February 1, 2020, 5:00 AM
50 years ago, in Super bowl 1V, a chunky coach wearing a bad rug told his falsely accused gambling QB to “matriculate the ball down the field”. Both, Coach Hank Stram and QB Len Dawson, are in the NFL Hall of Fame.
They are there because they won!
22 centuries ago, after the Roman gave the Carthaginians a Texas-sized ass whupping and then said, “Let’s beat our swords into plowshares”. They lied, as Winners sometimes do. They slaughtered them and salted their fields. Nobody heard about them for a friggin’ millennium.
Why did they do this? Because they won!
The Jews fought the WOGs in 1947.
The Jews won!
The Jews fought the WOGs in 1956.
The Jews won!
The Jews fought the WOGs in 1873.
The Jews won!
If you win, as the Jews did, you get to put your flag wherever you want. Close scores, losses described as “moral victories”, are still recorded as losses. If, as a winner, you choose to take your flag down, it’s OK. Nobody is going to make you. You won; your choice.
Some of the WOGs have come to their senses; some still haven’t. Thank G-d for Dayan and Begin and Kahane and Sharon – Full disclosure commands me to reveal that I had the same “NYC lawyer”, and you know what that means - and Netanyahu and Trump. They took, will take, care, of the “deplorable bitter clingers”. As Ethan Edwards screamed at his naifish nephew in “The Searchers”, “what do you want me to do? Spell it out for you?”
Winners can do that because they won.
205 years ago, after the Corsican Thug suffered a massive outbreak of piles, maybe causing Le Grande Armee to go back heel and then cut and run in front of a British Square, nobody gives a shit - piles, shit. get it? – save for the fact that Champagne and Cognac are still enjoyed in Solihull SANS Voltaire and Robespierre because the Iron Duke was able to say, after Waterloo, “It was a damn-lose run thing”. He could say because he won.
51 year ago, a cocky kid QB with bad knees guaranteed a win in Super Bowl 111. If he had lost, he would have gone down in NYC Sports History as another “Bone-Head” Merkle, and I don’t mean Meghan, she of the world class yohaa. Just ask former Prince Harry. Guinness Book should list her “bearded clam” as Numero Uno. He didn’t ‘cuz he won. Hey, I’m feeling Jopycean this morning..
He is the only QB in the NFL Hall of fame with more “picks” than TDs. He had a fabulous arm, bad gams, a gambler’s great instinct, a talent for the Horizontal Tango, a taste for great whisky, none of which got him to Canton.
He got there because he proved that there “Ain’t no horse can’t be ridden; ain’t no rider can’t be throwed” He also proved “It ain’t bragging if you can do it.”
Winning got him in.
Tom Matte and Oradell Brasse are footnotes are footnotes in NFL History. Good ball players, who absent the NFL Alumni discount card, have to pay full ticket to see Joe Namath’s bust in Canton.
German is a back-up language in Moscow, Paris, and London, as is Turkish in Athens, and Incan in Lima and Aztec in Mexico City because the good guys – the Russkies, the Brits, and the Yanks in WW2, the Greeks 24 and 25 centuries ago and the Spaniards 500 years ago - won.
Sometime over the past weekend – not to be confused with “The Lost Weekend” – the “Vulgarian” in the White House won.
He won; they lost.
“The Gods of the Copybook Headings” have their chisels out.
Move on. Or not.
The score is not coming down.
November, and not too soon enough!
Kevin Smith
PS – Can Bernie the Bolshie with well-developed literary rape fantasies and have the PC gatekeeping Chick Lit custodes stumbled on to this bobbing turd on the punch bowl of “wokeness’ and Lieawatha Warren, a lying sack of Caucasian eel shit posing as a part-time Pale Face, Round Eyed Red Injun for profit, run simultaneously? Olivay!
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