Tuesday, January 2, 2018

January 1, 2018

Letter to the Editor
The Star Ledger
One Gateway Center
Newark, NJ 071025323- 

RE: “Eclectic indignation” or how virginal is your pristine dudgeon?


Is your bemoaning of the, as you say, “smearing” of special prosecutor Robert Mueller predicated on whether all special prosecutors should be exempt from partisan criticism or is it just special prosecutors who go after Republican Presidents?

Did not James Carville – a brief trip to those glory days reminds us that while all Presidents must lie, not all Presidents are required to commit perjury. Also, there is always the case of the semen-stained dress and the etymology of the word “is”, remember? Like I said, the good old days – spend all his waking hours constantly carping and caterwauling while he pilloried and poleaxed Kenneth Starr. If memory serves, Starr was a special prosecutor with the same powers as Mueller. 

Did you object to the billingsgate that Carville pelted Starr with. If not, why not? Favore, explain the difference to me.

A thread common to modern American Liberals and their lap dog flunkies, the editorial ass kissers who slavishly support them, is “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome”. Not familiar with the term? Send a SASE.

Kevin Smith

PS – The Rutgers football season ended a month ago yet you still cover it. Why was there nary a mention of the nationally ranked Seton Hall basketball team and its thrilling win over Saint John’s?

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