April 30, 2017
Mayor Jack Seiler
100 N. Andrews Avenue
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
RE: “…and the greatest of these is charity”
Mister Mayor,
Who says you can’t trust politicians?
I’m from Hudson County, New Jersey. Bayonne, to be precise. I know about pols and white envelopes stuffed with Benjamins. [Two of my favorite stories are about the $900 waste baskets and $4,500 windows. High end interior decorating? Maybe. But you have to remember that Eisenhower was President and the Vietnam Wall wasn’t yet a twinkle in Senator Johnson’s eye. But’s that’s a tale for a different time.] Meantime, now that Dr. Melgram has been found guilty, keep an eye on Senator Menendez as he does the modern American Liberal pavane to keep his meretriciously mendacious arse out of the pokey.
I was reading the Page 1 story in today’s Sun Sentinel about Arnold Abbott, the not-quite public nuisance 92-year-old whose sole goal in life is to feed the hungry.
It is a noble end, which alas and Antigone, bangs into an existing law that prohibits it. I suppose you could invoke John C. Calhoun and his ever increasingly popular Theory of Nullification, ignore the law, and feed the homeless.
Of course, if you do this you are narrowing the gap between the Scylla and Charybdis as it applies to “faithfully executing the laws”. How much leeway do you get in choosing which laws to enforce. Of course, if you are Governor Cuomo speaking at Notre Dame at a graduation about abortion you get to hear the siren call of “penumbras” and “permutations” that say it is OK to have plaid as your favorite color.
Enclosed is a bill that if it were to fall from a table someone would pick it up.
Would you be so kind as to see that Mister Abbott, a leading proponent of the Corporal Works of Mercy, can continue his good works?
Kevin Smith
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