Sunday, December 8, 2019

December 8, 2019 She brought it up; I didn’t.

December 8, 2019

She brought it up; I didn’t. Nancy Pelosi, late of the Baltimore grifting and grafting Pelosis and D’Allesandros and how is that experiment in big city Democratic politics working out these days, who can, thanks to Botox, pee through her navel while standing up, brings the Catholic Church into the conversation.

  And it is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a concept that covers all the deuced difficult things about the Roman Catholic Church. We are asked to believe a contra-Logical thesis and then we are told that not only must we believe it but there is no possibility of error.

Chinese restaurants give you the option of one from Column A and one from Column B and mixing is not allowed. The Catholic Church, as it has done imperfectly for 20 centuries, al least 100 generations, has taken the choice off the menu. 

It’s like you are in the jewelry business and you are invited to your first DeBeer’s “showing”. You accept it in its entirety or you reject it. In the case of DeBeer’s, rejection almost always guarantees that you will not be invited back. Once the Church releases its Hound the pursuit is perpetual and relentless. [vide Francis Thompson]

Nancy Pelosi, in her pristine cloak of invisibility, the one that prevents innocent bystanders from asking if she knows that deep down, as a card carrying, fire breathing modern American Liberal, she really is full of shit, says she was raised in a house where hate never entered, where love, agape, to put an extremely fine point on it, ruled in a most beneficently despotic way. 

And then came Roe v Wade.

[Let the record show that Justice Marshall, at once the best trial lawyer and the worst Justice of the 20th century, said in his affirming opinion that Blacks should favor abortion as an alternative to growing up in a society drowning in racism. That may explain why Black women, about 6% of the population, have had between 35% and 40% of the abortion since 1973 performed on them. I ask that since various agencies of both Federal and local governments predicate public policy on something called “disparate effect”, regardless of motive. Why isn’t the net racial effect of abortion called “genocide?”]

Anyway, Nancy with the perpetually smiling face, with a grin set in marble and a smirk sculpted out of titanium, announces that as a Catholic hate is verboten, silent prayer, even for your enemies, is good, and here comes the Screwtape/Wormwood deal breaker, abortion is sacred. 

Attention Speaker Pelosi, Senator Durbin, Senator Casey, and the almost exponentially expanding, non-aborted Kennedys who have not yet assumed their entitled places at the tables of power and privilege – Dare I say “White Privilege?” – abortion is still an infamia, it is still malum per se.
Maritain told us that a soul “is a bit of straw into which God has breathed life”.

Nancy Pelosi, for whom people come from all over the country and squat in front of her house in San Francisco after removing their knickers and shit, either in homage to her “wokeness” or in condemnation of her “plaid is my favorite color of theology and morality” om abortion.

It would take a phalanx of Herculeses to sweep and sanitize the ordure from her reasoning and actions.

Let her become Anathema 

My favorite Christmas Carol is “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing” which has a most profound line in it. “God and sinner reconciled” is God’s grace being extended to public sinners such as Nancy Pelosi.

It is time, indeed it is past time, to come to hear and heed Dante’s words and come out of the cave, “look up and see the stars”. 

And yes, Madam Speaker, those sounds are of the Hound in relentless pursuit coupled with the prayerful sounds of Catholics and men of good will everywhere praying for your ‘Amazing Grace’ moment.

Kevin Smith

PS – Nobody ever said it was easy being a Catholic but Augustine, a model of diversity and multi-culturalism before they were popular, said, “Love God and do what you will.”


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