Monday, May 29, 2017

May 28, 2017

State Senator Gary Farmer, Esq.
111 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

Senator Farmer,

If, as you say in your mini Op-Ed in today’s Sun Sentinel, that the 72% approval of medical marijuana should have tipped the legislature to approve it, would not Logic dictate that the 62% voter approval of the ban on same sex marriage should have tipped both the legislature and the courts to uphold it?

This could be a teaching moment. It shows the genius of the Founding Fathers yet again. They, like their intellectual forebears going back 23 centuries, constantly warned us about the dangers of democracy. That’s why they gave us a republic

Of course, one of the joys of being a modern American Liberal, is that no one says Jack poop – to use Nancy Pelosi’s word du jour – when you proudly proclaim that plaid is your favorite color. 

Smelling the inside of the bag before declaring whether you like it is offensive to Logic and a sign of intellectual cowardice without which mALs would perish.

How about having murder cases, especially the gruesome ones, decided by a mob on the steps of the courthouse? How about doing away with all Senates because it is the least democratic form of government? Of course, then electoral college must go also.

If it weren’t for tautologies you wouldn’t have to think at all. You should have kept your helmet on during those pass blocking drills

Kevin Smith

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