August 26, 2008
The Editor
The Sun-Sentinel
200 East Las Olas Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301
RE: Who says newspapers can’t be fun or, as Nat Hentoff says, “Free speech for me but not for thee”
I was in Texas a few months ago when a Black Dallas County Commissioner accused a fellow Commissioner – Yes, he was White – of being a racist because he used the term “black hole” when describing the County budget.
A few years ago a Black District of Columbia Commissioner tried to have a city employee – Yes, he was White – fired because he used the word “niggardly”, a word that he used quite correctly.
A sitting United States Senator from Virginia uses the word “macaca” and was last seen orbiting one of Jupiter’s minor moons. [Apparently it is OK to use substitutes for “macaca” in Delaware]
Broward County is the “paradigmatic template” for modern American Liberalism. There are districts here that would elect O.J. Simpson. If he’s not available on Election Day the other Simpson, Homer, would do just as well. The mush brained modern American Liberals here would vote for Doctor Mengele because of his progressive views on abortion. The only way a RINO Republican gets to a county wide office is if his Democratic predecessor is dumber than a box of hammers [Oliphant] or is a confessed felon [Jenne or Cowan]
Political correctness even caused the nickname of Cardinal Gibbons High School to morph from Redskins to Chiefs. [The city of Plantation, Plantation High School, and its nickname, The Colonels is a subject for a different forum]
Thus, when I saw this morning’s headline
featuring a photo of Michelle Obama I was convinced that aliens had taken control of the Sentinel’s news room.
I know that hard times are here for the newspaper business. The idea of a business entity paying its own way is anathema to people in the business, particularly in the editorial offices. The Sun-Sentinel has a Big Boss Man in Chicago who knows, at the end of the day, that debits must equal credits. Exempt for a very, very long time from the rules governing gravity it must be sad for journalists to see the Gods of the Copy Book Headings sitting on the sidelines, tsk tsking with that “I told you so” attitude, keeping score.
I guess you thought
would pass unnoticed.
It didn’t.
I take the headline as further proof of “eclectic indignation”.
Jesse Jackson says he wants to “cut Senator B. Hussein’s nut out”. Senator Robert Byrd, a Democrat from West Virginia, a man whose resume includes a stint as a Junior Kleagle in the KuKluxKlan, goes on national TV and twice uses the “dreaded ‘N’ word”, a word that no White man dare say. His penalty for so saying it was …was…nothing. In fact he is regularly called a modern day Cicero. [Hopefully the reference is geographical, not historical] Senator Biden, proof positive that it is OK to cheat in college and in public life, called Senator B. Hussein Obama “clean and articulate”. Jimmy Carter, the worst President of the 20th century, this morning called Senator B. Hussein Obama a “black boy”. Imagine if Rush Limbaugh had said that? The press would have lynched him.
If it is a “dark and stormy night” when this year’s version of the Sermon on the Mount is given on Thursday night will that be proof of racism?
I imagine that your continuing disregard for language is further proof that, indeed, the jig is not up.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Senator B. Hussein Obama
August 24, 2008
Senator B. Hussein Obama
P.O. Box 8102
Chicago, Illinois 60680
RE: Affirmative Action – Who says it doesn’t work?
Senator O and the story of same continues…
Correct me if I’m wrong but haven’t you said…
#1 – “There are at least 57 states.”
#2 – “10,000 people died in one tornado in Kansas last year.”
#3 – “Two terms in the White House will take 10 years.”
You have two degrees from Ivy League schools. If you said the above you will be the best example of Bell Curve grading since he invented the telephone. A “culturally literate” adult knows how many states there are; he knows that 10,000 people didn’t die in Kansas last year; he knows that one term in the White House is 4 years, not 5 years.
No wonder you never had a real job.
“Community organizer”? What the Hell does that mean?
“Illinois legislator”? Daley could have elected OJ Simpson in your district.
It gets better.
You picked Curly Biden to be your designated funeral attendee. Inside work, no heavy lifting, lots and lots of frequent flyer miles. Plus, the Secret Service gets to mow his lawn.
You may note have been aware of it but he, like his good friend Lard Kennedy, is “ethically challenged”. He once was “follicleley challenged” but steroids, possum pelts – a major Delaware export, Gorilla Glue, Velcro, and two-sided Duck tape helped him overcome it.
His defense for cheating in Law School was “Nobody told me you had to use quotations and foot notes” seems to have worked. Weren’t you editor of the Harvard Law Review? How did you get that job?
Acorns seldom fall far from the tree.
When he was running in the Democratic Presidential primary in 1988 – that’s the one where Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. introduced Willie Horton to Amerika, remember? – he cheated yet again.
If he had taken for his own use without attribution as to authorship any number of British politicians other than the one he stole his lines from it would have almost forgivable. The words of Margaret Thatcher, Harold Macmillan, Winston Churchill, David Lloyd George, Benjamin Disraeli, The Iron Duke, Edmund Burke, either of the Pitts, even Cromwell would have lessened the blow.
He chose Neil Kinnock.
If Kinnock had been Prime Minister in 1982 the Argentineans would not have invaded the Falkland Islands. They would have sunk H.M.S. Victory en route to occupying the Tower of London, razing Parliament, setting Sherwood Forest on fire, and converting Queen Elizabeth to Roman Catholicism. Kinnock would have been sent to Dartmoor Prison to start anew as a Spanish teacher.
If he had been Prime Minister in the mid-80s the only way Pershing missiles would have been allowed in England would have been if they could only fly West.
I offer your example and his that Affirmative Action, despites its warts, works.
It appears that, 7 years of Ivy League education notwithstanding, you don’t know what color an orange is. Let it be said of Fuzzy Joe, and if he is the best that the Fighting Blue Hens of Delaware can produce maybe DUPONT and MBNA should literally take over the state that they already own, that he couldn’t lie straight in bed.
Boobs and charlatans have to have a chance to “get lucky in life’s lottery”. You won’t have to campaign for them. You and Pal Joey own them.
Senator B. Hussein Obama
P.O. Box 8102
Chicago, Illinois 60680
RE: Affirmative Action – Who says it doesn’t work?
Senator O and the story of same continues…
Correct me if I’m wrong but haven’t you said…
#1 – “There are at least 57 states.”
#2 – “10,000 people died in one tornado in Kansas last year.”
#3 – “Two terms in the White House will take 10 years.”
You have two degrees from Ivy League schools. If you said the above you will be the best example of Bell Curve grading since he invented the telephone. A “culturally literate” adult knows how many states there are; he knows that 10,000 people didn’t die in Kansas last year; he knows that one term in the White House is 4 years, not 5 years.
No wonder you never had a real job.
“Community organizer”? What the Hell does that mean?
“Illinois legislator”? Daley could have elected OJ Simpson in your district.
It gets better.
You picked Curly Biden to be your designated funeral attendee. Inside work, no heavy lifting, lots and lots of frequent flyer miles. Plus, the Secret Service gets to mow his lawn.
You may note have been aware of it but he, like his good friend Lard Kennedy, is “ethically challenged”. He once was “follicleley challenged” but steroids, possum pelts – a major Delaware export, Gorilla Glue, Velcro, and two-sided Duck tape helped him overcome it.
His defense for cheating in Law School was “Nobody told me you had to use quotations and foot notes” seems to have worked. Weren’t you editor of the Harvard Law Review? How did you get that job?
Acorns seldom fall far from the tree.
When he was running in the Democratic Presidential primary in 1988 – that’s the one where Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. introduced Willie Horton to Amerika, remember? – he cheated yet again.
If he had taken for his own use without attribution as to authorship any number of British politicians other than the one he stole his lines from it would have almost forgivable. The words of Margaret Thatcher, Harold Macmillan, Winston Churchill, David Lloyd George, Benjamin Disraeli, The Iron Duke, Edmund Burke, either of the Pitts, even Cromwell would have lessened the blow.
He chose Neil Kinnock.
If Kinnock had been Prime Minister in 1982 the Argentineans would not have invaded the Falkland Islands. They would have sunk H.M.S. Victory en route to occupying the Tower of London, razing Parliament, setting Sherwood Forest on fire, and converting Queen Elizabeth to Roman Catholicism. Kinnock would have been sent to Dartmoor Prison to start anew as a Spanish teacher.
If he had been Prime Minister in the mid-80s the only way Pershing missiles would have been allowed in England would have been if they could only fly West.
I offer your example and his that Affirmative Action, despites its warts, works.
It appears that, 7 years of Ivy League education notwithstanding, you don’t know what color an orange is. Let it be said of Fuzzy Joe, and if he is the best that the Fighting Blue Hens of Delaware can produce maybe DUPONT and MBNA should literally take over the state that they already own, that he couldn’t lie straight in bed.
Boobs and charlatans have to have a chance to “get lucky in life’s lottery”. You won’t have to campaign for them. You and Pal Joey own them.
Governor Tim Kaine
August 24, 2008
Governor Tim Kaine
1111 East Broad Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219
RE: Time for a rhinoplasty?
Governor Kaine,
There is a magic scene in “A Man For All Seasons”.
Thomas More, knowing that the fix is in; knowing that his head is going to be chopped off asks what is around Richard Rich’s neck. It was Rich’s perjured testimony that condemned More.
“It is the seal of his office. Sir Richard Rich is to be made Attorney General for Wales”, replies the prosecutor.
“Why Richard, it profits a man nothing that he gains the whole world for the loss of his soul…but for Wales?”
You spent the better part of a month with your nose so far up Senator B. Hussein Obama’s ass that should he have belched without warning you said eructation would have sucked your septum straight out through his umbilicus.
You were really were a horse’s ass. I daresay “A Horse’s Ass For All Seasons” would not be too heady a title.
And to think that you lost the job to a dude who cheated in law school and has his hair trimmed by a Weed Whacker.
What a putz!
Governor Tim Kaine
1111 East Broad Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219
RE: Time for a rhinoplasty?
Governor Kaine,
There is a magic scene in “A Man For All Seasons”.
Thomas More, knowing that the fix is in; knowing that his head is going to be chopped off asks what is around Richard Rich’s neck. It was Rich’s perjured testimony that condemned More.
“It is the seal of his office. Sir Richard Rich is to be made Attorney General for Wales”, replies the prosecutor.
“Why Richard, it profits a man nothing that he gains the whole world for the loss of his soul…but for Wales?”
You spent the better part of a month with your nose so far up Senator B. Hussein Obama’s ass that should he have belched without warning you said eructation would have sucked your septum straight out through his umbilicus.
You were really were a horse’s ass. I daresay “A Horse’s Ass For All Seasons” would not be too heady a title.
And to think that you lost the job to a dude who cheated in law school and has his hair trimmed by a Weed Whacker.
What a putz!
Detective Jim Mahoney
August 24, 2008
Detective Jim Mahoney
201 North Dixie Highway
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
RE: “Policemen are killers” – What am I missing here”
Detective Mahoney,
On June 25, 2008 [the anniversary of the Battle of the Little Big Horn] I returned your phone call regarding a letter I sent to Palm Beach County Commissioner Addie Green.
You suggested that I “lay off her”. You said that I had “more than enough ass holes in Broward County” that I didn’t have to go to Palm Beach. Further, you said that the lady had received “numerous death threats”. As to the later I asked how many death threat letters are signed and have the senders name and address like mine. As to the former I agreed and told you that I would give her a month off.
She got two.
“Policemen are killers.”
Palm Beach County Commissioner Addie Greene
That ended my self imposed moratorium.
The woman issues a blood libel against policemen.
Was I the only one to respond?
If so it says more for the people of Palm Beach than it does about Commissioner Greene.
I remind you that John Adams and Thomas Jefferson attacked each other using words that make mine seem like a church social. Lincoln was called a “baboon”. George Bush is compared to Hitler.
I called Commissioner Greene a HORSE’S ASS. I called her a HORSE’S ASS because every time she opens her mouth she says to the world of rational, literate adults, a world with which she is not the least bit familiar, I AM A HORSE’S ASS. GAZE ON ME IN ALL MY SPLENDOR!
Is there no one in Palm Beach County to say so? Am I to be the only paladin for “The Thin Blue Line”? Why is there no “1013” coming out of the Sheriff’s office? Are we to be like sheep in the face of wolves hoping that our silence will save us from evil?
The strongest chains are the ones we forge ourselves and put on voluntarily. I choose to be free of them. I told you of a visit from the Broward County Sheriff’s deputy about a letter I wrote to an elected official here. The first thing he said to me was “You’re not in trouble”. I said, “What do you mean I’m not in trouble. You have a badge and a fucking gun. What do you mean I’m not in trouble?”
I will send her a copy of my note to you.
There is no sense in being a little or local HORSE’S ASS. I will introduce her to the world as the paradigmatic template for – You guessed it! – HORSE’S ASSES. That, plus the still weak dollar, should revive Palm Beach real estate.
Since I am Irish and since I am a frequent user of their products I will petition the Guinness Book of Records for a new category. You guessed it.
Palm Beach County Commissioner Addie Greene, a name that will live in infamy, soon to be internationally known, came by her laurels the old fashioned way. She earned them.
PS – I tried to return your call. Alas, I copied the number incorrectly. Oh well, “Homer nods”.
Detective Jim Mahoney
201 North Dixie Highway
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
RE: “Policemen are killers” – What am I missing here”
Detective Mahoney,
On June 25, 2008 [the anniversary of the Battle of the Little Big Horn] I returned your phone call regarding a letter I sent to Palm Beach County Commissioner Addie Green.
You suggested that I “lay off her”. You said that I had “more than enough ass holes in Broward County” that I didn’t have to go to Palm Beach. Further, you said that the lady had received “numerous death threats”. As to the later I asked how many death threat letters are signed and have the senders name and address like mine. As to the former I agreed and told you that I would give her a month off.
She got two.
“Policemen are killers.”
Palm Beach County Commissioner Addie Greene
That ended my self imposed moratorium.
The woman issues a blood libel against policemen.
Was I the only one to respond?
If so it says more for the people of Palm Beach than it does about Commissioner Greene.
I remind you that John Adams and Thomas Jefferson attacked each other using words that make mine seem like a church social. Lincoln was called a “baboon”. George Bush is compared to Hitler.
I called Commissioner Greene a HORSE’S ASS. I called her a HORSE’S ASS because every time she opens her mouth she says to the world of rational, literate adults, a world with which she is not the least bit familiar, I AM A HORSE’S ASS. GAZE ON ME IN ALL MY SPLENDOR!
Is there no one in Palm Beach County to say so? Am I to be the only paladin for “The Thin Blue Line”? Why is there no “1013” coming out of the Sheriff’s office? Are we to be like sheep in the face of wolves hoping that our silence will save us from evil?
The strongest chains are the ones we forge ourselves and put on voluntarily. I choose to be free of them. I told you of a visit from the Broward County Sheriff’s deputy about a letter I wrote to an elected official here. The first thing he said to me was “You’re not in trouble”. I said, “What do you mean I’m not in trouble. You have a badge and a fucking gun. What do you mean I’m not in trouble?”
I will send her a copy of my note to you.
There is no sense in being a little or local HORSE’S ASS. I will introduce her to the world as the paradigmatic template for – You guessed it! – HORSE’S ASSES. That, plus the still weak dollar, should revive Palm Beach real estate.
Since I am Irish and since I am a frequent user of their products I will petition the Guinness Book of Records for a new category. You guessed it.
Palm Beach County Commissioner Addie Greene, a name that will live in infamy, soon to be internationally known, came by her laurels the old fashioned way. She earned them.
PS – I tried to return your call. Alas, I copied the number incorrectly. Oh well, “Homer nods”.
Senator Joseph Biden again
August 23, 2008
Senator Joseph Biden
1105 N. Market Street #101
Wilmington, DE 19801
RE: That hair, that smile – God’s gifts to an aging curmudgeon
Senator Biden,
Coach Jimmy Johnson isn’t running and Senator John “Pretty Boy” Edwards has gone to the island of lying, wick dipping politicians. “It’s OK to do the horizontal tango. My wife is cancer free.” Truly, a memorable pick up line.
That leaves you.
Is you hair the result of a Chia Pete transplant or a daily Gorilla Glues paste on and comb over? Do you and Senator Levin of Michigan, a man whose comb over begins in his arm pit, check each other’s six before going on the floor of the Senate? Do you think that Senator B. Hussein Obama, AKA “Bambi”, would look more favorably on you if you were to arrange your partly inorganic hair in corn rows?
There is a rumor that your teeth were made from ivory. If so I hope it was from some old circus elephant that died of dementia in Kansas rather than some young buck that was killed by one of Bambi’s half brothers.
Speaking of that, here’s a sporting proposition. Bambi has more siblings than John McCain has houses. I’ll put a few bob on the former. Care to get a bet down?
Is it true you have a BOTOX IV once a month to keep that smile going? Did you ever pose for a collection of Victor Hugo books?
I’ll be asking questions from time to time. Senator J. Forbes Kerry liked them. He was a fun guy too. Speaking of houses do you suppose we could send some of the exponentially expanding Obama family to any of the vacant ones? What ever happened to him?
You live in a state that Tiger Woods could get across 2 under par. Why in the name of carbon footprints everywhere do you 2 offices?
Senator Joseph Biden
1105 N. Market Street #101
Wilmington, DE 19801
RE: That hair, that smile – God’s gifts to an aging curmudgeon
Senator Biden,
Coach Jimmy Johnson isn’t running and Senator John “Pretty Boy” Edwards has gone to the island of lying, wick dipping politicians. “It’s OK to do the horizontal tango. My wife is cancer free.” Truly, a memorable pick up line.
That leaves you.
Is you hair the result of a Chia Pete transplant or a daily Gorilla Glues paste on and comb over? Do you and Senator Levin of Michigan, a man whose comb over begins in his arm pit, check each other’s six before going on the floor of the Senate? Do you think that Senator B. Hussein Obama, AKA “Bambi”, would look more favorably on you if you were to arrange your partly inorganic hair in corn rows?
There is a rumor that your teeth were made from ivory. If so I hope it was from some old circus elephant that died of dementia in Kansas rather than some young buck that was killed by one of Bambi’s half brothers.
Speaking of that, here’s a sporting proposition. Bambi has more siblings than John McCain has houses. I’ll put a few bob on the former. Care to get a bet down?
Is it true you have a BOTOX IV once a month to keep that smile going? Did you ever pose for a collection of Victor Hugo books?
I’ll be asking questions from time to time. Senator J. Forbes Kerry liked them. He was a fun guy too. Speaking of houses do you suppose we could send some of the exponentially expanding Obama family to any of the vacant ones? What ever happened to him?
You live in a state that Tiger Woods could get across 2 under par. Why in the name of carbon footprints everywhere do you 2 offices?
Senator Joseph Biden
August 23, 2008
Senator Joseph Biden
24 NW Front Street #101
Milford, DE 19963
RE: Happy Days ARE here again!
Senator Biden,
“Character”, responded James Madison when asked what is the most important trait to look for in a candidate for public office. “Character is all.”
Let the record show that there is no hint that James Madison ever spent time in a coal mine nor did he ever use without attribution the phrases of another politician. May I suggest that should you feel the need for grabbing a line or two from British politicians you should try Churchill? Pitt would be a good choice. So would Edmund Burke. Mrs. Thatcher would be fine also. Disraeli. The Iron Duke. Even David Lloyd George. You choose Neil Kinnock. The only consolation there is that it wasn’t Aneurin Bevan or Tony Benn. It still smells.
Back to character.
Would it not be the honorable thing to do, would it not be a sign of your character for you to resign immediately from the United States Senate?
Senator Dole did in 1996; Senator Johnson did not in 1960.
John Adams said “we can never be too curious about the character of public men”.
Your choice.
“Cactus Jack” – John Nance Garner – said that the Vice Presidency “Ain’t worth a bucket of warm spit”. Actually he didn’t say “spit”; he said “piss”.
At last! A man equal to the task.
Senator Joseph Biden
24 NW Front Street #101
Milford, DE 19963
RE: Happy Days ARE here again!
Senator Biden,
“Character”, responded James Madison when asked what is the most important trait to look for in a candidate for public office. “Character is all.”
Let the record show that there is no hint that James Madison ever spent time in a coal mine nor did he ever use without attribution the phrases of another politician. May I suggest that should you feel the need for grabbing a line or two from British politicians you should try Churchill? Pitt would be a good choice. So would Edmund Burke. Mrs. Thatcher would be fine also. Disraeli. The Iron Duke. Even David Lloyd George. You choose Neil Kinnock. The only consolation there is that it wasn’t Aneurin Bevan or Tony Benn. It still smells.
Back to character.
Would it not be the honorable thing to do, would it not be a sign of your character for you to resign immediately from the United States Senate?
Senator Dole did in 1996; Senator Johnson did not in 1960.
John Adams said “we can never be too curious about the character of public men”.
Your choice.
“Cactus Jack” – John Nance Garner – said that the Vice Presidency “Ain’t worth a bucket of warm spit”. Actually he didn’t say “spit”; he said “piss”.
At last! A man equal to the task.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Senator B. Hussein Obama
August 18, 2008
Senator B. Hussein Obama
P.O. Box 8102
Chicago, Illinois 60680
RE: Pass the gravy, please
Senator Bambi
Do you remember Julianne Malveaux?
She was an ink stained wench writing for USA-Today when Clarence Thomas became Justice Thomas.
She was the gentle lady who hoped that Justice Thomas’s wife would feed him foods rich in cholesterol, high in carbohydrates, and approaching outer space in fats.
She wrote this because she wanted him to die.
I don’t want you to die.
In fact, I think you are so precious that I have taken to calling you “Bambi”.
Here’s the problem.
You’ve got to do something with those ears.
If the aforementioned Ms. Malveaux were to don her Emeril Lagasse costume and slip past the Secret Service and take over your kitchen – Does Michelle cook? – for about two weeks you would morph from “Bambi” to “Dumbo”. She couldn’t help herself. A gravy IV; sweet potato pie avec chicken necks; corn bread milk shakes laced with lard. Pastor Wrong Wright could hear your arteries harden from downtown.
Here’s the question that Rick Warren didn’t ask
Do you want Justice Thomas to die?
Senator B. Hussein Obama
P.O. Box 8102
Chicago, Illinois 60680
RE: Pass the gravy, please
Senator Bambi
Do you remember Julianne Malveaux?
She was an ink stained wench writing for USA-Today when Clarence Thomas became Justice Thomas.
She was the gentle lady who hoped that Justice Thomas’s wife would feed him foods rich in cholesterol, high in carbohydrates, and approaching outer space in fats.
She wrote this because she wanted him to die.
I don’t want you to die.
In fact, I think you are so precious that I have taken to calling you “Bambi”.
Here’s the problem.
You’ve got to do something with those ears.
If the aforementioned Ms. Malveaux were to don her Emeril Lagasse costume and slip past the Secret Service and take over your kitchen – Does Michelle cook? – for about two weeks you would morph from “Bambi” to “Dumbo”. She couldn’t help herself. A gravy IV; sweet potato pie avec chicken necks; corn bread milk shakes laced with lard. Pastor Wrong Wright could hear your arteries harden from downtown.
Here’s the question that Rick Warren didn’t ask
Do you want Justice Thomas to die?
Monday, August 18, 2008
Linda Robertson, The Miami Herald
August 16, 2008
Linda Robertson
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, Florida 33132-1693
RE: It seems like old times – Gold medals and metal heads as revealed, perhaps inadvertently, by you in today’s Miami Herald, dateline The Hidden Kingdom.
Ms. Robertson,
In a synopsis of previous contenders for Greatest Olympian Ever you say
“Greg Louganis: Four gold medals in diving, even
when he gashed his head open while hiding
the secret of his HIV infection.”
The Miami Herald
Page 7D
When last we corresponded the front page of the New York Times was daily divided by the two most important questions facing the country in 2003: viz.; Should the United States invade Iraq and Should chickies tee them up in the Masters.
5 years later American is still in Iraq and urinals still stand unchallenged as the primary bladder emptying receptacle in Augusta. I know “The more things change the more they remain the same” sounds much better in French. The problem is that I still don’t much like the Froggies so I’ll leave it in English.
Back to Louganis.
Did he gash his head because he had HIV?
Did he gash his head for fear of someone finding out he had HIV?
Did he gash his head because divers sometimes do that?
There was a time in this country when most people believed that tomatoes were poisonous.
There was a time in this country when the consensus of science – and if you ever need an example of an oxymoron feel free to use “consensus of science” – that “Global Cooling” would cause – Honest Injun! – The world to end. [Vide – “The Population Bomb” by Paul Ehrlich, naturally PhD]
There was a time in this country when reasonable, rational people thought that you could catch HIV through casual contact. We now know that it takes more than a handshake. It takes up close and personal, a one on one exchange of personal body fluids. For the purposes of this discussion the body fluid in question is blood.
Thus, the real story of Greg Louganis was/is simple.
On his quest for the Gold he suffered an athlete’s wound. [I have small scar at the base of my thumb that I got in a football scrimmage when Eisenhower was President and the country lived in a mortal peril caused by the “missile gap”.]
By failing to disclose his condition [a material fact that if this discussion involved securities such a failure to disclose would have made him liable for fraud charges] he placed his first responder care givers – a phrase that didn’t exist when he dove for a living – at risk. The fact that the risk may not have been real is irrelevant. The people who came first out of the trenches to help him thought it was.
People and countries act on perceptions. It is in their rational self interest to do so. In an age where perception is reality it would be foolish not to.
Meanwhile, I suggest a primer on traditional Logic for the ride back from Winkie Land. Greg’s gash, in your story, is what is known as a non sequitur.
If there is a suggestion box for ink stained wenches to drop some thoughts into may I suggest Billie Jean King playing Federer? The age difference is about the same when she played Bobby Riggs. If I am to believe TV she looks like she no longer is in the race to be the Pillsbury Dough Girl. Lace them up and see what happens.
PS – Al Oerter neither medaled nor competed in the Olympics in the shot put. I guess the Yellow Peril shut down Google.
Linda Robertson
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, Florida 33132-1693
RE: It seems like old times – Gold medals and metal heads as revealed, perhaps inadvertently, by you in today’s Miami Herald, dateline The Hidden Kingdom.
Ms. Robertson,
In a synopsis of previous contenders for Greatest Olympian Ever you say
“Greg Louganis: Four gold medals in diving, even
when he gashed his head open while hiding
the secret of his HIV infection.”
The Miami Herald
Page 7D
When last we corresponded the front page of the New York Times was daily divided by the two most important questions facing the country in 2003: viz.; Should the United States invade Iraq and Should chickies tee them up in the Masters.
5 years later American is still in Iraq and urinals still stand unchallenged as the primary bladder emptying receptacle in Augusta. I know “The more things change the more they remain the same” sounds much better in French. The problem is that I still don’t much like the Froggies so I’ll leave it in English.
Back to Louganis.
Did he gash his head because he had HIV?
Did he gash his head for fear of someone finding out he had HIV?
Did he gash his head because divers sometimes do that?
There was a time in this country when most people believed that tomatoes were poisonous.
There was a time in this country when the consensus of science – and if you ever need an example of an oxymoron feel free to use “consensus of science” – that “Global Cooling” would cause – Honest Injun! – The world to end. [Vide – “The Population Bomb” by Paul Ehrlich, naturally PhD]
There was a time in this country when reasonable, rational people thought that you could catch HIV through casual contact. We now know that it takes more than a handshake. It takes up close and personal, a one on one exchange of personal body fluids. For the purposes of this discussion the body fluid in question is blood.
Thus, the real story of Greg Louganis was/is simple.
On his quest for the Gold he suffered an athlete’s wound. [I have small scar at the base of my thumb that I got in a football scrimmage when Eisenhower was President and the country lived in a mortal peril caused by the “missile gap”.]
By failing to disclose his condition [a material fact that if this discussion involved securities such a failure to disclose would have made him liable for fraud charges] he placed his first responder care givers – a phrase that didn’t exist when he dove for a living – at risk. The fact that the risk may not have been real is irrelevant. The people who came first out of the trenches to help him thought it was.
People and countries act on perceptions. It is in their rational self interest to do so. In an age where perception is reality it would be foolish not to.
Meanwhile, I suggest a primer on traditional Logic for the ride back from Winkie Land. Greg’s gash, in your story, is what is known as a non sequitur.
If there is a suggestion box for ink stained wenches to drop some thoughts into may I suggest Billie Jean King playing Federer? The age difference is about the same when she played Bobby Riggs. If I am to believe TV she looks like she no longer is in the race to be the Pillsbury Dough Girl. Lace them up and see what happens.
PS – Al Oerter neither medaled nor competed in the Olympics in the shot put. I guess the Yellow Peril shut down Google.
Palm Beach Commissioner Addie Greene
August 17, 2008
Palm Beach Commissioner Addie Greene
301 North Olive Avenue
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
RE: “A Policeman’s Lot is not a Happy One”
Commissioner Greene,
You said
“Policemen are killers”.
You’re right. Some policemen are killers. Also
#1 – Some Irishmen are drunks.
#2 – Some Italians are gangsters.
#3 – Some Jews are money hungry.
#4 – Some Blacks are shiftless.
#5 – Some Muslims are terrorists.
#6 – Some Frenchmen are cowards.
“A Policeman’s Lot is not a Happy One” was written by a DWEM. DWEM means Dead White European Male.
Another gift from the DWEMs, a gift with which you have no familiarity, is Logic. If I were to take away the word “some” I would be constructing a universal from a particular. That is a no-no in Logic.
Some Irishmen are drunks but I cannot say that all Irishmen are drunks. Some Blacks are shiftless but I cannot say that all Blacks are shiftless. Some Muslims are terrorists but I cannot say that all Muslims are terrorists. [If I were to use a Mrs. Clinton type answer about whether or not Senator B. Hussein Obama is a Muslim – “He’s not…as far as I know.” – I still couldn’t make all Blacks into being “shiftless”.]
Have you ever heard of the Trivium?
Am I writing too fast for you? Logic, universal, particular, Trivium can be confusing to a novice. Send a SASE. Don’t be too proud to ask for help. You’re never too old to learn.
You said “Policemen are killers”.
By opening your mouth and spewing forth the rhetorical incontinence so common of modern American Liberal politicians you remove all doubt as to whether you are a horse’s ass. In fact, your prattle stamps you a horse’s ass of Homeric proportions. [You probably guessed it. Homer was another DWEM.]
It is difficult to stand out in Palm Beach County what with Wexler the Weasel leading the way. That you have managed to steal some of his thunder is a testament to your pandering skills and to the boobs who elected you. The standard of the 2000 election, the one where supposedly smart people voted for themselves, the Union label, everybody, nobody, their hat size, or their cholesterol level has certainly been surpassed. Next year will show a dramatic increase in the IQ of the average Palm Beach voter. That’s when manatee suffrage kicks in
I am sure you are familiar with the Dallas County Commissioner who, in a moment of high dudgeon, accused a White colleague of racism because he used the term “black hole”. In your rage to utter blood libels about your policemen you may have not noticed that there is a Palm Beach County Commissioner name Koons. How you can be in the same room with him is beyond me.
I wish you continued good health. Talk about the blind leading the blind. Your boobs, jackasses, and ohmadans need you.
The last time I wrote you I had a call from the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office about what I wrote. I have CCed them. Since the Constitution [another masterpiece by DWEMs] is observed more in the breach I close with a pop quiz about it.
Exactly what does “Congress shall make no law…” mean to you?
Here’s another that will probably cause your knickers to knot. Perhaps not a knot of Gordian proportions but certainly of wedgie saize.
“Free men speak with free tongues”
Palm Beach Commissioner Addie Greene
301 North Olive Avenue
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
RE: “A Policeman’s Lot is not a Happy One”
Commissioner Greene,
You said
“Policemen are killers”.
You’re right. Some policemen are killers. Also
#1 – Some Irishmen are drunks.
#2 – Some Italians are gangsters.
#3 – Some Jews are money hungry.
#4 – Some Blacks are shiftless.
#5 – Some Muslims are terrorists.
#6 – Some Frenchmen are cowards.
“A Policeman’s Lot is not a Happy One” was written by a DWEM. DWEM means Dead White European Male.
Another gift from the DWEMs, a gift with which you have no familiarity, is Logic. If I were to take away the word “some” I would be constructing a universal from a particular. That is a no-no in Logic.
Some Irishmen are drunks but I cannot say that all Irishmen are drunks. Some Blacks are shiftless but I cannot say that all Blacks are shiftless. Some Muslims are terrorists but I cannot say that all Muslims are terrorists. [If I were to use a Mrs. Clinton type answer about whether or not Senator B. Hussein Obama is a Muslim – “He’s not…as far as I know.” – I still couldn’t make all Blacks into being “shiftless”.]
Have you ever heard of the Trivium?
Am I writing too fast for you? Logic, universal, particular, Trivium can be confusing to a novice. Send a SASE. Don’t be too proud to ask for help. You’re never too old to learn.
You said “Policemen are killers”.
By opening your mouth and spewing forth the rhetorical incontinence so common of modern American Liberal politicians you remove all doubt as to whether you are a horse’s ass. In fact, your prattle stamps you a horse’s ass of Homeric proportions. [You probably guessed it. Homer was another DWEM.]
It is difficult to stand out in Palm Beach County what with Wexler the Weasel leading the way. That you have managed to steal some of his thunder is a testament to your pandering skills and to the boobs who elected you. The standard of the 2000 election, the one where supposedly smart people voted for themselves, the Union label, everybody, nobody, their hat size, or their cholesterol level has certainly been surpassed. Next year will show a dramatic increase in the IQ of the average Palm Beach voter. That’s when manatee suffrage kicks in
I am sure you are familiar with the Dallas County Commissioner who, in a moment of high dudgeon, accused a White colleague of racism because he used the term “black hole”. In your rage to utter blood libels about your policemen you may have not noticed that there is a Palm Beach County Commissioner name Koons. How you can be in the same room with him is beyond me.
I wish you continued good health. Talk about the blind leading the blind. Your boobs, jackasses, and ohmadans need you.
The last time I wrote you I had a call from the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office about what I wrote. I have CCed them. Since the Constitution [another masterpiece by DWEMs] is observed more in the breach I close with a pop quiz about it.
Exactly what does “Congress shall make no law…” mean to you?
Here’s another that will probably cause your knickers to knot. Perhaps not a knot of Gordian proportions but certainly of wedgie saize.
“Free men speak with free tongues”
Governor Tim Kaine
August 17, 2008
Governor Tim Kaine
1111 East Broad Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Governor Kaine,
You said
“I am glad President Medvedev agreed with
Senator Obama’s request for a ceasefire.”
I say that insulting bullshit like that should no go unrewarded.
Accordingly, I name you
Because it’s time for Senator B. Hussein Obama, AKA “Bambi”, to name his choice for the Vice Presidential nomination and because you have your head so far up his ass that you can see if he ever had wisdom teeth and think that no one notices I also name you
The only thing wrong with banning literacy tests for voters is that they were not made mandatory for candidates. That is why I am not recommending a crash course in “post hoc ergo propter hoc” for the plane ride to Denver. It would be “pearls before swine”.
Alas, the best thing I can say about you is
Governor Tim Kaine
1111 East Broad Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Governor Kaine,
You said
“I am glad President Medvedev agreed with
Senator Obama’s request for a ceasefire.”
I say that insulting bullshit like that should no go unrewarded.
Accordingly, I name you
Because it’s time for Senator B. Hussein Obama, AKA “Bambi”, to name his choice for the Vice Presidential nomination and because you have your head so far up his ass that you can see if he ever had wisdom teeth and think that no one notices I also name you
The only thing wrong with banning literacy tests for voters is that they were not made mandatory for candidates. That is why I am not recommending a crash course in “post hoc ergo propter hoc” for the plane ride to Denver. It would be “pearls before swine”.
Alas, the best thing I can say about you is
Senator B. Hussein Obama
August 14, 2008
Senator B. Hussein Obama
701 North Court Street
Marion, Illinois 62959
RE: Today’s History lessons
Senator Bambi,
Congratulations on what is turning out to be a great week! And it’s only Thursday.
The truth about campaigns is that you can always count on your enemies, mean spirited rotters all who are implacable foes of change, to do the sniveley things that make them your enemies. It’s you friends you have to worry about.
Any week that sees the Communist Party of America endorse you AND reveals that George Clooney is you secret advisor on the Mideast and body language is a week that while not equal to the first week of Creation – Did Pastor Wrong Wright ever talk about that? – certainly deserves to be bronzed.
It’s a simple segue from the former to ask if you think, as a former law school instructor, that Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs got a fair shake.
As to Giorgio Clooney it would be wise to remember how far “earth tones” got Vice President Alpha Gump in 2000.
Enough of that useless badinage. Back to the History lesson.
“They are a far away people of whom we know nothing.”
“Any place is defensible if free men so desire.”
I’ll spare you the suspense. There will be no “gotcha” moments.
The first was said in Parliament in defense of the Munich Agreement, an agreement that if it saved us from World War 2 why the Hell did the Germans spend 2 years trying to sink the ship my wife’s father was on.
The second was said by Senator John Kennedy when he ran for President in 1960. It addressed the islands of Quemoy and Matsu. These islands were close enough to mainland China that they could fire artillery shells onto them which they did every other day. Yet one more example of the Oriental mindset that befuddles Anglos still bitterly clinging to guns and religion. Can you believe that a Democrat ran on the “missile gap”? Can you believe that he ran against military deficiencies of an administration led by the guy who beat Hitler in Western Europe? The American people will vote for anybody. Just about anybody.
My first reaction to the Russians invading Georgia was that it was a long time to hold a grudge. I thought that they were still pissed off at Carter for boycotting the Olympics in 1980. Then I thought that they wanted to make sure that there were no Stalin wanabees getting ready to head to Moscow. And, in a touch of Cyrillic irony, do it when Solzhenitsyn’s body is still warm.
It’s going to be a chalk bet that the Europeans take pass on this. Forget Russia spreading Communism and revolution. Putin has them by the short hairs. He’s going for the oil and the gas. He’s taking the Great Game that Kipling spoke about and brought it into the 21st century.
Should you become President what will you do?
What if he decides to take over the Republic of Ukraine? The New York Times and the Democratic Party acquiesced in the deaths of 8,000,000 to 10,000,000 Ukrainians the last time Moscow got mad at them. Look it up.
They – the Georgians and the Ukrainians – are both “faraway people of whom we know little”.
Do you think that this is the change they have been waiting for?
Maybe you got your 3:00AM call a bit early.
The buck may be in front of you. What will you do?
PS – I’ve been keeping an eye on the price of arugala. Have you?
Senator B. Hussein Obama
701 North Court Street
Marion, Illinois 62959
RE: Today’s History lessons
Senator Bambi,
Congratulations on what is turning out to be a great week! And it’s only Thursday.
The truth about campaigns is that you can always count on your enemies, mean spirited rotters all who are implacable foes of change, to do the sniveley things that make them your enemies. It’s you friends you have to worry about.
Any week that sees the Communist Party of America endorse you AND reveals that George Clooney is you secret advisor on the Mideast and body language is a week that while not equal to the first week of Creation – Did Pastor Wrong Wright ever talk about that? – certainly deserves to be bronzed.
It’s a simple segue from the former to ask if you think, as a former law school instructor, that Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs got a fair shake.
As to Giorgio Clooney it would be wise to remember how far “earth tones” got Vice President Alpha Gump in 2000.
Enough of that useless badinage. Back to the History lesson.
“They are a far away people of whom we know nothing.”
“Any place is defensible if free men so desire.”
I’ll spare you the suspense. There will be no “gotcha” moments.
The first was said in Parliament in defense of the Munich Agreement, an agreement that if it saved us from World War 2 why the Hell did the Germans spend 2 years trying to sink the ship my wife’s father was on.
The second was said by Senator John Kennedy when he ran for President in 1960. It addressed the islands of Quemoy and Matsu. These islands were close enough to mainland China that they could fire artillery shells onto them which they did every other day. Yet one more example of the Oriental mindset that befuddles Anglos still bitterly clinging to guns and religion. Can you believe that a Democrat ran on the “missile gap”? Can you believe that he ran against military deficiencies of an administration led by the guy who beat Hitler in Western Europe? The American people will vote for anybody. Just about anybody.
My first reaction to the Russians invading Georgia was that it was a long time to hold a grudge. I thought that they were still pissed off at Carter for boycotting the Olympics in 1980. Then I thought that they wanted to make sure that there were no Stalin wanabees getting ready to head to Moscow. And, in a touch of Cyrillic irony, do it when Solzhenitsyn’s body is still warm.
It’s going to be a chalk bet that the Europeans take pass on this. Forget Russia spreading Communism and revolution. Putin has them by the short hairs. He’s going for the oil and the gas. He’s taking the Great Game that Kipling spoke about and brought it into the 21st century.
Should you become President what will you do?
What if he decides to take over the Republic of Ukraine? The New York Times and the Democratic Party acquiesced in the deaths of 8,000,000 to 10,000,000 Ukrainians the last time Moscow got mad at them. Look it up.
They – the Georgians and the Ukrainians – are both “faraway people of whom we know little”.
Do you think that this is the change they have been waiting for?
Maybe you got your 3:00AM call a bit early.
The buck may be in front of you. What will you do?
PS – I’ve been keeping an eye on the price of arugala. Have you?
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Barry E. Kirscher, Esq., Palm Beach State’s Attorney
August 2, 2008
Barry E. Kirscher, Esq.
Palm Beach State’s Attorney
401 North Dixie Highway
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
RE: Your duty as to scroyle Wexler
Mr. Kirscher,
I am sure there is a Latin adage that translates “Payback is a bitch”. It there isn’t there should be.
Congressman Robert Wexler, he of the terminal outrage over “butterfly ballots” in 2000 and long term Chairman of “3 Cheers for Alger Hiss”, suffers from a malady common to politicians who see villains everywhere. He is in the advanced stages of “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome”. Each year he is Congress he has gotten taller. In addition to being 10 foot tall he is bulletproof. It was believed as recently as a month ago that his shadow falling upon the lame and the halt was sufficient for them to get up and walk.
The above listed outrages are not listed as felons. The reason why the state legislature has not acted is the majority of its members suffer from the same disease.
An argument could be made that the public arena is the best place for this mange carrier to be deloused. The combination of his hubris & chutzpah is offensive. While it is criminally offensive and extremely detrimental to the commonweal it is not a crime.
Where he resides is different.
Can we stipulate that both Federal and state law say that you must reside in the district that you represent?
Either he does or he doesn’t.
Your office had no problem going after Rush Limbaugh. Further, it had no problem publicizing your efforts to get him.
Can you do less for – perhaps to is the better word – this phony bastard?
Presumably he files a Federal tax return.
Which state – Florida or Maryland – does he use?
Presumably he has a driver’s license.
Which state – Florida or Maryland – granted it?
As a modern American Liberal and as such in perpetual thralldom to the various teachers’ unions it is inconceivable that his children would go to a private school. If he uses the laundry room in his in-laws Del Ray house as his residence he would be liable for non-resident tuition in Maryland. If so it would be a matter of public record. If he doesn’t pay it because he is a Maryland resident he is in violation of Florida law.
Forget about press conferences. Get him under oath. Ask the questions.
Justice and the perception of Justice being done demand that you pursue this to wherever it leads you.
You took an oath of office. “A man on oath holds his soul in his hands as if it were water. He opens his fingers at his own peril.”
Do your duty.
Barry E. Kirscher, Esq.
Palm Beach State’s Attorney
401 North Dixie Highway
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
RE: Your duty as to scroyle Wexler
Mr. Kirscher,
I am sure there is a Latin adage that translates “Payback is a bitch”. It there isn’t there should be.
Congressman Robert Wexler, he of the terminal outrage over “butterfly ballots” in 2000 and long term Chairman of “3 Cheers for Alger Hiss”, suffers from a malady common to politicians who see villains everywhere. He is in the advanced stages of “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome”. Each year he is Congress he has gotten taller. In addition to being 10 foot tall he is bulletproof. It was believed as recently as a month ago that his shadow falling upon the lame and the halt was sufficient for them to get up and walk.
The above listed outrages are not listed as felons. The reason why the state legislature has not acted is the majority of its members suffer from the same disease.
An argument could be made that the public arena is the best place for this mange carrier to be deloused. The combination of his hubris & chutzpah is offensive. While it is criminally offensive and extremely detrimental to the commonweal it is not a crime.
Where he resides is different.
Can we stipulate that both Federal and state law say that you must reside in the district that you represent?
Either he does or he doesn’t.
Your office had no problem going after Rush Limbaugh. Further, it had no problem publicizing your efforts to get him.
Can you do less for – perhaps to is the better word – this phony bastard?
Presumably he files a Federal tax return.
Which state – Florida or Maryland – does he use?
Presumably he has a driver’s license.
Which state – Florida or Maryland – granted it?
As a modern American Liberal and as such in perpetual thralldom to the various teachers’ unions it is inconceivable that his children would go to a private school. If he uses the laundry room in his in-laws Del Ray house as his residence he would be liable for non-resident tuition in Maryland. If so it would be a matter of public record. If he doesn’t pay it because he is a Maryland resident he is in violation of Florida law.
Forget about press conferences. Get him under oath. Ask the questions.
Justice and the perception of Justice being done demand that you pursue this to wherever it leads you.
You took an oath of office. “A man on oath holds his soul in his hands as if it were water. He opens his fingers at his own peril.”
Do your duty.
Senator Bill Nelson
August 3, 2008
Senator Bill Nelson
1301 Riverplace Blvd – 2218
Jacksonville, Florida 32207
RE: Things change
Senator Nelson,
You are opposed to drilling in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico. You even had – so help me! – a “secret plan” to stop it.
Senator B. Hussein Obama was opposed to drilling in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico. Candidate B. Hussein Obama has flip flopped on this issue and now favors it.
Will you join him in renouncing what was thought to have been a long held principle, one which there was thought to be no compromising with Big Oil and Global Warming deniers, or will you pursue a “Profiles in Courage” moment?
I know, I know. It’s lonely out there on the ledge all by yourself. But think how good you’ll feel in the morning
The courtesy of a prompt reply would be greatly appreciated.
Senator Bill Nelson
1301 Riverplace Blvd – 2218
Jacksonville, Florida 32207
RE: Things change
Senator Nelson,
You are opposed to drilling in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico. You even had – so help me! – a “secret plan” to stop it.
Senator B. Hussein Obama was opposed to drilling in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico. Candidate B. Hussein Obama has flip flopped on this issue and now favors it.
Will you join him in renouncing what was thought to have been a long held principle, one which there was thought to be no compromising with Big Oil and Global Warming deniers, or will you pursue a “Profiles in Courage” moment?
I know, I know. It’s lonely out there on the ledge all by yourself. But think how good you’ll feel in the morning
The courtesy of a prompt reply would be greatly appreciated.
Congressman Robert Wexler
July 31, 2008
Congressman Robert Wexler
5790 Margate Boulevard
Margate, Florida 33063
RE: What’s that smell?
Congressman Wexler,
It was obvious that you were always a smarmy bastard.
What is obvious now is that your hypocrisy goes beyond that normally expected of a modern American Liberal member of Congress. Just think of the thought processes that compel SanFranNan Pelosi, your fearless leader, to walk in front of a TV camera and say, “Every day I want to save the world.” Even Mother Teresa never said that.
May I ask – before the Justice Department of the United States and, perhaps the prosecutors in Florida and Maryland ask you under oath – which address you use when you file your Federal income tax return?
May I ask – with the same monitums attached should you find yourself before a grand jury – which state has issued your driver’s license?
If you used your Maryland address you broke both Federal and Florida law by not living in the district that you represent. It probably is too late but you should remember that this is not England. We wink at the gerrymandering that gives Alcee Hastings a seat. In fact, his serpentined district would have sent OJ Simpson to Congress. “Gerrymandering, si!” “Rotten Boros, no!”
I used to say that you were a person about whom not enough bad things could be said. Every time you appear on TV you prove my point.
The news reports say that your children attend private school in Maryland. I guess that means that you won’t be sponsoring my bill mandating that the children of elected officials attend public schools.
Now you say that you will rent an apartment in your district so that your continuing violation of the law will not be a “distraction”.
May I suggest that you look into Belle Glades as a good place to raise your family? A diverse community in love with organic agriculture, it is part of Florida’s glorious past. You’ll love it there.
Another alternative is the Bahamas.
There’s that smell again.
It’s you.
Just writing your name raises a stench in my nostrils.
The only positive thing to come from this is that your actions make the smarmy bastards in Broward County seem almost mediocre.
Congressman Robert Wexler
5790 Margate Boulevard
Margate, Florida 33063
RE: What’s that smell?
Congressman Wexler,
It was obvious that you were always a smarmy bastard.
What is obvious now is that your hypocrisy goes beyond that normally expected of a modern American Liberal member of Congress. Just think of the thought processes that compel SanFranNan Pelosi, your fearless leader, to walk in front of a TV camera and say, “Every day I want to save the world.” Even Mother Teresa never said that.
May I ask – before the Justice Department of the United States and, perhaps the prosecutors in Florida and Maryland ask you under oath – which address you use when you file your Federal income tax return?
May I ask – with the same monitums attached should you find yourself before a grand jury – which state has issued your driver’s license?
If you used your Maryland address you broke both Federal and Florida law by not living in the district that you represent. It probably is too late but you should remember that this is not England. We wink at the gerrymandering that gives Alcee Hastings a seat. In fact, his serpentined district would have sent OJ Simpson to Congress. “Gerrymandering, si!” “Rotten Boros, no!”
I used to say that you were a person about whom not enough bad things could be said. Every time you appear on TV you prove my point.
The news reports say that your children attend private school in Maryland. I guess that means that you won’t be sponsoring my bill mandating that the children of elected officials attend public schools.
Now you say that you will rent an apartment in your district so that your continuing violation of the law will not be a “distraction”.
May I suggest that you look into Belle Glades as a good place to raise your family? A diverse community in love with organic agriculture, it is part of Florida’s glorious past. You’ll love it there.
Another alternative is the Bahamas.
There’s that smell again.
It’s you.
Just writing your name raises a stench in my nostrils.
The only positive thing to come from this is that your actions make the smarmy bastards in Broward County seem almost mediocre.
Michael Vasquez, The Miami Herald
July 29, 2008
Michael Vasquez
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, Florida 33132-1693
RE: WAL*MART and who in the name of “all men should be brothers” are these two terrible people from Miami whom you highlight in your Page One story on the horror, the horror of a uniquely American institution thinking about expanding in Miami. I mean it’s not like it’s a toxic waste dump or a homeless AIDS shelter, is it?
Mr. Vasquez,
“Miami City Commissioner Marc Sarnoff
at the thought of ‘WAL*MART on the waterfront’.”
“Though it was Sarnoff’s aide, Peter Ehrlich, who described
the chain’s customers as ‘pickup truck’ drivers, Sarnoff
denies cultural elitism is motivating his opposition.”
“If we don’t want to out source our jobs, we should
a better job of ‘buying American’, Sarnoff said.”
The Miami Herald
Page 2A
[The emphases are, of course, mine]
It’s like filling an inside straight. If you ever wonder why the guys who own casinos live in big houses and have huge diamond pinkie rings and women who look like they posed for Botticelli on their arms it’s because there are jemokes out there who think they can fill inside straights.
The thought of two men on the public payroll occupying the same offices and being so dumb, so mind numbing, so make my hair hurt, so make my finger nails curl backwards, so Homerically, so over the top, so jump the shark dumb that they couldn’t find their respective asses in a mirror lined phone booth using both hands with a certified Life Coach shouting instructions to them is kind of like…you know what I’m saying…like filling an inside straight. Twice. In a row.
Having listened to all – repeat – all of Mozart’s recorded works I am half way through it again. Since it’s summer time I am rereading the Iliad and the Odyssey. I am conversant with the 4 Source Theory of Penatateuch Composition. I am immune to “Balloon Juice”. I greatly admire Cicero, the man not the town. I had a payroll with 255 names on it. I know how to attack a two deep zone. My last gun fight was 15 years ago. I know what a 10K is because I used to sign them. I know my way around a carte des vins. I know the difference between Chiaroscuro and Caravaggio. I know why The Economic Consequences of Peace led to war. I have had issues decided by the Supreme Court of the United States. I was in the movie business. I have been 1500 feet down in a coal mine where the term ‘black hole’ is not racist. If you need some help with La Commedia or Ulysses [Joyce’s, not Tennyson’s] give me a call. I have prospected for gold. I was paid $5,000 to have lunch.
And to top it off, I have owned a red pickup truck since 1999. It has 118,000+ miles on it. The back window is too small for a gun rack that could hold my BAR, my favorite assault weapon.
May I add that if the Messrs Sarnoff and Ehrlich were on fire I wouldn’t pee on them to put out said conflagration. If you don’t believe me strike a match.
Accordingly, and in keeping with the protocol of my duties as the keeper of the laurels, I name Commissioner Sarnoff’s aide and butt boy Peter Ehrlich [Is there any chance that he is related to one of the 20th century’s great charlatans, Paul Ehrlich? That would explain a lot about him]
Because he is higher up on the food chain and because he is the one who hired the above named and honored nit wit the Commissioner is named
The two saps can share them like rubber duckies.
The only good to have come of the rhetorical incontinence of these two is that they make the poltroons in Broward Count look not good but rather almost mediocre. Here, when any elected official is almost mediocre, a Te Deum is sung.
What else makes Commissioner Sarnoff cringe?
Let us imagine that he has a constituent, a woman of color, who is a single mom. Let us further imagine that she has a child in need of drugs. A short time ago she paid $55 a month. Now she pays $4 a month at WAL*MART. Does that make him cringe?
Let us imagine that she got her economic stimulus check of $300. Let us imagine that she is outside the normal banking system. She could use a check cashing company. They would charge her between $3 and $7 dollars to cash it. WAL*MART would cash it with neither a charge nor a condition attached to it. Does that make him cringe?
Does the prospect of indenturing Miami/Dade County with a one billion dollar – that’s $1,000,000,000 – yoke to build a stadium for a team that cannot fill the stadium they are in now make him cringe?
If it doesn’t it should.
Sap Ehrlich was obviously an Affirmative Action hire. Not being the sharpest knife in the drawer shouldn’t be an impediment to a life of public service. He filled the niche of “Hire the Handicapped”.
I say this because of what he said about “buying American”. That’s known as empirical evidence. It’s as real as your boot. That’s why I can say with 100% metaphysical certitude that the man is a dolt.
As the original Dr. J. said, “Such stupidity, sir, is not found in nature.”
I know he eschews public transit because that’s for the little people, the lumpenmenschen. When he puts gas into his car where does he think the oil came from? The South side of Chicago? Nantucket?
The coffee in the Double Grande Funnichio Organic Latte avec Merde that he drank this morning came from where? The shores of Lake Okeechobee? Coconut Grove? Lincoln Road?
Mr. Ehrlich, and what a sad sacked sorry ass he is, has a homework assignment. He has to find out what Mr. Hawley and Mr. Smoot did to the American economy by legislating “buying American”. I won’t spoil the joy of discovery - thinks of Keats “high on a hill in Darien” – for this neddy dunce. The image of a mucked up two car funeral leaps to mind.
Having spent this time gilding the lilies that these two bring to the marketplace I was struck by the fact that my archives has no record of finding both a
in the same office and on the same day.
Accordingly, they have won the ultimate Trifecta. Indeed, Hercules would have to have done everything before cocktail time to have won this award.
They are both named
Such labors should give them a day of rest.
May I suggest that for the sake of the environment, for the benefit of drowning polar bears, for the noble goal of manatee suffrage they cut back on greenhouse gases?
Tell them to hold their breaths
PS – I made about 2 dozen literary, historical, cultural, and geographical references in my note to you. How many do you think Tweedledum and Tweedledee could indentify without causing GOOGLE to crash and burn?
Michael Vasquez
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, Florida 33132-1693
RE: WAL*MART and who in the name of “all men should be brothers” are these two terrible people from Miami whom you highlight in your Page One story on the horror, the horror of a uniquely American institution thinking about expanding in Miami. I mean it’s not like it’s a toxic waste dump or a homeless AIDS shelter, is it?
Mr. Vasquez,
“Miami City Commissioner Marc Sarnoff
at the thought of ‘WAL*MART on the waterfront’.”
“Though it was Sarnoff’s aide, Peter Ehrlich, who described
the chain’s customers as ‘pickup truck’ drivers, Sarnoff
denies cultural elitism is motivating his opposition.”
“If we don’t want to out source our jobs, we should
a better job of ‘buying American’, Sarnoff said.”
The Miami Herald
Page 2A
[The emphases are, of course, mine]
It’s like filling an inside straight. If you ever wonder why the guys who own casinos live in big houses and have huge diamond pinkie rings and women who look like they posed for Botticelli on their arms it’s because there are jemokes out there who think they can fill inside straights.
The thought of two men on the public payroll occupying the same offices and being so dumb, so mind numbing, so make my hair hurt, so make my finger nails curl backwards, so Homerically, so over the top, so jump the shark dumb that they couldn’t find their respective asses in a mirror lined phone booth using both hands with a certified Life Coach shouting instructions to them is kind of like…you know what I’m saying…like filling an inside straight. Twice. In a row.
Having listened to all – repeat – all of Mozart’s recorded works I am half way through it again. Since it’s summer time I am rereading the Iliad and the Odyssey. I am conversant with the 4 Source Theory of Penatateuch Composition. I am immune to “Balloon Juice”. I greatly admire Cicero, the man not the town. I had a payroll with 255 names on it. I know how to attack a two deep zone. My last gun fight was 15 years ago. I know what a 10K is because I used to sign them. I know my way around a carte des vins. I know the difference between Chiaroscuro and Caravaggio. I know why The Economic Consequences of Peace led to war. I have had issues decided by the Supreme Court of the United States. I was in the movie business. I have been 1500 feet down in a coal mine where the term ‘black hole’ is not racist. If you need some help with La Commedia or Ulysses [Joyce’s, not Tennyson’s] give me a call. I have prospected for gold. I was paid $5,000 to have lunch.
And to top it off, I have owned a red pickup truck since 1999. It has 118,000+ miles on it. The back window is too small for a gun rack that could hold my BAR, my favorite assault weapon.
May I add that if the Messrs Sarnoff and Ehrlich were on fire I wouldn’t pee on them to put out said conflagration. If you don’t believe me strike a match.
Accordingly, and in keeping with the protocol of my duties as the keeper of the laurels, I name Commissioner Sarnoff’s aide and butt boy Peter Ehrlich [Is there any chance that he is related to one of the 20th century’s great charlatans, Paul Ehrlich? That would explain a lot about him]
Because he is higher up on the food chain and because he is the one who hired the above named and honored nit wit the Commissioner is named
The two saps can share them like rubber duckies.
The only good to have come of the rhetorical incontinence of these two is that they make the poltroons in Broward Count look not good but rather almost mediocre. Here, when any elected official is almost mediocre, a Te Deum is sung.
What else makes Commissioner Sarnoff cringe?
Let us imagine that he has a constituent, a woman of color, who is a single mom. Let us further imagine that she has a child in need of drugs. A short time ago she paid $55 a month. Now she pays $4 a month at WAL*MART. Does that make him cringe?
Let us imagine that she got her economic stimulus check of $300. Let us imagine that she is outside the normal banking system. She could use a check cashing company. They would charge her between $3 and $7 dollars to cash it. WAL*MART would cash it with neither a charge nor a condition attached to it. Does that make him cringe?
Does the prospect of indenturing Miami/Dade County with a one billion dollar – that’s $1,000,000,000 – yoke to build a stadium for a team that cannot fill the stadium they are in now make him cringe?
If it doesn’t it should.
Sap Ehrlich was obviously an Affirmative Action hire. Not being the sharpest knife in the drawer shouldn’t be an impediment to a life of public service. He filled the niche of “Hire the Handicapped”.
I say this because of what he said about “buying American”. That’s known as empirical evidence. It’s as real as your boot. That’s why I can say with 100% metaphysical certitude that the man is a dolt.
As the original Dr. J. said, “Such stupidity, sir, is not found in nature.”
I know he eschews public transit because that’s for the little people, the lumpenmenschen. When he puts gas into his car where does he think the oil came from? The South side of Chicago? Nantucket?
The coffee in the Double Grande Funnichio Organic Latte avec Merde that he drank this morning came from where? The shores of Lake Okeechobee? Coconut Grove? Lincoln Road?
Mr. Ehrlich, and what a sad sacked sorry ass he is, has a homework assignment. He has to find out what Mr. Hawley and Mr. Smoot did to the American economy by legislating “buying American”. I won’t spoil the joy of discovery - thinks of Keats “high on a hill in Darien” – for this neddy dunce. The image of a mucked up two car funeral leaps to mind.
Having spent this time gilding the lilies that these two bring to the marketplace I was struck by the fact that my archives has no record of finding both a
in the same office and on the same day.
Accordingly, they have won the ultimate Trifecta. Indeed, Hercules would have to have done everything before cocktail time to have won this award.
They are both named
Such labors should give them a day of rest.
May I suggest that for the sake of the environment, for the benefit of drowning polar bears, for the noble goal of manatee suffrage they cut back on greenhouse gases?
Tell them to hold their breaths
PS – I made about 2 dozen literary, historical, cultural, and geographical references in my note to you. How many do you think Tweedledum and Tweedledee could indentify without causing GOOGLE to crash and burn?
Douglas C. Lyons – Editorial Writer, The Sun Sentinel
July 26, 2008
Douglas C. Lyons – Editorial Writer
The Sun-Sentinel
200 East Las Olas Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301
RE: The one constant modern American Liberal mantra – more money – as proselytized by you in your column this day.
Mr. Lyons,
As your paper becomes thinner and thinner it becomes easier and easier to read.
The perpetual ideological bent is easily discernible. The problems, what ever they may be, cannot be solved without more money. Thus, the hunt for new sources of revenue is like the hunt for the Holy Grail. Perhaps the horizon would be a more apt description. Whatever the problem it is now empirically self evident that they are never “solved”. They are addressed; they are funded; they are made the focus of the gentle hand of government; but they are never “solved”. If they were “solved” the next problem requiring more and more revenue would be the unemployment of the poverty pimps, hucksters, racial panderers, and morons who refuse to let the evidence of History detract them from just one more program that will make the poor less poor. These people make a comfortable living issuing constant Jeremiads about the system and its “victims”.
The victims and their victimhood must be helped. If they can’t be helped immediately then the villains, usually rich Republicans, must be punished. One of the favorite modern American Liberal punishments is the tax code. Clap-trap flapdoodle about “fairness” fills the air like grapeshot. [I’m sure someone out there knows how to give a tax cut to someone without income. I still don’t know how. Also, those who were unemployed last week will be glad to know that this week they will still be unemployed. The difference is that this week they will be unemployed at a higher minimum wage. For people who cherish the ideal of “Midnight Basketball” for idle teens on the edge of ferocity who are betrayed by a school system that rewards mediocrity that’s progress.]
In your article you mention “felony rights”. Surely you meant “felons rights”, didn’t you?
I seem to recall that a popular cause du jour was the restoration of voting rights to felons who did their time. Last week there was a kerfluffle about released prisoners becoming mortgage brokers. I don’t know about you but in a time when the term “black hole” is deemed to be a racist statement any impediment to ex-cons becoming mortgage brokers has racism written all over it.
In your hunt for yet more revenue with which the government would do good things you have a suggestion for Governor Crist. You say he should “fist bump” – Ah, the memories of the New Yorker cover of Senator and Mrs. B. Hussein Obama! – some of his friends at the Florida Retail Federation “and collect revenue from Internet sales”.
Silly boy!
Haven’t you ever heard of Gibbons v Ogden?
I’m from New Jersey so it has a special interest for me.
It’s about competing businesses and corrupt politicians and sweetheart deals – it fits the Florida template even though it was a Garden State delight, don’t you think? – and getting along by going along.
The Supreme Court of the United States ruled that no state can tax a transaction in another state. Thus, the great idea for more revenue to do really good things is against the law of the land.
If you don’t like the law then work to change it. In the meantime, obey it.
If you’re looking for additional revenue why not have Florida buy Power Ball tickets?
Douglas C. Lyons – Editorial Writer
The Sun-Sentinel
200 East Las Olas Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301
RE: The one constant modern American Liberal mantra – more money – as proselytized by you in your column this day.
Mr. Lyons,
As your paper becomes thinner and thinner it becomes easier and easier to read.
The perpetual ideological bent is easily discernible. The problems, what ever they may be, cannot be solved without more money. Thus, the hunt for new sources of revenue is like the hunt for the Holy Grail. Perhaps the horizon would be a more apt description. Whatever the problem it is now empirically self evident that they are never “solved”. They are addressed; they are funded; they are made the focus of the gentle hand of government; but they are never “solved”. If they were “solved” the next problem requiring more and more revenue would be the unemployment of the poverty pimps, hucksters, racial panderers, and morons who refuse to let the evidence of History detract them from just one more program that will make the poor less poor. These people make a comfortable living issuing constant Jeremiads about the system and its “victims”.
The victims and their victimhood must be helped. If they can’t be helped immediately then the villains, usually rich Republicans, must be punished. One of the favorite modern American Liberal punishments is the tax code. Clap-trap flapdoodle about “fairness” fills the air like grapeshot. [I’m sure someone out there knows how to give a tax cut to someone without income. I still don’t know how. Also, those who were unemployed last week will be glad to know that this week they will still be unemployed. The difference is that this week they will be unemployed at a higher minimum wage. For people who cherish the ideal of “Midnight Basketball” for idle teens on the edge of ferocity who are betrayed by a school system that rewards mediocrity that’s progress.]
In your article you mention “felony rights”. Surely you meant “felons rights”, didn’t you?
I seem to recall that a popular cause du jour was the restoration of voting rights to felons who did their time. Last week there was a kerfluffle about released prisoners becoming mortgage brokers. I don’t know about you but in a time when the term “black hole” is deemed to be a racist statement any impediment to ex-cons becoming mortgage brokers has racism written all over it.
In your hunt for yet more revenue with which the government would do good things you have a suggestion for Governor Crist. You say he should “fist bump” – Ah, the memories of the New Yorker cover of Senator and Mrs. B. Hussein Obama! – some of his friends at the Florida Retail Federation “and collect revenue from Internet sales”.
Silly boy!
Haven’t you ever heard of Gibbons v Ogden?
I’m from New Jersey so it has a special interest for me.
It’s about competing businesses and corrupt politicians and sweetheart deals – it fits the Florida template even though it was a Garden State delight, don’t you think? – and getting along by going along.
The Supreme Court of the United States ruled that no state can tax a transaction in another state. Thus, the great idea for more revenue to do really good things is against the law of the land.
If you don’t like the law then work to change it. In the meantime, obey it.
If you’re looking for additional revenue why not have Florida buy Power Ball tickets?
Congressperson Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
July 21, 2008
Congressperson Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
10100 Pembroke Pines Boulevard
Pembroke Pines, Florida 33028
RE: It must be jet lag or maybe you’re drinking some mAL kool-aid on the plane.
My dear Congressperson,
I have a copy of your article on oil and gas drilling in the Eastern Gulf that was published in the Sun-Sentinel on July 17, 2008.
As usual it is replete with errors of fact and larded with half, quarter, and eighth truths that modern American Liberals use when its time to feed the traditional “balloon juice” to the nit-wits who believe such tripe. It is the modern mental equivalent of pan et arena. That’s Latin for bread and circuses.
I used to think you were too smart to fall for the rhetorical incontinence that Democrats feed to their lumpenmenschen. But then I read that you are “moving to hold OPEC accountable for price fixing that increases the cost of oil”. God’s Holy Trousers but that’s Guinness Book of Records dumb. Didn’t your pal Hillary say that she wanted to sue OPEC? Where do you sue Hugo Chavez? If you sue him in Venezuela may I suggest you bring the Marine Corps with you. If you sue OPEC in Teheran see if you can get the Israeli Air Force to help you.
I read an article this morning in the Wall Street Journal – Do you still read it now that it’s in the hands of that notorious anti-Liberal meanie, K. Rupert Murdoch? Did you ever read it? – about a well that was drilled in the Gulf of Mexico. It was 32,550 feet. It cost $200,000,000 when its owner, the hated Exxon-Mobil, stopped drilling.
The well was dry. That should have been a cause for joy among the tree hugging morons who are Luddites at heart. If it had been productive maybe it could have befouled the beaches of Gulf Coast Florida.
This well wasn’t drilled in Tampa Bay. It wasn’t drilled off Sanibel. It was drilled off the coast of Louisiana. What would have happened if it had leaked? Does Florida have a way to stop oil from wells off the coasts of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, or Alabama from hitting the beaches of Florida?
How does that work?
I seem to recall that Canute tried to show that the tides were subject to his will. That is all he is remembered for. Herodotus tells us that Persian Emperors invading
Greece would have the waters flogged if the weather was foul. Who says we can’t learn from the past?
How about oil from wells off the coast of Mexico?
What if they leak? Can we use undocumented workers from Huejutla to mop up the mess?
What if Cuba hires China to drill in their part of the Florida Straits? Do you think we should use the United States Navy to prevent it?
I mention this because the well called Blackbeard is about to be opened and drilled again. This time it will be much deeper and, perhaps, angled. This is not good news for manatees and other bird brains who think it is good not to have our own oil and gas.
You say in your article that “lifting the moratorium on Outer Continental Shelf drilling would not have a significant impact on domestic crude oil and natural gas prices before 2030”. Your colleague in the Senate, Senator Richard Durbin [D – Ill], known to his friends as “Little Dick”, says the time frame is 8 to 14 years.
Let’s split the difference. Either side of 15 years will suit me.
Why should a 16 year old high school student pay into Social Security if their payout is more than a half a century away?
I am going to suggest that my youngest granddaughter not return to school in September. 8 years of grammar school followed by 4 years of high school followed by 4 years of college followed by 2, 3, maybe 4 years of graduate school. Hey, that’s as much as 20 years before a hint of a payoff. Better she becomes an I-Pod whiz.
I keep asking this but, since you never answer I’ll keep asking, if you ever carpool do you take your kids to a public school or a private school? Should Senator B. Hussein Obama win the election do you think he should send his daughters to one of the really fine public schools in Washington, DC or should he do like the Clintons and the Gores did?
I am proud of my 7 League carbon footprints. Here’s a plan for Democrats in Congress. Turn off the air conditioning in the Capitol. You run both Houses. It should be a snap.
Your babbling flapdoodle on acreage tells me that you know nothing – zero – about the oil and gas business. Do you think that oils wells are drilled one to an acre? Maybe you should do some reading on those flights to and from DC.
Here’s one suggestion for cutting back on CO2.
Why don’t you and your colleagues try holding your breath? Count backwards from 1787. I picked that date on purpose. It has something to do with the Constitution. That’s another thing you know nothing about.
Congressperson Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
10100 Pembroke Pines Boulevard
Pembroke Pines, Florida 33028
RE: It must be jet lag or maybe you’re drinking some mAL kool-aid on the plane.
My dear Congressperson,
I have a copy of your article on oil and gas drilling in the Eastern Gulf that was published in the Sun-Sentinel on July 17, 2008.
As usual it is replete with errors of fact and larded with half, quarter, and eighth truths that modern American Liberals use when its time to feed the traditional “balloon juice” to the nit-wits who believe such tripe. It is the modern mental equivalent of pan et arena. That’s Latin for bread and circuses.
I used to think you were too smart to fall for the rhetorical incontinence that Democrats feed to their lumpenmenschen. But then I read that you are “moving to hold OPEC accountable for price fixing that increases the cost of oil”. God’s Holy Trousers but that’s Guinness Book of Records dumb. Didn’t your pal Hillary say that she wanted to sue OPEC? Where do you sue Hugo Chavez? If you sue him in Venezuela may I suggest you bring the Marine Corps with you. If you sue OPEC in Teheran see if you can get the Israeli Air Force to help you.
I read an article this morning in the Wall Street Journal – Do you still read it now that it’s in the hands of that notorious anti-Liberal meanie, K. Rupert Murdoch? Did you ever read it? – about a well that was drilled in the Gulf of Mexico. It was 32,550 feet. It cost $200,000,000 when its owner, the hated Exxon-Mobil, stopped drilling.
The well was dry. That should have been a cause for joy among the tree hugging morons who are Luddites at heart. If it had been productive maybe it could have befouled the beaches of Gulf Coast Florida.
This well wasn’t drilled in Tampa Bay. It wasn’t drilled off Sanibel. It was drilled off the coast of Louisiana. What would have happened if it had leaked? Does Florida have a way to stop oil from wells off the coasts of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, or Alabama from hitting the beaches of Florida?
How does that work?
I seem to recall that Canute tried to show that the tides were subject to his will. That is all he is remembered for. Herodotus tells us that Persian Emperors invading
Greece would have the waters flogged if the weather was foul. Who says we can’t learn from the past?
How about oil from wells off the coast of Mexico?
What if they leak? Can we use undocumented workers from Huejutla to mop up the mess?
What if Cuba hires China to drill in their part of the Florida Straits? Do you think we should use the United States Navy to prevent it?
I mention this because the well called Blackbeard is about to be opened and drilled again. This time it will be much deeper and, perhaps, angled. This is not good news for manatees and other bird brains who think it is good not to have our own oil and gas.
You say in your article that “lifting the moratorium on Outer Continental Shelf drilling would not have a significant impact on domestic crude oil and natural gas prices before 2030”. Your colleague in the Senate, Senator Richard Durbin [D – Ill], known to his friends as “Little Dick”, says the time frame is 8 to 14 years.
Let’s split the difference. Either side of 15 years will suit me.
Why should a 16 year old high school student pay into Social Security if their payout is more than a half a century away?
I am going to suggest that my youngest granddaughter not return to school in September. 8 years of grammar school followed by 4 years of high school followed by 4 years of college followed by 2, 3, maybe 4 years of graduate school. Hey, that’s as much as 20 years before a hint of a payoff. Better she becomes an I-Pod whiz.
I keep asking this but, since you never answer I’ll keep asking, if you ever carpool do you take your kids to a public school or a private school? Should Senator B. Hussein Obama win the election do you think he should send his daughters to one of the really fine public schools in Washington, DC or should he do like the Clintons and the Gores did?
I am proud of my 7 League carbon footprints. Here’s a plan for Democrats in Congress. Turn off the air conditioning in the Capitol. You run both Houses. It should be a snap.
Your babbling flapdoodle on acreage tells me that you know nothing – zero – about the oil and gas business. Do you think that oils wells are drilled one to an acre? Maybe you should do some reading on those flights to and from DC.
Here’s one suggestion for cutting back on CO2.
Why don’t you and your colleagues try holding your breath? Count backwards from 1787. I picked that date on purpose. It has something to do with the Constitution. That’s another thing you know nothing about.
Ryan Lizza, The New Yorker
July 14, 2008
Ryan Lizza
The New Yorker
4 Times Square
New York, New York 10036
RE: What’s the rest of the story?
Mr. Lizza,
First things first.
That was one Hell of a cover. Do you suppose Senator B. Hussein Obama would countenance the stoning of his wife if she were to sashay over to the wild side and do the horizontal tango with…with…I know!…Mel Reynolds. She may be too old.
I couldn’t get past the first paragraph of your article on Senator Bambi. The sinkhole I could neither leap over nor go around was
“Mel Reynolds, a local congressman, was facing charges of
sexual assault of a 16 year old campaign volunteer.
[He eventually resigned his seat]”
Reynolds was convicted of a dozen or so felonies including mail fraud and pedophilia. He “resigned” his seat because he was sentenced to Federal prison. The story ends well because he was pardoned by Big Bill Clinton and was hired by Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. as a teenage counselor.
You failed to mention the part about Federal Marshalls putting him in shackles and taking him to prison.
In the investment business “failure to disclose a material fact” is fraud.
You committed journalistic fraud by not telling your readers the whole story up front.
Should Bambi gets to a second term won’t his oldest daughter be about 16? Where is Mel Reynolds these days?
Ryan Lizza
The New Yorker
4 Times Square
New York, New York 10036
RE: What’s the rest of the story?
Mr. Lizza,
First things first.
That was one Hell of a cover. Do you suppose Senator B. Hussein Obama would countenance the stoning of his wife if she were to sashay over to the wild side and do the horizontal tango with…with…I know!…Mel Reynolds. She may be too old.
I couldn’t get past the first paragraph of your article on Senator Bambi. The sinkhole I could neither leap over nor go around was
“Mel Reynolds, a local congressman, was facing charges of
sexual assault of a 16 year old campaign volunteer.
[He eventually resigned his seat]”
Reynolds was convicted of a dozen or so felonies including mail fraud and pedophilia. He “resigned” his seat because he was sentenced to Federal prison. The story ends well because he was pardoned by Big Bill Clinton and was hired by Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. as a teenage counselor.
You failed to mention the part about Federal Marshalls putting him in shackles and taking him to prison.
In the investment business “failure to disclose a material fact” is fraud.
You committed journalistic fraud by not telling your readers the whole story up front.
Should Bambi gets to a second term won’t his oldest daughter be about 16? Where is Mel Reynolds these days?
Presidente Cristina Fernandez Kirchner
July 20, 2008
Presidente Cristina Fernandez Kirchner
La Casa Blanca
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Madame Presidente,
You want to tax export grain as a way to keep the domestic price down?
Madre de Dios! That’s dumb.
Such dumbness cannot go unnoticed.
It makes you the first Argentinean woman to win the highly coveted, much sought after award. You are the
You live in a country that God has blessed. In almost 2 centuries of being what some may consider a nation you have used this bounty to make but one contribution to the Western Canon. The tango. Even that is tainted since you stole it from the Italians.
Here’s a plan. Margaret Thatcher is no longer in office.
Why not invade the Falklands?
Presidente Cristina Fernandez Kirchner
La Casa Blanca
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Madame Presidente,
You want to tax export grain as a way to keep the domestic price down?
Madre de Dios! That’s dumb.
Such dumbness cannot go unnoticed.
It makes you the first Argentinean woman to win the highly coveted, much sought after award. You are the
You live in a country that God has blessed. In almost 2 centuries of being what some may consider a nation you have used this bounty to make but one contribution to the Western Canon. The tango. Even that is tainted since you stole it from the Italians.
Here’s a plan. Margaret Thatcher is no longer in office.
Why not invade the Falklands?
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