January 26, 2020
Rosie O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor\
The Sun Sentinel
RE: A comment or two on your unlinkablle editorial on the death penalty – agin, of course, agin, as if any other choicer could have been possible.
Rosie, sweet heart,
Ah, but the scope of your offenses – egregious, of course egregious. How could they be otherwise? – against the Trivium on general and Logic, its crowning jewel capstone – is boundless.
You achingly familiar modern American Liberal- based opposition to the death penalty – Does it extend to Bukharin, Julie & Ethel, Adolf Eichmann, Ted Bundy, John McVeigh or does it just extend to a feral urban youth – forgive the euphemism - who was raised by a single Mom in Section 8 housing – is noted.
You say that “repeal [of the death penalty] became morally urgent.”
Does that go past a convicted felon or does it extend to a 4th trimester partially born human being? Or, as Maritain said,” A bit of straw into which God has breathed life.”
You say “It is fundamentally wrong to stack a court with people plainly disposed to any particular outlook.”
Really? And let us be thankful for large blessings but if, God Forbid, Wide-Bottomed Hillary had become President we can assume, safely, that Judge Gorsuch and Judge Kavanaugh would still be on the Appellate Court? How do we know that? Because she told us when she ran for office.
Other than the election of Trump, the Vulgarian, are there any other parts of voting that you object to? If I campaign for office promising to nominate a certain type of Judge don’t the people who voted for me have a marker, a chit, on my keeping the promise mad as a debt unpaid?
Appellate Court Judge RBG, while never commenting directly on whether she favored or was opposed to Roe v Wade, did say it was a shame that the pollical process of approving or disapproving of abortion was never allowed to play out. That is the one where people are allowed to vote, not Judges ruling.
Then you say, “The death penalty is perpetrated in the name of the people of Florida, so it is their option to stop it.”
A few years back, the populi of Florida voxed their opposition to same-sex marriage. In fact, nowhere and no time has it ever been voted on favorably anywhere, any time it has been presented to the public. Why then is it the law of the land?
The last 2 Supreme Court nominations gave us the rare opportunity to be ring-side observers to modern American Liberals hectoring us on the sanctity of stare decisis. Would it be unfair of me to mention Plessy v Ferguson? How about Dred Scott?
Are there are there are any other decisions the people, and God Bless’em, should overturn?
Would not Logic dictate, particularly when it is molded by mAL wing nuts and ohmadhauns who couldn’t tell a writ from a rite from a right, people who would chose plaid as the color of choice for Judicial robes, robes such as my father wore.
Plato warned us about political whims such as these and the charlatans of those who pander to them 25 centuries ago.
How about we have the next high profile paedophile trial on the steps of the Courthouse?
Let the people decide!
Kevin Smith
PS – Resident Boob, Randy Schultz, whose buffoonery is boundless plus borderless. Rales against therapies for supposedly trans-gendered children. Is there an age – After successful toilet training? After nocturnal emission? After first menses? Before being able to enter into a contract? – where the child will be consulted on whether or not to get the chop? Also, Howard Simon, retired head of the Florida ACLU, a man whose entire adult life was predicated on whether or not the constable had blundered, gave a back handed mAL smarmy compliment to Senator Rubio, whom he does not name, for keeping his own counsel on the impeachment question. Dies that same faint praise extend to Senator Schumer [D-NY] or Senator Durbin [D-Il]? Who decidedly have not buttoned their respective lips or does it only apply to Republicans?
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