November 18, 2019
“My cup runneth over.”
In fact, as the good news begins in the pre-dawn hours of a to Hell with tree hugging Eco-Nazis who praise Global Warming because it gives them cover for their true goal, herd culling, with 4th & 5th trimester genocidal abortions that would make both Margaret Sanger and Josef Mengele proud and envious., it’s cold in South Florida.
Cold is a relative thing.
I worked for 2 summers in a frozen food company – minus 11 degrees F, hard by the Holland Tunnel, Jersey side – I was paid $3.27 an hour plus time and ½ for OT when the minimum wage was $1.05 an hour for which I still thank my Uncle, John Lonergan, who went everywhere MacArthur went in the Pacific. When I was born – 1943 – my Mom told her baby brother that I had such beautiful blond hair. “Don’t cut it ‘til I get back”, he asked. The problem was he took a few detours after VJ Day and didn’t get back to Jersey City until the middle of 1946. Now that I am folliclely challenged I guess I miss the good old days.
When the Berlin Wall went up, the 4 WW2 combat vets working there advised me not only which branch to join but which MOS to get into because “it was my turn.”
Also, when I was in the gold mining business, and there aren’t too many guys from Bayonne who have that on their c.v., I spent some time in Timmons, Ontario with Timmons being further north of Toronto then Toronto was north of Newark airport.
As Pete Rose once said, “Cold is in your mind. The it goes to your toes, your knees, your hips, and then your balls.” Cold is different in Timmons. Cold means cold.
[As an aside, I met a helicopter pilot there who had worked for Catholic Relief Services in Ethiopia. “We Are The World”, remember? He told me stories that made me regret the large sum of money I sent them.]
Anyway, before I was overcome with grief over my beloved manatees, av]bout 10 yards form my back door, trying to do what the Titanic couldn’t do; viz .avoid an iceberg the size of Delaware – I told you it was cold here -I sought surcease and succor from the internet.
Which brings me back to “my cup runneth over.”
One of my favorite authors * said, “Focus on the absurd lest reality drive you mad.”
When I close the door on coyote decorated man cave, I see a poster with pictures of Swift, Beckett, Yeats, Behan, Wilde, and Joyce. It’s as good as 3 fingers of Tullamore Dew. I want to add a picture of George Costanza to it but it I am a big believer in ethnic purity.
I watched the Greg Gutfled Show last night - Sorry, NFL – where one of his throwaway lines – “Where the Left goes, humor leaves” - is sure to become a pearl of precious price. Imagine Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and Maxine Waters doing some slapstick, maybe Black face, water balloons, and guffawing. I can’t either.
“Drop the chalupa”
“Chalupa”, being a quasi Tex/Mex cantina pub grub snack, in addition to being a word that Joyce would have proud to pen, will, if the impeachment proceeds to the Senate, be a witness called by the Republicans. Schiff, the Shithead, won’t call him because his testimony could be damaging to the modern American Liberals who run the place. The Constitution gives each House the absolutely unimpeachable, unrestricted power to do what it damns well pleases, Section 5 Part 2, to put a fine point on it, And, don’t forget, “politics ain’t beanbag” He is a bit player in the Biden/Biden quid pro quo bribery extortion plot in the Ukraine before Trump was President.
Speaking of defenses, who remembers, besides me, Congressman Tom Lontos [D-CA] who asked Craig Livingstone, Wide Bottomed Hillary’s “special’ friend, and the gatekeeper to the White House in the early day of Big Bill’s reign, if, as an alternative to testifying, had ever thought of suicide? I do.
“At a certain age, a man gets what he wants to be.”
John LeCarre
According to the Swalwell Theorem [Eric Swallwell D-CA] , one of Queen Victoria’s lesser children was Jack the Ripper. Swallwell posited a simple enough proposition against Trump. “Any accusation, however imbecilic or asinine must be believed until it is proved to untrue. And it must be proved to be untrue beyond the shadow of a doubt by people who hate and despise him. Deplorables are not allowed.”
Rumors swept Mayfair that Arthur was carving up the callets, the vizards, and the rumbelows because he didn’t much like Mom.
Using the Swallwell Logic, the same construct that Speaker Foley used when he investigated the “October Surprise”, the one that had Bush 41 sneak a ride on a spare SR71, aka “The Blackbird” for a quick trip to Paris so he could put the kibosh on Carter’s, Clod Carter, the worst President in the 20th century, attempt to get the American hostages back from Teheran.
Confidential sources, which, of course, must remain confidential, tell me that on the way back the overflew the Bermuda Triangle looking for Atlantis. The results are in Area 51.
It’s a straight line from Arthur to Andrew. I liked him. Like his father, his grandfather, and his nephew, he had “seen the elephant” and returned – Amy’s uncle Leonard
“saw” him on Okinawa and didn’t return – to tell “with advantages” his Crispin’s saga. One of my UK pals knew him socially and said he was good guy, a stand-up guy. So what the Hell was he doing on TV talking about his cock watching pal?
The answer is inbreeding.
36 years ago, I met a man in Kentucky, Judge Joe Johnson, who told me all I needed to know about Versailles, KY horse breeders and traders – and own there it’s pronounced Versails, none of the French argot for them good old boys - .when he said, “I don’t want say that first cousins were humping each other but a lot of them can look through a keyhole with both eyes.”
And why is haemophilia called the Royal Disease? And how did Rasputin get so far up Czarina’s royal ass? Simple. He convinced her he could stop her son, the Czarevich, from bleeding.
I am sure DeBrett’s or Burke’s can work out the relationship between/among Arthur, Alexie, and Andrew, not quite alliterative but close enough for government work. Randy Andy wound up on TV because he had no relatives smart enough to say, “Don’t be a shmuck.”
As long as I am in a shibboleth shattering mood, here’s a big one: Jews and Chinamen are smarter than the average bear.
#1 – I am not a Jew. The man who founded my church was. I am a legatee, a proud legatee, of the 3-legged stool of ‘Western Civilization. Jerusalem, Athens, Rome. If you take a glance at the list of Noble Prize winners there is a disparately disproportionate number of Jews on it. I mention this because, as Jackie Mason says, a lot of Jews don’t like Jews. I wonder why nationally prominent Jewish pols compete with each other to bash Israel. And further, why do Jewish non-pols sit on their hands?
#2 – Wazupwid Chinamen and Hong Kong? Lenin and Stalin used Armand Hammer, a great friend of the Gore family, to keep $ lines open to the West. Common sense would counsel against taking a chain saw to your nose after you shoot both feet. I don’t know what the Sino equivalent of a Potemkin village is but if we do it will signal a return to the good old days of Chairman Mao. China needs us far, far more than we need them. Plus, we have better submarines.
Since Latin is the big thing these days – Quid pro quo, no? – Why not let the people speak? Let’s haver a referendum, not quite like we had on same-sex marriage, remember, since that one was ignored, but a much simpler one. Let’s change Cartago delenda est to Mecca delenda est.
Do you hear the people sing? Will you join in my crusade?
Kevin Smith
PS – Thanks again to Young Gene Bolan, as Tom Blauvelt, Esq. used to call him, for fixing my shower curtain. Until his serendipitous arrival Saturday last I was condemned to an eternity of sailors’ baths.