February 1, 2020
I once owned 47 BBC movie titles for North American non-commercial distribution, and then I told a Federal Judge – Carleton F. Powell, Esq. – that for years I had wanted to be in the movie business in the worst possible way and that I had succeeded in 1978 and 1979. Our only sale of note was to WCIX-TV, Channel 6, Miami, a Spanish speaking station. What they did with them, I do not know. I do know that their check was good,
Fast forward to a new dimension.
Nancy Pelosi said that OBamaCare passed people would have more time for leisure and artistic endeavors. She actually said that [More about San Francisco’s latest trendy, outdoor activity and her later on]
I chose to watch Bundesliga Football announced in Spanish.
I have found a new way to shake off the vestiges of innate White Power and its scrofulous manifestation, White, First World Privilege.
I saw on YOU Tube, and Deo Gratias – that’s Latin – to former Vice President Alpha Gump for inventing it. One Mick Jagger, yes, he of Rolling Stone fame, who looks like he just had his 3rd successful autopsy, singing somewhere in Texas, “BOB WILLS IS STILL THE KING”.
I can lay my cudgels down; I have reached the Western Shores. Lambs are lining up to cuddle up with vegan lions. The horizon, having been reached, it is now “corn fields by day and ballet at night”. Willie Nelson will be emptying Billy Bob’s and heading to Sol hull to sing “Men of Harlech”. It is still the UK - Brexit notwithstanding – isn’t it?
The great Al Nechemie, CPA to the stars and me, used to say if you are losing $ money per unit you can make it up on volume
. Courtenay Hanson, my head Texas Lady, fresh in from my coming new home, called my attention to CVS selling 3 6-packs of /diet Coke for $10 dollars while offering 2 6packs for $12. My thoughts, revealing my Jersey roots, went straight to arbitrage. Arbitrage is a new word for an old NJ custom of the “5 Finger Discount”. Alas, a custom that is now, under the new rules of diversity, verboten.
Too bad.
Guess who said this?
“The difficulty of assigning any good reason for the absence of
vast piles of strata rich in fossils beneath the Cambrian System is
very great. The case at present must remain inexplicable and may
be truly regarded as a valid argument
the views here entertained.”
Not me.
Not Joe the Plumber.
Not the guy who pissed of Lieawatha Warren.
Nobody at the Trump rally in Wildwood.
If you picked Charles Darwin, come on down!
The Big Guy himself!
Starting to feel a bit of guilt at his plagiarism
vide “The Kingdom of Speech” by Tom Wolfe
The modern American Liberal vipers, perched high in the editorial aeries of print and electronic journalism so they can piss on our backs and tell us it’s rain while conspiring to get rid of that ‘motherfucker” in the White House, lock-steppingly tell us that garbage at the Trump/Nj beach rally, predicts that we will be a “shit-hoie” country long before Haiti or Venezuela or Zimbabwe or Kafiristan
Is that retroactive to Woodstock?
Back to Speaker Pelosi, she of Botox fame, such is her consumption of same that she has broken through the glass ceiling of chick resentment of not being able to pee gracefully while standing up, has now been announced as the patroness of a trial Olympic sport.
Street Shitting San Francisco-Style.
Like Sir Elton John, who re-did the lyrics of “Candle in the Wind” to accommodate the death of Princess Di, Tony Bennett, nee DiBenedetto, is changing “I Left My Heart in San Francisco” to “I Left My Shit in San Francisco”
Anyway, like hemorrhoids used to be regarded as speed bumps in the “City by the Sea”, the man in charge of picking up shit from in front of Nancy Pelosi’s modest home, and if you believe her home is modest and exactly how many crappers does she have so as to help homeless single moms with soon to be urban feral youth with major league outdoor shitting problems, so they can grow up and share in the many blessings of Medicare for All, was arrested.
The good news is that he was not arrested for not picking up shit from in front of Nancy Pelosi’s modest home but rather, taking a page from Harry Lime, stealing cures and antidotes, and watering them to increase his internal rate of return to sell to victims of the Kung Flu virus. Doubtless an upcoming book by Amarosa, late of the Trump White House, who used her first Government check to buy some Bodacious Ta-Tas, will reveal that Trump, who shorted the stock of La Cerveza Corona, started it all.
More will be revealed when I get back from Delphi
Back to Rosie and Randy from manana
Kevin Smith
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