Sunday, October 12, 2008

Carl Hiassen - Smear Tactics

October 12, 2008

Carl Hiaasen
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, Florida 33132-1693

RE: “Smear Tactics” – The end of civilization as we know it or could it be worse? A comment on your “Why can’t we all just get along?” column in today’s Miami Herald.

Mr. Hiaasen,

Are the “lights going out all over”? Are we entering an age of “Trousered Apes”?

I’m voting for a Black man this year. Does that make me a good guy?

For the past 8 years this country has had its President compared to Hitler. I guess that doesn’t count.

Saturday Night Live had a skit that said Governor Palin’s husband was “doing” their daughters. Was that reasoned discourse or civil exchange? Was that as you say “too risky”?

The bench mark for all over the top, sling mud, take no prisoners Presidential campaigns was 1800. That was the first campaign that did not have George Washington keeping score. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, two of the most beloved men in American History, went after each other like cats in a sack. No quarter asked; no quarter given. Did they reach their hallowed status because of or in spite of their performances?

I am a bit confused when you make William Ayers and Charles Keating “moral equivalents”.

Keating went to jail for giving politicians money

Ayers didn’t go to jail after blowing up Federal buildings.

Ayers, a devout disciple as was Hillary Rodham Clinton of Saul Alinsky, a man whose hero was Satan, was a victim of “Fatal Conceit” and poor timing.

His conceit was that he knew what was best for everyone. A few dead policeman or some blown-up buildings was a small price to pay for Utopia. [“All them corn fields and ballet at night.”] His poor timing was that the New York Times published an interview with him on September 11, 2001. As 3,000 people were turned to goo he said that he was “sorry he didn’t do more”. “More” was the killing of policemen and the destruction of Federal buildings. Sounds like a stand up guy.

In his defense it must be said that his wife, as charming and gracious an ax murderer as you would ever want to be involved with your children’s school, was worse.

Keating would have right at home with Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. He wouldn’t have just been a “Friend of Angelo” he would have been Angelo.

Of the Keating Five it is indeed fitting and proper to note that Robert Bennett, the lead investigative attorney for the Democratic Senate, said that John McCain did nothing illegal, improper, or unethical. Perhaps it slipped your mind but the other 4 Senators were Democratic. Of course, if the admittedly vague rules of tu quoque are suspended then where are the standards to which an honest man may repair?

You say “McCain and four other lawmakers took fat donations from Keating”. How about the guy he’s running against?

Senator Barack Hussein Obama, and if Ralph Waldo Emerson, George Washington Carver, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John Beresford Tipton, and John Fitzgerald Kennedy didn’t mind having their middle names used why should he or any of his paladins mind. Hussein is as proud name. I think it means “Death to the Jews” or “Bring on the virgins”. I don’t think it means “baboon”. The Democratic Party and The New York Time regularly referred to Abraham Lincoln as that. What the heck. You knew that, didn’t you?

I love to say that I am from Bayonne. I know that “Politics ain’t beanbag”.

That’s why the following sequence of events is not surprising. Barack Hussein Obama is elected to the United States Senate. His wife works for a hospital in Chicago. She is in charge of seeing that all aspects of bed pans – purchasing, delivery, cleaning, and disposing of said contents in an environmentally sensitive manner – are done in a way that reflects the humanitarian principles espoused by the Daley family.

As an aside for me the best moment of the 2000 election was when one of the Daleys landed in Florida and saying, “Let the recount begin”. That’s why veteran newsmen wear dark trousers. That way you have a chance of changing your pants before the rest of the world knows that you pissed in said pants.

Barack Hussein Obama is sworn in as Senator Barack Hussein Obama. He gets his wife’s employer an earmark of $1,000,000. She gets a $4,000 – repeat - $4,000 a week- repeat - $4,000 a week – raise. That’s $200,000 a year.


I told you I’m from Bayonne, New Jersey.

My brother the hunchback will straighten up if the replay shows that to be a coincidence.

Only a modern American Liberal, one who lives in the penumbra filled world of the perpetual suspension of both belief and disbelief, would believe so.


PS – The Black man I’m voting for is Alan West. Does that make me a good guy? Also, a quick math quiz. Almost 50% of Americans do not pay income tax. How is Senator Candidate Barack Hussein Obama going to cut taxes on the 95% of those who do?

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