Sunday, August 24, 2008

Senator Joseph Biden

August 23, 2008

Senator Joseph Biden
24 NW Front Street #101
Milford, DE 19963

RE: Happy Days ARE here again!

Senator Biden,

“Character”, responded James Madison when asked what is the most important trait to look for in a candidate for public office. “Character is all.”

Let the record show that there is no hint that James Madison ever spent time in a coal mine nor did he ever use without attribution the phrases of another politician. May I suggest that should you feel the need for grabbing a line or two from British politicians you should try Churchill? Pitt would be a good choice. So would Edmund Burke. Mrs. Thatcher would be fine also. Disraeli. The Iron Duke. Even David Lloyd George. You choose Neil Kinnock. The only consolation there is that it wasn’t Aneurin Bevan or Tony Benn. It still smells.

Back to character.

Would it not be the honorable thing to do, would it not be a sign of your character for you to resign immediately from the United States Senate?

Senator Dole did in 1996; Senator Johnson did not in 1960.

John Adams said “we can never be too curious about the character of public men”.

Your choice.

“Cactus Jack” – John Nance Garner – said that the Vice Presidency “Ain’t worth a bucket of warm spit”. Actually he didn’t say “spit”; he said “piss”.

At last! A man equal to the task.

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