Monday, August 28, 2017

August 27, 2017

Fabiola Santiago
The Miami Herald

RE: Dems missed the boat on Venezuela? Did Debbie Wasserman-Schultz say, “He arado en el mar?” Your column in today’s Miami Herald may have revealed a bit too much of what’s going on behind the curtain of modern American Liberalism. The Elders, the Keepers of the Tablets that rule the tribe and its scribes, will be mad at you for forgetting your place and hinting at the truth.

Ms. Santiago,

Buckle up you boob. It’s going to be a bumpy ride. Democrats, particularly the modern American Liberal kind [As if there were any other kind] looooove dictators, particularly the good kind.

George McClellan, when he ran against Lincoln in 1864 called him a “baboon”. The New York Times, then as now the drumbeater for the Democrats, acquiesced in this when they endorsed McClellan. In so doing, they supported an armistice that would have kept slavery. Just think. If McClellan had won there would have been no arguments about the statues.

Margaret Sanger, heroine of modern American Liberals, was Hitler’s favorite American with Ambassador Papa Joe Kennedy being a close second. Indeed he credited her with being the inspiration for being his 1934 Nuremberg Race laws

If we are to believe Justice Thurgood Marshall President Woodrow Wilson was the most bigoted, racist President in the 20th century. Is there anybody demonstrating to take his statues down?

Democrats have shouted themselves hoarse whining that Trump is a card-carrying KGB agent. It didn’t bother them when Walter Duranty, let me quickly add that Walter Duranty of the New York Times won a friggin’ Pulitzer Prize, was abought and paid for butt boy of the KGB. Ditto for Alger Hiss. Hiss actually accompanied FDR to Yalta where Uncle Joe took his pants down and burned his ass.

Harry Dexter White and Henry Wallace were proud Democratic names – Wallace was the Vice President, remember? – who danced to the tune of the KGB puppet masters. 
Vito Marcontonio sat in Congress. Paul Robeson wet his pants when he won the coveted Stalin Prize. Lillian Hellman left her estate to the study of Marxism.

MALs were positively tumescent when Hitler and Stalin played kissy-face for almost 2 years, remember? FDR sent a lot of Federal bureaucrats to study Mussolini’s management techniques. I think it had something to do with public transit. At the same time, he nominated former Klan member Hugo Black to the Supreme Court. And, as previously mentioned, he made Henry Wallace, a bed wetting pinko Commie rat bastard, his Vice President. And democrats complained about Nixon.

 Again the New York Times hits one for a six. Herbert L. Matthews helped Fidel Castro get and keep his job. Ho Chi Minh didn’t need any more SAM missiles as long as he had Harrison Salisbury, also of the Times, blocking for him. 

The Democratic Party, true believers in “Midnight Basketball” and raising both taxes and the minimum wage while fighting America’s longest, bloodiest war, the hugely successful one against poverty, lionized Castro. The Hollywood stooges adored Hugo Chavez. All the tin-pot dictators in Africa were given a pass. Anthony Lewis, another New York Times rump-swabber, told us that we were “culturally arrogant” to question Pol Pot of Cambodia when he killed 1/3rd of his countrymen.

Democrats love dictators.

“We were over to Russia to see the future. And it works!” “You can’t make an omelet without braking eggs”. Guess what? No one in the Tea Party said that.

Maybe next time Kumbaya and trying to get water to run uphill and passing a law outlawing gravity will work. Maybe the lion and the lamb can get along but why is there never a call for a new lion when it’s bed time?

And maybe my brother the hunchback will straighten up.

Kevin Smith

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