October 21, 2008
“The man’s a boob and that’s an end to it.”
“Believe it, sir. A man who knows he is to be
hanged in two weeks tends to concentrate
fully on the upcoming event
Both of the above are from the Master, the original Dr. J, Samuel Johnson. The former has been altered; the latter hasn’t.
The first quote is about Senator Joseph “Curley” Biden.
I call him “Curley”, not because of his combo Chinese pig and horse hair Gorilla Glued plugs, but because it was my way of honoring “Curley”, the smartest of all the Stooges. Alas, the ninny would scratch his teeth, teeth gotten just before the ban on elephant ivory went into effect, because the organizing and leading a two car funeral is simply beyond him. He is justifiably famous for forming circular firing squads. He came by this gift naturally. He was the catcher on the javelin and shot put teams, positions that he was the only volunteer at the expensive Roman Catholic prep school he attended.
Biden is as big and blatant a boob as has ever befallen an American election.
It is not “patriotic” to pay more taxes.
President Franklin Roosevelt did not go on TV in 1929 to tell America “what happened” for several reasons. #1 – He wasn’t President. #2 – TV had not yet been invented.
It doesn’t sound as rip roaring but your copter flight in Kafiristan wasn’t forced down by gunfire. It was forced down be snow and poor visibility. I was in a gun fight. You remember the sights, the sounds, the smells, and the quarter size hole in the policeman’s chest. You never, never confuse it with snow.
He never was a “hard coal miner”. He never was a “soft coal miner”. I guarantee he does not know the difference between the two. I do.
The last time someone said “Rise and walk” successfully was when Rome ruled the world. I think the state Senator from Missouri, the one sitting involuntarily in a wheel chair is still, despite his biblical exhortations, sitting in the same wheel chair. And to think he went to a fancy Roman Catholic prep school! Didn’t anything they taught him “stick”?
His name is not Barack America. It is Barack Hussein Obama.
By the way, Senator Barack Hussein Obama is “articulate, bright, and clean”. If you said the opposite that would be false as far as I know. What the Hell is the problem?
2 years ago a sitting United States Senator used the word “macaca”. It is a term best understood by the people that Curley says control the 7/11 business in Delaware. I don’t think it means “Kill your cows”. That Senator, a man whose name is so far down the memory hole that it will soon be coming out the other side, has been in the witness protection program since.
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, a woman he said was more qualified than him to be Vice President, said that “Senator Barack Hussein Obama was not a Muslim as far as she knew”.
Speaking of “qualifications” to be Vice President…
1 – Born in America
2 – 35 years of age
3 – Not from the same state as the President
Congratulations! “Curley” Biden is a winner!
“Curley” is certainly is as qualified as Henry Wallace, John Sparkman, and Geraldine Fellini-Zucchini to be Vice President.
Heraclitus said “Character is destiny”.
Noah Webster said “In selecting men for public office…look to their character”.
Madison said “Character” was the most important trait to look for in any candidate for public office.
It’s bad enough that he cheated in law school. Young men do dumb things. What is particularly galling is his plagiarism in the 1988 campaign.
[It is well to note that Wee Mikey Dukakis, noted tank driver and endive spokesman, ratted Curley out on his cheating. Turnabout being fair play it should be noted that Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. – later known as Vice President Alpha Gump – returned the favor to Wee Mikey when he told the world about Willie Horton, the wondering rapist-murderer who got h is furlough to, you’ll be surprised to know, raped and murdered again, this time 400 miles away in Maryland. How is Willie Boy doing these days? Shouldn’t he be taking his Bar exam about now? Massachusetts readmitted Alger Hiss. Hell, he was only a traitor.]
What made it exponentially worse was that the English politician he chose to steal from was Labour leader Neil Kinnock. He could have chosen Pitt. He could have chosen the Iron Duke. Disraeli, Gladstone, or David Lloyd George would have been OK. Enoch Powell. Harold MacMillan. Even John Profumo or Ian Paisley. Churchill or Thatcher, never. Even he wouldn’t dare.
I was in England when I heard Kinnock damn this country in the mid-80s. I haven’t heard our country damned like that until the Pastor Wrong Wright, Senator Barack Hussein Obama’s pastor for 20 years, {Did I say 20 years?}, show went into re-runs earlier this year.
20 years?
There is a scene in a Jimmy Durante movie where he tries to sneak a 10 foot tall elephant out of a circus. He has a long length of rope around the beast’s neck as he is tip-toeing out of the tent. A policeman jumps out and says “What are you doing with that elephant?”
“Elephant”, says Durante. “What elephant?”
Who says Senator Barack Hussein Obama didn’t learn from the movies?
20 years?
What was Curley thinking?
He could have picked Henry the Fifth.
Churchill once said of a politician that “he was a modest man with much to be modest about”.
A perfect description of Curley.
And I approve of this message
PS – Read that second quote again.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
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