Thursday, March 9, 2017

March 5, 2017

Senator Gary Farmer, Esq.
111 East Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: Is 66% the magic number? – Some questions and comments on you mini Op-Ed in today’s Sun Sentinel about the joys of participatory democracy.

Senator Farmer,

Allah Akbar!

You proudly proclaim that 66% of Florida State students voted to make FSU a “sanctuary campus”. The rule for impeachment and for the ratification of treaties calls for a 2/3rds aye vote. Still it is an impressive number. It is a bit more impressive than the 62% of Florida voters who voted to keep marriage a contract between 2 people, one of whom is male with the other being a female. I feel I must add that they both should be of the same species. Why is 66% great while 62% ain’t so great?

Why not have the people decide the guilt or the innocence, and, most importantly, the punishment of anyone charged with murder? That way the voice of the people will be heard and their will shall be done. Thumbs up. Thumbs down. It worked pretty well in the Coliseum, remember?

Why not take a campus vote on whether or not to mandate open book exams? How about no classes before 10 AM? How about free beer? While they’re voting, how about asking them to decide if the somewhat condescendingly racist “Seminole” nickname should be dropped in favor of ‘Brutalized Aborigines”?

Why not have the people vote on whether or not you get paid? My grandfather always marveled at a little-known poser of nature: Why are there more horses’ asses than horses’ heads? Even factoring in “The Godfather” the numbers should always be equal as in one horse’s head and one horse’s ass per horse There is a beauty in that symmetry.

Each time you utter an astonishingly ohmadahnish statement, one that screams, “I am an asshole”, a big chunk of your paycheck gets whacked. In your case, it won’t take long before you’ll be hitchhiking your sad-sacked, sorry ass on Interstate 75 to Tallahassee – hopefully on the North bound side, you boob – to huddle up with the other dunces in your coven of modern American Liberal legislators

I hope your children are adopted

To paraphrase Mr. Justice Holmes, “1 generation of idiots is enough”.

Kevin Smith

PS – Your C.V. says that you majored in History. Clio is still my Muse. Surely you remember all the warnings from the time of the agora right up to Philadelphia in the summer of 1787 about the pitfalls of democracy. You do, don’t you? Why not have Franklin’s admonition about what kind of government we have tattooed on the inside of your eyelids as a reminder of the consequences of your vote, any vote? I fear that you may not be familiar with Calhoun’s Theory of Nullification. That was the one that was finally proved wrong, with the science being settled at Appomattox, after a vigorous debate preceded by a full and frank discussion of the issues. If you are not familiar with it send a SASE. I’ll type slowly so as not to overwhelm you.

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