seas” Broward County could have any kind of problem, let alone a “race problem”? Didn’t the Obama reign lead us to the peaceable kingdom of a “post racial society”? Further, Broward County gives Homerically monstrous majorities to every modern American Liberal candidate put up for election. If Dr. Mengele were to appear on the ballot he would be elected by numbers not seen since the glory days of Hudson County, New Jersey Row A bullet voting. [I know because I am from there.] I believe we are but 2 election cycles away from manatee suffrage. Clock a ticket.
Speaking of Dr. Mengele…Since Roe v Wade ca. 3/8ths of the abortions performed in this country have been on women of color. May I ask, why with the exception of the late Nat Hentoff, no public figure has ever used the word genocide when mentioning this? If Black Lives Matter shouldn’t all Black Lives Matter? Who knows how many Obamas or O.J. Simpsons or Ben Carsons or Willy Hortons have gone down the abattoir’s drain?
Could you share your solution to this “problem”?
Raising the minimum wage is a good start. Why be unemployed at $10 an hour when you can be unemployed at $15 an hour? Just think how good inner city youths will feel about themselves when they are unemployed at $22.50 an hour? They’ll all be farting through silk!
Do you think it may be time for a Sherman-like March through the slavery imposed on Black kids by Teachers unions? It worked the first time it was tried. Why not try it again? As President Trump said, “You ain’t got nothing to lose”
Speaking of schools…do you know why the Obama girls didn’t go to any of the really fine public schools in Washington, DC? To Hell with Ivy League acceptances, with the amount of money spent per student per the system should have 3 Rhodes Scholars and 2 Nobel Prize winners a year. Every year.
Is bullying of trans gendering obese teens afflicted with the heartbreak of psoriasis, particularly the ones who live with a single mom just a White problem or does the minority community share the grief caused by it?
Some may say I have too much time on my hands. I prefer to think that if I don’t ask the tough questions no one may.
Get back to me, OK?
Kevin Smith
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