Wednesday, January 22, 2020

January 20, 2020 So tell me again. Exactly why did the Patriots trade Garappolo?

January 20, 2020

So tell me again. Exactly why did the Patriots trade Garappolo?

And Lieawatha Warren is still a foetid bag of eel shit who couldn’t lie straight in bed while shrouded in plaid sheets.

But wait, there’s more. The New York Times just endorsed Lieawatha Warren after they endorsed Amy Klobuchar. It leaves one unanswered question. Who’s on top? 

How much did CNN pay to the MAGA hat wearing kid from Covington Catholic? 

He had just come from a Pro-Life rally in DC – there were no Pro-Death rallies there that day, save in the abortion abattoirs – when he was confronted by foul-mouthed apes espousing Black Israeli jabberwocky. Then a native American toss pot, about a point of Ripple short of a full load, began to beat a tom-tom in his face. Naturally, CNew he was a deplorably racist White power elitist who was learning to appreciate DWEMs. Naturally, they ran with their story. And, although it’s been a while since Macey’s told Gimbel’s anything, they got the Washington Post to go along with their blood libel. [The Post will always be remembered for its apocryphal headline “Earth Slammed by Comet. Women & Minorities Suffer Disproportionately”]

The Pos twill shortly be showing up, hat in one hand, money in the other, t6o save their sad-sacked, sorry modern American Liberal ass. 

Good. If we follow the Bolshie Bernie and Lieawatha rule Bezos has too much money anyway. And besides, he didn’t build it anyway.

I used to think that Great Thunberg was abused. I figure that grim visage, pickle weaning look came from Uncle Olaf playing “stinky finger” with her way back when. She walked to Davos, thereby undrowning hundreds of polar bears plus planting organic tofu vines in the Alps to prevent the planet from bombing a la Professor Krugman, the Tonight Show’s Johnny Carson; science side-kick, always told us beginning 50 years ago.

Greta became a shitty little snot all on her own.  

She is staying at the only Motel 6 in Davos. Is that far from where the Swiss used to burn people for being public nuisances?

For 2 years Congressman Adam Schillforbrians told us he had seen the evidence of Donald Trump, il magnifico to his nearest and dearest, coming and going in Moscow, at 13 Dherzinsky Square, where he got his marching orders from Beria’s heirs. Now that the trial has begun, will we get a chance to see it?

I have chosen Plan B.

Plan A was going to the Section 8 B&B run by Mother Teresa, where Kipling spoke for all.

Plan B has me going to Texas on 2/8/ or 2/9 where my Texas Ladies will tend to me. Truth be known, Florida wasn’t big enough for me, too confining.

Waxy’s in San Antonio is too far for a daily dram and Caffe Europa will not be opening a branch in Muleshoe, and yes, there is a Muleshoe, Texas and, as Texas goes, I t’s fairly close to Deaf Smith [no relation] Texas. Submit all past dues for prompt consideration and quick disposition. 

Attention must be paid to the Beatification of Brother Henri Verges, FMS. He was martyred, literally hacked to death by a machete-wielding, radical Islamic terrorist, a true WOG, decidedly not one the idyllic proselytizers who were at Tours, at Malta, at Lepanto, at Vienna, at Omdurman, at the World Trade Center, at the cartoon place in Paris, at the kosher butcher shop in Jersey City, shouting Allah Akbar.

I mention him because he was a Marist Brother. They taught me in Bayonne from 1957 to 1961. The same revised Order of Saint Benedict that they lived under, the same rubrics and protocols that governed their quotidian duties, he lived under. Thus is formed a common bond, an eternal bond 

47 Marist Brothers, possibly some of the same Brothers who taught Picasso, Dali, and DeGaulle, were martyred in Barcelona on October 31, 1936. It is known that they were not killed by Franco; it is not known if the Lincoln Brigade has a hand in it. It is also known that neither Orwell nor Hemingway wrote about it. 47 in one day. 47.

After 66 years the Brothers have left Bayonne. They will be remembered.

Kevin Smith

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