Monday, August 18, 2008

Senator B. Hussein Obama

August 14, 2008

Senator B. Hussein Obama
701 North Court Street
Marion, Illinois 62959

RE: Today’s History lessons

Senator Bambi,

Congratulations on what is turning out to be a great week! And it’s only Thursday.

The truth about campaigns is that you can always count on your enemies, mean spirited rotters all who are implacable foes of change, to do the sniveley things that make them your enemies. It’s you friends you have to worry about.

Any week that sees the Communist Party of America endorse you AND reveals that George Clooney is you secret advisor on the Mideast and body language is a week that while not equal to the first week of Creation – Did Pastor Wrong Wright ever talk about that? – certainly deserves to be bronzed.

It’s a simple segue from the former to ask if you think, as a former law school instructor, that Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs got a fair shake.

As to Giorgio Clooney it would be wise to remember how far “earth tones” got Vice President Alpha Gump in 2000.

Enough of that useless badinage. Back to the History lesson.

“They are a far away people of whom we know nothing.”
“Any place is defensible if free men so desire.”

I’ll spare you the suspense. There will be no “gotcha” moments.

The first was said in Parliament in defense of the Munich Agreement, an agreement that if it saved us from World War 2 why the Hell did the Germans spend 2 years trying to sink the ship my wife’s father was on.

The second was said by Senator John Kennedy when he ran for President in 1960. It addressed the islands of Quemoy and Matsu. These islands were close enough to mainland China that they could fire artillery shells onto them which they did every other day. Yet one more example of the Oriental mindset that befuddles Anglos still bitterly clinging to guns and religion. Can you believe that a Democrat ran on the “missile gap”? Can you believe that he ran against military deficiencies of an administration led by the guy who beat Hitler in Western Europe? The American people will vote for anybody. Just about anybody.

My first reaction to the Russians invading Georgia was that it was a long time to hold a grudge. I thought that they were still pissed off at Carter for boycotting the Olympics in 1980. Then I thought that they wanted to make sure that there were no Stalin wanabees getting ready to head to Moscow. And, in a touch of Cyrillic irony, do it when Solzhenitsyn’s body is still warm.

It’s going to be a chalk bet that the Europeans take pass on this. Forget Russia spreading Communism and revolution. Putin has them by the short hairs. He’s going for the oil and the gas. He’s taking the Great Game that Kipling spoke about and brought it into the 21st century.

Should you become President what will you do?

What if he decides to take over the Republic of Ukraine? The New York Times and the Democratic Party acquiesced in the deaths of 8,000,000 to 10,000,000 Ukrainians the last time Moscow got mad at them. Look it up.

They – the Georgians and the Ukrainians – are both “faraway people of whom we know little”.

Do you think that this is the change they have been waiting for?

Maybe you got your 3:00AM call a bit early.

The buck may be in front of you. What will you do?

PS – I’ve been keeping an eye on the price of arugala. Have you?

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