Wednesday, May 31, 2017

May 31, 2017

I watch NYPD every night a 6.

Great stories, Great performances. Great gunfights. Great chicks. Great Quality mattress time. Good guys mostly win. Worth watching.

Every episode has a quick shot of the World Trade Center. It made me realize how much I miss it.

I loved the magazine store on the mezzanine of the Tower 1. The only comparable one was on the mezzanine in the Pan-Am building. I took the Lexington Avenue Express to Grand Central Station every Wednesday. An escalator took me right to my copy of Punch containing “Notes from our Ugandan Correspondent” by Alan Coren. It could not be distributed in this country today. Incidentally, if Pan-Am had sold the airline and kept the building it would probably still be around.

Back to the WTC. 

I used to take the H&M to Chambers street to get to Wall Street.

I was one of the last patrons in Malachy McCourt’s downtown ale house before it was shut down -A- for not serving broads and -B-  torn down to build the WTC.

Amy called one day to bitch about the inconvenience of having to take off her Baume & Mercier watch whenever she had to put her hands in water. It was cheaper to buy her a stainless-steel Rolex than it was to hire a maid. I bought it at Kodak’s in Tower One.

The Top of the Tower had the largest collection of single malt whiskys I had ever seen until I got to Jake O’Shaughnessy’s in Seattle. Every Christmas I did my much anticipated, wildly applauded version of Scrooge – “A fine excuse for picking a man’s pocket every 25th of December. You’d feel yourself ill-used if I were to stop you half a crown”.

Despite Wide Bottomed Hillary desperately wanting her Life Achieving daughter Chelsea to be at the WTC on 9/11 rescuing victims, the facts, alas, do not remotely support that tall tale. A quick trip down memory lane includes stops at the Right-Wing Conspiracy, coming under fire in Serbia, and Whitewater. She lies like a rug because she couldn’t lie straight in bed.

I mention the above because she, being a typical veritas-challenged modern American Liberal pol, and in her case a contemptible fat-assed one, has an excuse. She had untruthfulness hard wired into her. Wasn’t she named for Sir Edmund Hillary, the conqueror of Everest? Her feat surpassed his because she was named after him despite being born 5 years before he climbed the firggin’ mountain. Weren’t there a lot of kids born to soccer moms in 2002 who were named Barack?

“Serpentine! Serpentine!” was the cry on the tarmac when she dodged incoming Serbian mortar fire. Maybe.

That’s her excuse. What’s the excuse for the bug-eyed apes who blew up the World Trade Center?
There was no Israel when, despite being a religion of peace, moderation, and female genital mutilation, they raped and pillaged their way across Europe 14 centuries ago. There was no Gitmo that made them lay siege to Malta or sail to Lepanto en route to Rome where they wanted to crucify the Pope and stable their horses in the Sistine Chapel. Cartoons of Big Mo did not make them lay siege to Vienna. [One of the highlights of the Taliban in Afghanistan was the banning of balloons and whistling. Imagine what they would have done with Bach and Mozart?] The Mahdi tried to kill Churchill and Kitchener at Omdurman because he wanted a bigger social safety net for all the Queen’s subjects?

And there was no great Satan and no Gitmo.

 Why did they do it?

From their time at Fatima’s teat they are to taught to kill infidels. [This century’s version of True Sons of the Prophet is opposed to all forms of birth control, specifically abortion, and absolutely in the non-Muslim world. Do the math. If they take a normal rate of casualties killing all the infidels there won’t be nearly enough infidel virgins to go around. What a bummer! Incessant breeding is the only way we can show outreach to them.]

Why did they kill the Jews at the Munich Olympics in 1972? There was no Gitmo. 
Why did they murder Klinghoffer? How about the kosher butcher in Paris?

 If we can’t criticize – mildly and privately so as to not call attention and make them feel outcast – when they say “Death to the Jews because they are descended from pigs and monkeys” what are we to do?

Why do they hate us?

It’s like an AL-Anon meeting. “You didn’t cause it and you can’t cure it.”

Why do they hate us?

I don’t know and I don’t care.

1000 years of inbreeding may be an answer. Do not dive into that genetic pool. 
No splash, just splat. Count how many distinctly Muslim names are on the list of Nobel Prize winners. They may have flown the planes into the WTC but they sure as Hell didn’t build them. If it weren’t for oil the place would be on par withl Paraguay.

Here’s one thing we can do.

Accept that they hate us and want to kill us.

They loudly proclaim that they want to kill me, rape my wife, crucify my son, eat my dog, and sell my daughter into slavery. It’s not their fault if we choose not to believe them

Send me a picture of a Swedish Lutheran terrorist. Send up a flare when same sex bathrooms appear in a Sharia-run country. Practice holding your breath. Keep practicing.
Count backwards by 3s from 79,837.

Stay tuned for merchandise, paraphernalia, tsotchkes, and impedimenta bearing the term MECCA DELENDA EST. Exclusive franchises available.

Kevin Smith

Monday, May 29, 2017

May 28, 2017

State Senator Gary Farmer, Esq.
111 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

Senator Farmer,

If, as you say in your mini Op-Ed in today’s Sun Sentinel, that the 72% approval of medical marijuana should have tipped the legislature to approve it, would not Logic dictate that the 62% voter approval of the ban on same sex marriage should have tipped both the legislature and the courts to uphold it?

This could be a teaching moment. It shows the genius of the Founding Fathers yet again. They, like their intellectual forebears going back 23 centuries, constantly warned us about the dangers of democracy. That’s why they gave us a republic

Of course, one of the joys of being a modern American Liberal, is that no one says Jack poop – to use Nancy Pelosi’s word du jour – when you proudly proclaim that plaid is your favorite color. 

Smelling the inside of the bag before declaring whether you like it is offensive to Logic and a sign of intellectual cowardice without which mALs would perish.

How about having murder cases, especially the gruesome ones, decided by a mob on the steps of the courthouse? How about doing away with all Senates because it is the least democratic form of government? Of course, then electoral college must go also.

If it weren’t for tautologies you wouldn’t have to think at all. You should have kept your helmet on during those pass blocking drills

Kevin Smith
May 28, 2017

Ron Klein, Esq.
Holland & Knight
515 E Las  Olas Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

Mr. Klein,

Of course, Reagan, the Great Reagan, was right when he said that “it’s not that modern American Liberals are stupid, it’s just that there’s so much that they don’t know”.

One of the hallmarks of your modern American Liberalism is the “sanctuary zone” that eclectic indignation gives you. It is the cognitive dissonance – 2 ideas, sometimes contradictory, simultaneously held, held fiercely – without which you would surely go bonkers.

In your mini Op-Ed in today’s Sun Sentinel you carp about the arms sale to Saudi Arabia.

Perhaps there are no permanent enemies but only permanent interests. Thus, when Uncle Joe Stalin thought it was in his best interest to make a deal with Hitler, the 1930’s version of modern American Liberals couldn’t wait to snuggle up to old Adolph. Was it he or his pal Mussolini, the first fascist leader who was deeply beloved of the rabid New Deal fans, to get the trains to run on time? I mention trains because despite public transit being the goal of all Broward Democrats ridership was off 10% last year. I’m sure you take the bus to work. You do, don’t you? Anything that helps undrown the polar bears is good, right?

When the hated Nixon went to China even the Democrats applauded it. The fact that Mao had killed ten times as many people as Hitler killed Jews was conveniently sent down the memory hole. The China rapprochement was a counter-balance to what used to be called Soviet hegemony. Jimmy Carter, the undisputed king of the FUBARed 2 car funeral, put that one in the crapper, didn’t he?

In 1982 I was driving North on IS5 in Washington state past the Boeing runway. I counted 4 AWACS jets on the tarmac getting ready to be flown to Saudi Arabia. Those planes were built in America by Americans. That was not quite a $2,000,000,000 transaction. The President sealed a $105,000,000,000 plane deal when he was in Riyadh.
Should he have killed the deal?

The common enemy is Iran, remember?

What’s wrong with sticking a finger in their eye, particularly with someone else paying for it?

One of the highlights, one of the serendipitous things about the Marshall plan, was that more than 90% of the money given to Europe was spent in this country. You can look it up.

I forget.

 Did you oppose the Iran nuclear plan, the one that begins with “Death to America and kill all the Jews”? That was the deal where this country sent Iran $150,000,000,000, most of which was in cash. Nobel Prize winner Rudyard Kipling called that “paying the Dane-Geld”. History tells us that it never works out. Ask the ghost of Neville Chamberlain.

Let me backtrack the Reagan quote.

You are dumb.

Kevin Smith
May 28, 2017

Eleanor Sobel
% The Sun Sentinel Editorial Board
500 E. Broward Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

Ms. Sobel,

Don’t you love it when upper middle class, somewhat dilettantish, modern American Liberal politicians, chicks who would vote for Dr. Mengele because of his strong stand on abortion, lecture – perhaps hector is the better word -  about the shopping habits of “deplorables”? I do.

Let me digress.

Only someone afflicted with near terminal eclectic indignation can babble on about the need for stricter photo ID laws when an inner-city youth wants to buy a 40-ounce malt liquor to help him get through the day. Would not Logic dictate that such due diligence be extended to the voting booth?

 Silly me! I almost forgot.

 As a card-carrying, fire breathing modern American Liberal, a lady who would rather spend a weekend in a sleeping bag with 2 rabid wolverines than be thought of as a racist, a lady who desperately wants manatee suffrage, someone who just knows that the 10% drop in public transit usage this past year was caused by Trump, such enforcement would be wrong and mean spirited and just one more sign of how really, really evil those rat bastard Republicans are.

Did I tell you I’m from Hudson County, New Jersey? Death was never a deterrent to universal suffrage, particularly when Row A All the Way was the signature of the Democratic Party.

Did you know that the Vietnam Wall began in Duval County, Texas? In 1948 Abe Fortas “found” 4,000 “lost” votes? I know it’s hard to believe but they were almost all in alphabetical order. You believe that was random selection, right? Anyway, after a frantic week of counting and recounting and re-recounting “Landslide Lyndon” got to the Senate, got to the White House, and the rest is, as is oft-times said, History.

Also, there are new rules for criticizing Walmart, the bane of Mom & Pop stores.

 The only mAL pols who can criticize big box stores, stores that inflict wanabee deplorables with the curse of low prices and unlimited choice, are those who never bought a book at Amazon.

 Did you get  your copy of “A Theory of Justice” at Borders?

Good talking to you.

It was a dark, dirty, and dangerous job but if I don’t do it who will? And if I don’t, in some strange way, the terrorists win.

Kevin Smith

PS – Do you know if the Sentinel, ever the lead dog in the pack fighting for social justice, ever took care of the brave matadors who sold their paper on the busy, life threatening streets of Broward County? It would have been the right thing to do. Readers won’t mind spending more for their paper. 

Sunday, May 28, 2017

May 27, 2017

27 Coptic Christians – The physician who examined and treated me on Wednesday last is a Coptic Christian – in Egypt, on a bus going to an 1800-year-old shrine to pray, were gunned down by – Dare I say? – radical Muslim terrorists. Let me change that. Radical has lost its sting. How about feral? How about not quite moderate practitioners of a religion known for its irenic practices?

It would be fraud if I failed to mention that another true son of the Prophet, and blessed be his name, blew up 22 people in Manchester, England. His target was young girls attending a concert for young girls. Always hunt where the ducks are knows no doctrinal boundaries.

The shrine that they never did get to pray at predates the arrival of Mohammed, that goat humping paedophile, by 4 centuries. Orwell, and can we ever thank him enough, told us that if we control the past we control the present.

Spare me the usual modern American Liberal bullshit about “outreach”, about “inclusiveness”, about “diversity”, about “tolerance”, and such nit-wit clap trap as “sanctuary cities”. These are infantile terms that preclude the existence of concupiscence and man’s inclination towards evil. The Western elite have been denying it since a bunch of Jews were killed at Munich in 1972. They were killed by “filthy little gutternsipes” who told us how great their god was as they pulled the trigger or sliced the nearest throat. 

Israel had a simple defense policy. It’s how they got past 1947. It’s how they survived ‘til today. “Shoot back” and, if possible, “shoot first”. A score of Barbra Streisands singing perpetual choruses of Kumbayas and “Imagine” would not have deterred one burnoosed killer from the swift completion of his appointed rounds. [I may be going out on a limb here but since I declared “Imagine” the worst song written in the 20th century and since the only way I make it to the end of the 21st century is in the fading memories of my granddaughters’ grandchildren – Who was the good-looking guy with the beard and the mysterious grin that Grandma always talked about? – I declare, nihil obstat, that “Imagine” is the worst song of the 21st century also. That’s a risk worth taking.} 

How about getting the old band together, men like General Sherman, Sergeant Cutter, Dirty Harry, Sergeant McChesney, Aeschylus, Chuck Wepner, William F. Buckley, Bear Bryant, Bill Benak, C.S. Lewis, El Cid, Sergeant McChesney, Donny Nowicki, Chuck Yeager, Jackson – Andy, not Jesse, Lt. Cdr. Ernest Evans, Cervantes, another Brave Horatius – Clio tells us that there will always be a gate that must be defended, the heirs of Torpedo Squadron 8, Roland, Henry the 5th, Vinny Curfaro, Milton Friedman, inter alia? Send them forward to smite the invader, wherever they may be.

As recently as yesterday, as far back as almost 1400 years ago, snarling mad men come howling out of the desert and tell me in plain language that they are going to kill me, rape my wife, crucify my son, and sell me my daughter into bondage. It’s not their fault that no one believed, believes, them. In fact, many intended victims, John Adams for example, made excuses for them. It was Jefferson who reversed that dumb-ass national policy while giving rise to the word “Leatherneck”.

I am reminded of a sermon I heard 60 years ago, about a farmer selling his mule. He tells the prospective buyer that not only is this the hardest working mule in the county but he is the smartest. He tells the mule that it is time to go to work. The mule jumps up, sharpens the plow, puts his harness on, and charges out of the barn. A week later the buyer calls and says the only time he gets up is to eat and pee. Plus, he laughs at me. The seller goes to his neighbor’s barn where he picks up a 2x4 and hits the mule right between the eyes. The mule jumps up, harnesses himself, and heads to the field for plowing, stopping only to fix a broken post.

The seller apologized to the buyer as he tells him “I forgot to tell you that first you have to get his attention”.

WOGs, mules, what’s the difference?

A thousand years ago, for whatever reasons, they turned inward. They began to eat their own seed corn. They turned their backs on reasoned discourse, critical inquiry, the scientific method, and the healthy skepticism that says “Prove it”. They stopped refreshing their genetic pool which is why so many of them can look through a keyhole with both eyes. You don’t have to be in the shower to count the distinctly Muslim names on the Nobel Prize winners list. 

In January, 1974, after fracking my first well in Duval County, I drove to Houston to meet the son of my father’s first cousin. [Duval County is where Lyndon Johnson came to be known as “Landslide Lyndon”. Aided by his good friend Abe Fortas, LBJ managed to find 4,000 uncounted votes, most of which were in alphabetical order, with 99% of them voting for Johnson. 1948. Congressman Johnson became Senator Johnson. The rest is, alas, History. The Vietnam Wall began close to the King Ranch. Look it up.]

After stopping at the cemetery to salute his parents – in both our houses there was no such thing as a large whisky – he told me of how he came to have a Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering and was the general manager of an oil refinery. 

In 1919, his father, along with 2 dozen other Irish-Catholics. left Bayonne, NJ on a barge bound for Pasadena, TX. Their job was to build an oil refinery for Jersey Standard, now Exxon. As the company provided priest was saying Mass one Sunday morning, the KuKluxKLan, the same one that Senator Robert Byrd {D-WVA}, one time head regional Kleagle belonged to, came thorough and shot the place up. A week later the Bayonne Irish-Catholic emigres shot back. The Klan never came back. Not long after, his father came to be the first Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus in Houston.

Civilizations must protect themselves. 

No one else will. No one else can.
And yes, we must draw a line, a red line, in the sand.

And, yes, we must defend it fiercely.

Belloc told us more than a century ago that beyond that line “we are watched by large and awful faces and on those faces there is no smile”.

“Once more, dear friends, once more…’


Thursday, May 25, 2017

May 24, 2017

B & V

Is it time, finally, at long last, for a world-wide “Winston is back” moment? It was your countryman who told us that “after the first death, there is no other”.

Manchester is blown apart by men who came straight from Tours, from the siege at Malta, from Lepanto, from Vienna – think of the world without Bach or Mozart – from Omdurman, from 9/11. Each of them, all of them, heard the rabidly feral “Allah Akbar” coming from their fellow thugs as they slaughtered those unfortunate enough to be in front of them.

Abraham Lincoln said, “The Constitution is not a suicide pact”. Your forebears had no problem killing more Catholics in the 16th century than Spain. You may remember me telling you that English judges had no problem cutting Amy’s cousin’s head off in 1649. It was Kipling who warned us of the folly, of the danger of “paying the Dane-geld”.

“One used and butchered me: another spied
 Me broken – for which thing a hundred died.
So it was learned among the heathen hosts
How much a freeborn woman’s favours costs.”

My Texas Ladies are Florida bound in June. 3 of them are of an age that would have had them in the Manchester arena.

Nolo tangere cum impecunis!


PS – Would you think ill of me if I were to say that Enoch Powell was right? And, if we cede the moral high ground to these “trousered apes” by allowing them to call on God for approbation while your country and mine do everything possible to distance ourselves from any deity, may I suggest a return to “Deus vult” may be in order? 
“God Save the Queen” was played at Yankee Stadium last night before a baseball game.

“When Pericles spoke, people said how well he speaks.

When Demosthenes spoke, people said Let us March!”

Monday, May 15, 2017

May 12, 2017

Corporal Leonard Putnam
May 25, 1945

He’s still dead.

I’ve been writing about him since May 25, 1997, with the last 10 years available on my blog Open to May 25.

A Japanese mortar round blew his upper right quadrant clean off on Okinawa on May 25, 1945.

He was a 42-year-old piano salesman from Jersey City, NJ who married my wife’s great aunt Millie. They had no children.  I do this every year to keep his memory alive.

I will be otherwise engaged this May 25th so I thought I would get this out early.
[I had another relative who was killed in combat. He died on July 2, 1863 in the Wheat Field at Gettysburg. Perhaps he heard “Garryowen”, the theme song of the New York 69th Regiment, the Irish Brigade. Perhaps not. He came from Ballyglass, County Galway, Province of Connaught, in what is now the Republic of Ireland to die “that freedom may live”. He is still there, “wrapped in his faded coat of Blue”}

Each died facing the front.

Before “Top Gun” there was “The Bridges of Toko-Ri”. The latter far, far exceeds the former in 2 ways: #1 – Better action scenes and #2 - a far, far better looking leading lady.

There is also the final scene where the Admiral, being informed that Lt. Brubaker, Naval Aviator, has been killed by the North Koreans, turns to the camera and asks, “Where do we find such men?” We call them and they appear. Some of them stay. Forever. To them we say thank you.

“Tell the Spartans, stranger passing by,
That here obedient to their laws we lie.”

“As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust.
Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain,
As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness,

To the end, to the end, they remain.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

May 1, 2017

Kathleen Cannon – CEO
The United Way
One South Andrews Avenue
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316

RE: “Death be not proud”

Ms. Cannon,

Me again.

I trust; indeed I hope, that you are familiar with Walker Percy for 2 reasons.

#1 – He wrote the introduction to “A Confederacy of Dunces”, the great American novel, long after the author, John Kennedy Toole, killed himself. If you read the intro and don’t buy and devour the book, put it down, walk quickly away, and never, ever tell anyone.

#2 – One of his great prose lines is “The back door of an abortion mill leads straight to Auschwitz”.

Your mini Op-Ed in Sunday’s Sun Sentinel suggests that you have been spending too much time genuflecting at the shrine of Margaret Sanger. It is impossible to say her name without mentioning that she was Hitler’s favorite American, with Joe Kennedy being a close second. He so admired her words and deeds that he dedicated his Race Laws of 1934 to her. Those were the laws that enabled him to kill 12,000,000 people.

If we become too familiar with death – 4th trimester abortions & mercy killings – it loses its sting.

Tread lightly.

Indeed, it is a slippery slope because “after the first death there are no others”.

Kevin Smith
April 30, 2017

Mayor Jack Seiler
100 N. Andrews Avenue
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: “…and the greatest of these is charity”

Mister Mayor,

Who says you can’t trust politicians?

I’m from Hudson County, New Jersey. Bayonne, to be precise. I know about pols and white envelopes stuffed with Benjamins. [Two of my favorite stories are about the $900 waste baskets and $4,500 windows. High end interior decorating? Maybe. But you have to remember that Eisenhower was President and the Vietnam Wall wasn’t yet a twinkle in Senator Johnson’s eye. But’s that’s a tale for a different time.] Meantime, now that Dr. Melgram has been found guilty, keep an eye on Senator Menendez as he does the modern American Liberal pavane to keep his meretriciously mendacious arse out of the pokey.

I was reading the Page 1 story in today’s Sun Sentinel about Arnold Abbott, the not-quite public nuisance 92-year-old whose sole goal in life is to feed the hungry.

It is a noble end, which alas and Antigone, bangs into an existing law that prohibits it. I suppose you could invoke John C. Calhoun and his ever increasingly popular Theory of Nullification, ignore the law, and feed the homeless.

Of course, if you do this you are narrowing the gap between the Scylla and Charybdis as it applies to “faithfully executing the laws”. How much leeway do you get in choosing which laws to enforce. Of course, if you are Governor Cuomo speaking at Notre Dame at a graduation about abortion you get to hear the siren call of “penumbras” and “permutations” that say it is OK to have plaid as your favorite color.

Enclosed is a bill that if it were to fall from a table someone would pick it up.

Would you be so kind as to see that Mister Abbott, a leading proponent of the Corporal Works of Mercy, can continue his good works?

Kevin Smith
May 1, 2017

Congressman Ted Deutch
7900 Glades Road #250
Boca Raton, FL 33434

Congressman Deutch,

If, as you say in the mini Op-Ed section of Sunday’s Sun Sentinel, ”Republicans are undermining Democracy…by ignoring the 73% of Floridians who voted in favor of solar power”, would not Logic dictate that ignoring the 62% of Floridians who voted against same sex marriage is another example of Democracy being undermined?

Could this be another example of nullification, as in ignoring a law that you don’t like, by applying it to referenda that you don’t like?

A quick reading of the Founding Fathers shows that they feared the excesses of Democracy because of the mob rule danger. Perhaps you never read that chapter. Or worse, perhaps you did.

As a constituent may I expect the courtesy of a reply?

Kevin Smith