Thursday, January 16, 2020

January 12, 2020 Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel RE: As the Maine cow said to the farmer, “Thanks for the warm hand on a cold morning.” Some comments on target-rich but unlinkable editorial section.

January 12, 2020

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel

RE: As the Maine cow said to the farmer, “Thanks for the warm hand on a cold morning.” Some comments on target-rich but unlinkable editorial section.

As the sands running through the hour glass pick up speed it is time to put away the blunderbuss and go for one shot kills. 

Any chance you get to combine “What a putz!” with George Orwell must not be wasted.

Orwell said that some things are so dumb that only really, and I mean really, really smart people can believe such inane, vacuous bullshit. Fred Grimm and Randy Schultz stretch the gravity defying envelope things that modern American Liberals know, if taken seriously, would surely put them all on the one-way express train to the Valhalla called Solyndraville. 

Exit, stage left, not “pursued by a bear”,   to the emergency room
Dodged another bullet

The new official cartoon policy of the New Yorker
#1 – Trump is evil.
#2 – He must be destroyed.
#3 – Funny is optional
#4 – #3 does not supersede #1 & #2.
Would Mitch McConnell be criticized if he were to keep the Articles of Impeachment in the cooler, so to speak, like Nancy Pelosi did? Is the Pope Catholic? That’s a segue into the arena of “Bash the Catholics. They’re “deplorable”, aren’t they?” 

It’s not like Salami, the WOG terrorist who Trump blew up. CNN & MSNBC already rate him up with Mandela and Mother Teresa. Senator Feinstein, who looks like she has already been autopsied, criticized a Federal Judge nominee because he was a member of the Knights of Columbus. Catholics stayed in their bunker. AG Barr was criticized as a “cult Catholic”. It seems the only public figure willing to defend Catholics was Meir Kahane and. lately, Dennis Prager. Would I shock you if I told you that both were Jews?
January 20, 2020 

Dear Rosie, 

I’ll say one thing for your paper, even the part that is produced in Orlando’s Disneyworld. 

Your Wednesday edition forces me to get up pre-dawn, cross the bridge in my gas-guzzling, polar bear killing SUV, purchase same prior to my morning cocktail – now numbering 9 – of non-Bernie “Medicare for All” drugs. In fact, I believe that your editorial insistence on buttressing the prescient Orwellian point of controlling both the present and the future by controlling the past, made the drugs work better. May I suggest that since Orwell, like the great Lord Keynes, is also more quoted than read that, a good starting point is “Why Orwell Matters” by the late Christopher Hitchens? No mention of Hichens is possible without mentioning that he almost came to blows with Sidney Blumenthal, Hillary Clinton’s most oleaginous butt boy, over the fact that he despised Wide-Bottomed Hillary because she had no one left to lie to. 

Some particular editorial points to ponder.

#1 – “Why do Florida’s teacher salaries rank 46th out of 50 states?”

Like Ockham, the obvious is too obvious. 

Thank God there are only 50 states. Also, until the teachers’ salaries are established by the Post Office - one size fits all – there will be discrepancies. The Post Office reference is simple, A universal salary would mean that in addition to everybody being tied for first, everybody would everybody would be tied for last, right? What could be “fairer”?

Florida’s salaries average $47,000. Chicago salaries average $97,000. Would not a rational person ask why the nearest Greyhound terminal is not overrun by sad sacked, sorry assed Florida teachers buying one-way tickets to Chicago, aka “the Athens of Illinois”? Would doubling the salaries of Florida’s teacher make then make twice as good? Should Florida try to follow Chicago’s teen murder rate? And – Don’t worry. Orwell frequently started non-fiction sentences with ‘and’ – why do I think that kids shooting kids has nothing to do with SAT stress?

After all, didn’t some wise guy rorm Chicago tell us never to bring a knife to a gun fight?

Using your Logic – and, as a fan of the Trivium I tremble at that thought – shouldn’t Washington, DC, the political entity that spends the most per pupil than anyplace in the country, the hemisphere, the continent, the world, and the entire galaxy and all that Hubbell , Pioneer, and Cellini have allowed us to see, be turning out Nobel Prize winners every graduation? If money equals excellence why did the 8 combined Obama, Gore, and Clinton children attend non-Blue collar, atrociously expensive, mostly all White save for the acceptable tokens, private schools? 

#2 – You say, at the end of today’s editorial, that “so many” of Florida’s incoming tsunami of American citizens will be on Medicaid, and ergo, wards of the state. Would it identify me as a deplorable anti-immigrant and Tr ump supporter if I were to ask for a term more quantifiable than “so many”? I am a bit spoiled but a first down is 10 yards, not “about” 10 yards. “Par” is precise. Not one over or one under. Its why leases say the rent is due “on or before the first of the month”, not a day after.

Perhaps you are suggesting a means test for American citizens from, let’s say, Edina, Minnesota where yesterday’s temperature was 2 degrees below zero. Their desire to move is 

Turning quickly to Maureen Dowd, she commits an egregious error, one typical of card carrying modern American Liberals. She refers to George the Third as a late 18th century “corgi-and-gin loving” racketeer. Leaving the dog out of it, no member of an English Royal family, indeed no member of the British landed gentry drank gin until 100 years later and that was due to condiments, with ice being excluded, only available from the far reaches of the Empire. It is easy to criticize the swine eating German louts now sitting on the English throne but facts are hard and inconvenient.

Turning to Randy Schultz, who I still in first gear in his quest to overtake Professor Stevie Goldstein as the resident editorial whackamole wing-nut moon bat but he is gaining on it.

This week’s target of contumely is Florid Power & Light [FPL] Alas, he “eclectically” forgets the History of modern American Liberalism and its ideological forebear, Progressivism. 

History demands that when I mention its paladin, its champion, T. Woodrow Wilson, a quasi-Jersey guy, that I include Justice Marshall saying that he was the vilest, most bigoted, most racist, most anti-Semitic President of the 20th century but by God, he carried a lot of water for Norman Thomas and his ilk in that he favored initiative, referendum, and the regulation of utilities. [When I was defiling Gaia and destroying the earth by producing oil and gas in New Mexico. I purchased electricity from the REA, the Rural Electrification Authority. It wasn’t the model for the Marine Silent Drill Team or the guard at Arlington.]

Any mention of Wilson must include that he was the first President to say that he would not send American boys to fight in foreign wars. He did it in 1916, just after he had the Klan into the White House to watch “Birth of a Nation”. Another President said it in1940, And, surprisingly, another President said it in1964. It goes without saying, which is why I must say it, they were all Democrats. 

Utility regulation was a triumph of the First Amendment. Lobbying is the only profession protected by the Constitution. The people shall have the right “to petition the government for a redress of grievances”.

In return for getting a monopoly the utilities agreed to have their rates regulated. It guaranteed them a fair rate of return. Utilities and legislators have been arguing over the meaning of “fair” for over a century. If you wonder why utilities are debt-laden it is because it enables them to argue for a higher rate of return on their equity. I fear I may be going too fast for you.

 Incidentally, the same Frist Amendment that protects utilities also protects the NARAL and Planned Parenthood murderers, the SEIU thugs, and George Soros who went from a Nazi commando to being an operative of Stalin before becoming a skilled capitalist who puts his money where his mouth is. And, by the by, it is owed to the ledger to point out that Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was Hitler’s favorite American until Poppa Joe Kennedy showed up in London.  

Finally, and it is the lowest hanging fruit but it is the one that vacuous modern American Liberal pundits always reach for.  Randy hints that FP&L has bought and paid for the Florida legislature.

 I’m from Hudson County, New Jersey. I grew up in the land of bulging White Envelopes changing hands in the parking lot .In fact, Senator Menendez, surprisingly from Hudson Country and a Democrat, was known as both a pitcher and a catcher when he was in college, such was his reputation for personal probity, honor among thieves, so to speak.

Anyway, Randy, “if you see something, say something”.  

Of course, if you think Trump has gotten to every US Attorney and DeSantis has corrupted every state’s attorney the we’re fucked.

 If James Joyce can say it so can I. 

Kevin Smith

PS – The is voting on Articles of Impeachment. Congressman Nadler, “Fat Jerry” to his NYC pals, is one of its managers. Either get 10 strong guys with a sedan chair or drop his ass, an ass equaled only by Bella Abzug, and ass that could be described as ‘Rubenesque’, and drop him directly on to the Senate floor. Stick him into an industrial size Cuisinart and he could feed Haiti for 2 or 3 days.
I am looking at a note from Brother Patrick McNamara, FMS. He is the Provincial of the Marist Brothers in North America. He is celebrating the Beatification of Brother Henri Verges, FMS, who was martyred in Algeria by a machete wielding radical Islamic terrorist shouting Allah Akbar. He died at an age where he might have known some of the Brothers who taught me. RIP

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