Wednesday, April 5, 2017

April 2, 2017

Irela Bague – President
The Bague Group
15 Madeira Way #15
Coral Gables, FL 33134

Ms. Bague,

 “funding external outreach” 
“closing the racial gap in Global Warming”
“major inequities between diverse populations 
& the environmental movement”
From your website

  I am in awe of anyone who use terms like the above and not incur the wrath of Strunck & White and H.M. Fowler. Thoughts like that could awaken the Great Dr. Johnson, a wrath-filled Dr. Johnson.

You say kaddish for coal in your mini Op-Ed in today’s Sun Sentinel without mentioning a tumescently growing market for American coal.

Tom Steyer, hero to the wing-nut, moon bat, tree hugging loons, made billions of dollars selling “dirty” coal, coal which could not be burned in this country, to 3rd Worlders. Coal, used in this country to provide electricity that powers A/Cs, must not exceed 1% sulfur. The Chinese and the Indians, the Gunga Din Indians, have no such qualms. Both countries build almost 4 new coal fired utilities a week. They have to burn something.

Why not American coal, produced in American mines, dug by American miners, carried on American trains, loaded on to American ships by American workers, and taken to foreign countries to be burned so that their people may both survive and prevail? These countries are not concerned with the undrowning of polar bears, the plight of the beleaguered furbish lousewort, or the threat of a soupcon of acid rain.

I hate to burst the bubble that is welded to your pretty little head but the abundance of natural gas, an abundance that can make this country energy independent before the end of Trump’s 2nd term, has been caused by one thing. Drum roll, please. FRACKING. As to “renewable energy sources”…. I have some Solyndra solar panels at a great price.

Kevin Smith

PS: As to quotes from your website, “it sounds like bullshit to me”.

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