January 12, 2018
“Shit Hole countries”
Of course, of course, we turn to Orwell. He believed in calling a spade a spade. I trust I have everybody’s toes up on the line marked Scarlet Letter – “R” – for racism.
As the most hated and reviled essayist of the 20th century – How dare he suggest that Communists are stone killers who use “power to the people” as political cover as he did in “Homage to Catalonia”? How dare he suggest that the great Stalin was less than perfect as he did in “Animal Farm”? How dare he suggest that the future of socialism is a boot in the face of “the last free man in Europe” as he did in “1984”?
He also told us that
“The obvious and true have got to be defended. Truisms are true.
Hold on to that. The solid world exists. It does not change.
Stones are hard. Water is wet.
If that is granted all else follows.”
Thus, when President Trump calls Haiti a “shit hole”, it falls under either the
“stones” umbrella or the “water” aegis. Knowledge of Latin is not required to be able to define either res ipso loquitur or quod erat demonstratum in re the collusion between Haiti, shit hole and shit sto. By any measurable standard, Haiti is a shit hole in a shit storm. Other than voo-doo and some dynamite recipes for vegan rock stew what other contributions has it made to the Western Canon? Also, add that they are a clean people, like Senator Biden describing Senator Obama, remember? I know this because they frequently wash up on the beach
“stones” umbrella or the “water” aegis. Knowledge of Latin is not required to be able to define either res ipso loquitur or quod erat demonstratum in re the collusion between Haiti, shit hole and shit sto. By any measurable standard, Haiti is a shit hole in a shit storm. Other than voo-doo and some dynamite recipes for vegan rock stew what other contributions has it made to the Western Canon? Also, add that they are a clean people, like Senator Biden describing Senator Obama, remember? I know this because they frequently wash up on the beach
The violence there makes Chicago and Baltimore look like Vatican City on Good Friday.
Whenever there is an earthquake, a hurricane, a zombie apocalypse, a misplaced tsunami, guilty 1%ers, overwhelmingly White, send a Berlin Airlift armada filled with cash, drugs, cell phones, exercise equipment, washing machines, and cable TV contracts. Did I mention cash? How do you think the Clintons paid for Chelsea’s wedding?
It is said that in America 3 kinds of people are responsible for most charitable contributions: A – rich Protestants, B – most Jews, and C – poor Catholics.
How much of the pelf and swag that fell on Haiti the last time they were a victim of life’s circumstances came from Africa?
The outpouring of charity “falling like gentle rain from the heavens” is done for 2 reasons:
A – It is a corporal work of mercy and thus it is divinely sanctioned and
B – Better to help them there than have them show up here with their begging bowls. And “B” is a Baltimore Catechism example of imperfect contrition
As tough as it is to put lipstick on a pig it is tougher still to say that Haiti isn’t a shit hole.
While I am at it, there are at least 6 countries in Africa that permit slavery. “Slavery”? Slavery. “Africa”? Africa.
All hail the Irish for ending slavery in their country 1600 years ago!
All hail William Wilberforce for forcing England to end slavery 180 years ago!
All hail Abraham Lincoln for saying, one month before our Civil War ended, that if more blood had to be shed to end slavery, we would shed it!
6 African countries – Mali, Chad, Mauretania, Nigeria, Sudan, and Libya – acquiesce in the slave trade. If that is not a O.E.D. definition of “shit hole/shit storm” then, pray tell, what is?
Yemen? North Korea? Zimbabwe? [Trader Joe’s sells, so help me, coffee from Zimbabwe and Zambia. Organic; of course. Brazil still sells the inorganic kind that exploits the people and despoils the land.]
Uruguay has 3 things going for it:
A – The Graf Spee scuttled itself off its coast in 1939.
B – It won the World Cup in 1930 and 1950.
C – I refused to extend credit to its national airline in 1997.
Definitely a “shit hole” country.
OK. OK Add Venezuela, Paraguay, and Surinam to the “shit hole” Hall of Fame
After the pyramids and letting White Europeans build a canal what has Egypt done?
I almost forgot. They gave us WOG, as in Westernized Oriental Gentlemen, as in “WOGS begin at Calais”, one of the great words of the White Man’s Burden era. The Egyptians used it to distinguish themselves from the really swell guys in Sudan which, of course, is “shit hole” country.
Why do the Haitians swim past Cuba, a workers’ paradise if ever there were one, on their way to racist, “deplorable” America? Can it be that there is no free stuff to be had in Cuba? In Cuba’s defense it has a “shit hole” government. Other than breakfast, lunch, and dinner it has solved everything that ails modern man. Teen age obesity has been solved by mandatory long-distance swimming schools and no carbs.
Pop quiz.
President Obama said that Libya was a “shit storm” country. Do “shit storm” countries morph into “shit hole” countries?
Senator Obama, Senator Schumer, and Senator Obama voted for a wall on the border with Mexico in 2006, Senator Durbin gave an impassioned speech in the Senate against “chain migration”. Could the term “racist” be used against them?
Whatever you can do with shit you can’t shine it.
Lest we forget, the thing that makes a nation sovereign is the ability to control its borders and, concomitantly, who gets in. Saint Paul avoided crucifixion by saying “Sum Romanus”.
Kevin Smith
PS – 25 centuries ago, a non-shit hole and non-shit storm author, a disabled veteran and one of the most distinguished Dead White European Males, [DWEMs, for those boobs who have Kumbaya tattooed on their palms] Sophocles by name, had one of his characters, Antigone by name, go to the mat with a king named Creon. It was the first time in literature that 2 individuals fought to the death over a conflict of rights.
I first read about it in 1962. For the last 10 years or so I have been leaning towards Creon and his “right”. Possibly, there is no permanent answer to what seems to be a permanent question.
It applies to the “shit hole/shit storm” dust up thus:
Pick a country, any country save Norway.
Pick a country where cholera is as normal there as teenage obesity is here. Pick a country where prepubescent girls have their G-spots excised by the bottom of a coke bottle. Pick a country where poison snakes and malaria are du jour events. Pick a country that cultivates earthquakes and tsunamis Pick a country where no one, particularly the Judges, has ever heard of the Rule of Law. Pick a country where the debate over plastic or paper is. never heard. Pick a country where no one gives a shit about drowning polar bears, rising sea levels, furbish louseworts, or carbon footprints. Pick a country where once a month where the theory of homosexuals not being able to fly is proved by flinging a few of them off a roof.
The list grows and grows.
Add a lack of nutrition and a lack of indoor plumbing and I will need a new ink cartridge to name them all.
Simple question.
Do residents of any country fitting any of the descriptions listed above have the “right” to come to this country?
Do we have the “duty” to accept them?
Take your time.
The question was first asked 2500 years ago.
Right v right.
Which right, forgive me, trumps the other?
It still hasn’t been answered.
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