December 22,23,24, 2019
“God is not for man to scan.
The proper study of mankind is man.”
Who knows? Maybe John Dingle is in Hell. I know, based on his voting record, he should be in Hell. Besides, it’s not my call.
And, “Politics ain’t beanbag>”
“Billingsgate” isn’t just a place, It’s a state of mind that’s as real as your boot.
If Wogette Rashida Tlaib, a member of Congress who specializes in petty theft, can call the President, our President, our beloved President, il magnifico to his myriad admirers a “motherfucker” and suffer no consequences, no reprisals then a case can be made for Dingell’s permanent status in Gehenna. And maybe his wife should shut her effin’ mouth.
And exactly when did uxorial privilege, something not mentioned in the Constitution, trump elections? By the bye, didn’t Pelosi dump Dingle’s sad-sacked ass a few years ago?
Mayor Richard Dailey, he of the Chicago School of “Don’t bring a knife to a gun fight”, a place this week where 13 people were shot while attending a memorial service for someone who survived the genocide of Black abortion only to fall victim to the feral violence caused by Trump’s mean spirited withdrawal from the good-hearted, well intended Paris Climate Accord, felt he was Hell-bound because he put a huge thumb on the scale for JFK in 1960. By continuing the fix that was begun in Duval County, Texas by Honest Abe Fortas in 1948, the one where he “found” 200 votes, surprisingly in alphabetic order, that put “Landslide” Lyndon Johnson in the Senate, the one where preliminary sketches of the DC Vietnam Wall were approved. That’s a lot of baggage for an Irish-Catholic to carry to his grave without the saving grace of “God and sinner reconciled”.
Let me reveal some of the reasons why I “carry water” for the President. Some, not all.
#1 – Ass of today, Trump has confirmed 187 Federal Judges. He has 2 Supreme Court Justices. He has remade 2 Circuit Courts and is close to swinging the whackaloon 9th Circuit Court back to what the Founders thought it should be.
#2 – He moved the American Embassy in Israel from Zabar’s East to Jerusalem.
#3 – Modern American Liberal economic condescending notwithstanding, he has “created” the greatest anti-Poverty program for non-Whites in History. He helped them to get jobs at a rate and at wages never before seen.
#4 – Decades ago, a very wise man told me never to argue with a canceled check. NYSE, NASDAQ, S&P. Check it out.
#5 – He’s “smart and no fool.”
I recycled “The Kingdom of Speech” by Tom Wolfe to Texas where I am now in Christmas residence with my Texas Ladies. It is an astonishing book in that it delivers Texas-sized ass whuppings to, inter alia, Noam Chomsky and then the 400-pound gorilla squawking and shitting all over the room, the one and only Charles Darwin.
I once advised the son of a dear friend that rather than wasting energy on whether man descended from the apes or the bears the question of why, after more than a century and a half, it is still just a theory. Granted, it is the Theory but then again Ptolemy was numero uno for 15 centuries. And speaking of people headed to the “undiscovered country,” what is the over/under of Slow Joe Biden making it to Labor Day?
The other book, one worthy of a few fingers of an adult beverage, is “Carnage and Culture” by Victor Davis Hanson. Its premise is simple: Free men become better fighters. They become cold blooded, vicious killers when defending what is theirs.
Hanson’s line describing Rorke’s Drift, a battle where the Zulu outnumbered the British by at least 40 to 1 – “The most dangerous place to be in the world was 100 yards in front of the British guns” - is another way of updating the Texas expression “Ain’t a horse can’t be ridden, ain’t a rider can’t be throwed.” And although I am bound and determined not to be cliché-ridden, maybe it’s not the size of the man in the fight but rather the size of the fight in the man.
“Lawrence of Arabia”, in what is now inarguably the greatest movie ever made, has a scene that proves the point.
Alec Guinness argues for more guns, artillery to be precise, because it is what made Britain great. “Discipline,” responds Anthony Quayle.
By the time you get to Midway you are starting to feel sorry for those poor Jap bastards.
2 books, worthy of note.
I think Greta Thunberg – and shouldn’t her parents be punished for abusing her? - the snotty little Swedish shit who suggested that anyone not subscribing fully to her Luddite positions on man’s achievements be taken out and shot, has suggested that Solyndra should be revived. There’s a plan.
It’s Kwanzaa time again.
I was present in 1967 when it was finalized. Like “The Aeneid” it was created out of whole cloth. Is there an Ebonically correct word for the old English standby bullshit?
Furthering the cause of Black Power bullshit – Is that proof of White Supremacy or is just ignorant racism per se? – is an article in the Dallas Morning News written by W. Mondale Robinson. In it he says, after saying that “poll taxes and literacy tests” are keeping black men from voting. [N.B. “from voting” suggests present tense] Am I the only one to remember that 35 years ago, as a consolation prize and a participation trophy for being shut out in the Democratic primaries, Jesse Jackson was given a credit card and a sack filled with Benjamins every week precisely to register Black voters.
I guess that didn’t work out.
Further, I come from Florida with news that Mr. Robinson is, based on his article, not familiar with.
Andrew Gillum, the Black candidate for Governor, also a man with an ethical problem no bigger than a man’s fist on the horizon, is not Governor because 35,000 Black women in the Tampa area did not like his opposition to charter schools.
“All politics is local” but maybe Mr. Robinson should have included the local ladies in his quest for the perfect society, not quite free from racism.
Pick one
Merry Christmas
A non-denominational Seasons’ Greetings
Merry Christmas
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