Thursday, January 9, 2020

January 8, 2020 Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel RE: Judges – Some comments on your unlinkable editorial this day about the evils of the populi voxing when the results are not to your liking. The answer will be given at the end of my screed.

January 8, 2020

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Judges – Some comments on your unlinkable editorial this day about the evils of the populi voxing when the results are not to your liking. The answer will be given at the end of my screed.


The only thing worse than picking Judges is electing them.

I share the aversion first voiced by Plato, then by Marcus Aurelius, by Thomas Aquinas, by Edmund Burke, by all the Founders, particularly James Madison, our little giant of governance, towards the ill-named bete-noire known as participatory democracy.

[Reductio ad absurdum but did FDR give a fireside chat asking for national support when he ordered the assassination of Admiral Yamomoto in 1943?]

Full disclosure requires me to reveal that, despite not having gone to high school until he was 26, he was appointed to the New Jersey Bench by his law school classmate. He served honorably and is a DNA joy unto his 3rd generation. 

If membership in the Federalist Society – again full disclosure  requires me to say that my son Sean, when he was in law school, was not only a member of the Federalist Society but was an officer in his law school’s chapter – is, per se, grounds for Senate rejection,  what would membership in the Southern Poverty Law Center imply? How about Black Lives Matter? Fair Play for Cuba? NARAL?

Guilt by Association is OK when the other side is occupied by the Right, right? 

And, by the bye, Apples v Oranges is disposed of by the ancient Rhetorical device known in the public arenas “My Ass”

As a further aside, Logical constructs are not parabolic curves. That’s why Logic is the capstone of the Trivium.

Now it is time for today’s History lesson.

It is the least that I owe to Clio. 

Your mention, in the typical preordained modern American Liberal fashion, the Bush v Gore dustup in 2000. You should have mentioned that the 7 - 2 vote that made Bush President 43 was cast when the Democratic Senate rejected Robert Bork’s nomination to the Supreme Court in 1987.
If you raised an eyebrow at the 7 – 2 vote, you are reacting in typical, preordained modern American Liberal fashion.

The vote to accept the case was 5 – 4.

The deciding vote was 7 – 2.

If Bork had been confirmed, the vote would have been 5 – 4 against accepting the case. It would have sent back to Tallahassee after a quick stop in Atlanta and, in short order, VP Alpha Gump, notorious slum lord, serial polluter, tobacco farmer and Senate cat’s paw for Armand Hammer, Lenin’s and Stalin’s butt boy in DC, would have been President. That would have meant that Thumper Gump and all the baby Gumpsters could have entertained all the radcial WOG terrorists that Big Gump did business with in the White House. 

As if any more reason was needed to reject Bork, he was a disciple of Alexander Bickel.

 Look him up.

Trial Judges on the county and state level  in Florida are elected. On the Appellate level, they are appointed by the Governor, subject to legislative approval.

The one sure way to guarantees that only George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, SEIU and NARAL approved Judges sit on Florida Appellate benches is to unelect the Republican scoundrels and replace them with Democratic scoundrels.

     Kevin Smith

PS – As bad as governor DeSantis is when he appoints Appellate Judges who knew that, in addition to being a gizmo/gadget store in the airport, Blackstone knew his way around the Justice system. DeSantis appoints them to Florida Appellate Courts and Trump appoints them to the Federal Bench. It’s like taking the show on a quick road tour before bringing it to Broadway. You would think that Trump’s plate would be quite filled what with getting 200 Aussies to set their country on fire and using fracking to make America the #1 oil producer in the world that he would have no time to remake the Federal Judiciary. But, Deo volente and Deo Gratias, he has and he will. So far he has 187 Federal Judges approved with 2 on the Supreme Court and 2 Appellate Divisions flipped and one more, the notorious 9th Circuit ready to go. And it all happened because Russia was able to convince Wide-Bottomed Hillary not to campaign in Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Don’t you love it when a plan comes together?

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