August 20, 2017
Brother Kevin O’Neill, F.M.S.
If “Boston only hates the Yankees” would it be fair to say that the Missouri state legislator, and would you believe that she is a Black female, who called for the “assassination” of President Trump, isn’t a “proper” Bostonian who knows neither the Cabots nor the Lodges and probably should be “banned”? [Imagine the high dudgeon if she had been a he and he had been a Republican and the President had been named Obama. Further imagine he had been known to whistle Dixie and had a secret stash of “Song of the South” CDs. And, to make it worse, he was a fan of John C. Calhoun before Sanctuary Cities. He would have had his ass welded to the next available Pioneer “Let’s Go to See Pluto” rocket, don’t you think?]
As Ulysses said, “[I] am not now that strength which in old days moved heaven and earth…” I must rise to the bait of the following.
“We are people of a God who embraces and upholds
the dignity of every person.”
And yes, the italics are mine.
The list of signators of the above is today’s A-Team, spiritual descendants of the teachers of my youth.
I have a clear memory of 2 large Marist Brothers, under the capable hand of Brother Leo, toting a pre-World War 2 Frigidaire down the front steps of my home on 50th street in Bayonne in 1954. The next time I saw it was in 1967 in the new school on 57th Street. It had been restored, restarted and was filled with cold beer.
As to “We are people of a God….” the signators, not quite at risk as the Founders on July 4, 1776 – there are no anti-anti Nazis, are there? – specifically included African-Americans. I am forced to heed Brother Leo’s last bit of advice about “not hiding my light under a bushel”.
“Every person”, while it is surely not an abstract noun, is assuredly universal in its definition.
Wasn’t it Stalin, the idol of modern American Liberals in the “low, dishonest decade” of the ‘30s, who said, “One death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic”.
There have been at least 62,000,000 abortions since 1973. It is passing strange that while the number of pneumonectomies and installed scleral buckles can be stated with 100% metaphysical certitude the number of aborted babies flushed down the drains of myriad abattoir charnel houses is vague. Modern American Liberals are not known for their devotion to precise numbers
Speaking of African-Americans….the sound you hear is the other shoe as it approaches Mach 1.
Somewhere between 35% and 40% of the abortions done in this country since 1973 have been performed on, as you say, “African-American” women. 20,000,000 to 25,000,000 million are gone. How many of them would have loved to have seen a statue, any statue, even one of the Johnny Reb who fired the shot that killed my grandfather’s uncle, a private in the Irish Brigade, in the Wheat Field at Gettysburg on July 2, 1863?
Margaret Sanger, Hitler’s favorite American, won. Dorothy Day lost.
Walker Percy, a man to make Catholics proud as the name Roger Taney should make us feel ashamed, said the “back door of an abortion clinic goes straight to Auschwitz”.
Who will say Kaddish for these dead Black people?
It is a self-evident fact that the Black modern American Liberal female Missouri legislator had a mother who avoided the Sirens’ call. She steered her corporal temple past both the Scylla of hedonism and the Charybdis of moral relativism. And we wind up with the daughter calling for the murder of a White President and why do I know this will not be treated as a hate crime?
Did Trump kill those people in Spain? How about in Finland? Is Allah still Akbar?
The hip is good today but the kidney is acting up.
I would be upset if you did not forward this to all the Brothers on the letter, if not for their comments then certainly for their prayers.
Kevin Smith – Marist High School – 1961
PS – Skip the statues. Bring back Sherman and have him do to Charleston what the Romans did to Carthage. Losers don’t get to put up statues.
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