April 25, 2017
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel
Big Stein:
After an exhaustive nationwide search, a search that included “fly-over states”, turn coat states, Blue states, Red states, and Mauve states, and states that oppose abortion and favor capital punishment, the Committee, with several vigorous dissents, has chosen you to be ground zero, the ten ring, the piƱata, the catcher on the javelin team, of modern American Liberalism.
I say this because this week promises to knot modern American Liberal knickers into a state of randyness surpassed only by a gaggle of rutting Kardashians.
#1 – The second female Muslim M.D. was arrested for female genital mutilation. You’ll have no adult problems finding that damned elusive G-spot if yours was filleted away when you were 6.
Here comes the sticky part.
Modern American Liberals are justifiably proud of their diversity, their exclusive inclusivity, and their never-ending fight against “cultural arrogance”. [A word or two about the term “cultural arrogance”. It was coined by Anthony Lewis, late of the New York Times, who used it to castigate anyone who was opposed to Pol Pot and his killing of 1/3rd of his country, said country being Cambodia. Honest Injun. You could look it up.]
Sharia law, be it Sunni or Shiite, condones female genital mutilation. One of them allows a swab of Preparation H pre-op and some baby aspirin – that’s because they are babies – post-op. I am not sure which one does and which doesn’t. What difference does it make? Allah is always Akbar, right?
If the “twinkie defense”, the one that got Mayor Moscone’s killer off the hook, is an example of zealous defense tactics why not say that the Koran says it’s Kosher? Since, as previously stated, Allah is so friggin’ Akbar where do simple mortals come off trying to get over on the Big Boss.
Wouldn’t it be great if Justice Gorsuch got to cast the deciding vote? Who says God, by whatever name He chooses to call Himself, doesn’t have a sense of humor?
Anyway, I ask you to give me a head’s up on what the Elders of modern American Liberalism will say when they speak ex catherda. Professional courtesy.
#2 – A proposal to cut the corporate tax rate by more than 50% will be introduced this week. [I have a long-held premise, one that I defend brilliantly, that corporations don’t pay taxes. Never have, never will. Don’t worry. They get paid. Their customers or their end users pay them. Sometimes their shareholders pay them. You can look that one up too.]
That the hive filled with mentally awry, about a quarter of a bubble off plumb, modern American Liberals will roil the masses with banshee caterwauling about “fairness” and my favorite from the pen of the late, lamented Harriet van Horne, she of the pre-Murdoch New York Post, who in a fit of lachrymosity, would conjure up the image of “another lash on the backs of the poor”, there can be no doubt.
Here’s my question.
How do you cut taxes for someone with no income?
4 times in the last 95 years the result of tax cuts has been phenomenally beneficial, particularly to those who are “unlucky in life’s lottery”. Just one more thing you can look up.
#3 – You gave us a lower-case snarky definition of Republican book-burning Sunday last.
Buckle up. It’s going to be bumpy ride.
A – Should Ann Coulter be given police protection when she speaks? The Nazi wanabees got it at Skokie, remember?
B – Howard Dean, he of the primal political howl, said “Hate speech is not protected by the Constitution”. “Twinkle, Twinkle” is but that doesn’t need a 2nd Amendment to defend it. Pop quiz – Who said “We must have room for what we hate”?
C – What would Justice Brennan, Justice Douglas, indeed, Justice Black say about Middlebury College and CAL-Berkeley? “Prior restraint” gets a whole new meaning when it is accompanied by pepper spray and a smack in the chops.
When did modern American Liberals, self-proclaimed champions of the underdog and the most vulnerable members of society, unborn babies excepted, become ignorant of History? When did they become forgetful of Natural Law, the one that told us of the gifts that were ours at birth, “gifts from beyond the stars”? These were the gifts that guided the hands of our Founding Fathers. These were the gifts that gave us a Constitution, a guide for what government can do and a Bill of Rights that told us what a government cannot do.
Norman Rockwell gave us a portrait of one man standing in front of others and speaking his mind. The dreaded Word Police would not let him do that today. And, worse, they would be praised by the more enlightened among us.
When did the face of the Democratic Party become covered with a black bandana? When did the voice of the Democratic Party become the “Go Fuck Yourself” greeting from the SEIU thugs in Wisconsin? Remember, that was when Obama was busy “calming the seas and cooling the earth”. When did a brick through a window followed by a kick in the teeth replace “Happy Days are Here Again”?
Confusion is sweeping over me like a “wine dark sea”.
Please help me understand the squared circle, the one that sits on the 4-sided triangle, of modern American Liberalism.
Kevin Smith
PS – Washington, DC has local elections where Republicans not only must have 2 photo IDs, a record of their vaccinations, and a note from the precinct captain before they can vote. Did you know that the city council outlawed the word “niggardly” and fired the city employee who used it? Did you know that in 2006 Senator Obama, Senator Schumer, and Senator Clinton voted in favor of the wall on the Mexican border? I think it was because it was supposed to keep bigoted Americans in rather than feral 3rd Worlders out.
Either way, they voted for it. What was the name of the guy who was killed with Moscone? He was a paedophile, wasn’t he? Will the Sentinel ever publish the Mohammed cartoons?
Just kidding. Speaking of free speech, Obama is going to get $400,000 from a Wall Street firm to speak to them. Not as good as Handsome Billy from Hot Springs or his wide bottomed, put upon and much abused lady but not bad for a community activist
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