Sunday, October 12, 2008

Some of my best fiends...

October 10, 2008

One thing positive has come out of this campaign.

Yesterday, on national TV, the anti-Semitic jibe about “Jews are too smart” was disproved. Twice.

That’s why I thought about calling this little note

“Two Dumb Jews”

Robert Wexler [D – FL & MD], is a Congressman so smarmy that it takes two states to contain him. A while back he said that Governor Palin was a Nazi. He offered as proof that she was alleged to have worn a “Buchanan” button. Can’t you just hear those Huskies goose stepping to the Horst Wessel tune? He can. Can’t you just see her naming a bridge after Margaret Sanger? He can. Can’t you just see her sending the Alaska National Guard into Poland? He can.

That alone, according to Boob Wexler, would be sufficient to toss her into America’s first adult sleep away hostel, Camp Gitmo, for pre-trail detention.

Yesterday, I saw him sitting on a stage that had Senator Bambi rambling on about “fairness”. The Congressman had a look on his face halfway between MEGO [My eyes glaze over] and that of a refugee from the short yellow school bus that is filled with window lickers.

It was like someone slipped him a note that said Barry’s buddies hate Jews. He asked if there were any Jews other than Republicans on the list. When he was told that the venom starts with Israel he gulped. He was, as Al Sharpton once said, like a “hook nosed diamond merchant” who stumbled into a barbecue pork eating contest.

Why didn’t he jump up and denounce Barack the Blessed and Most Merciful?


Wexler is a dumb Jew.

Barack the Beneficent has friends and backers who have said that “Judaism is a gutter religion”. This moron says, “What, me worry? Sarah Palin is a Nazi. Barack may be the Messiah. Make way.” A perfect dunce.

This doesn’t bother Wexler even a little bit.


Because he’s a dumb Jew.

If someone tells me that he’s going to destroy the country that my fathers came from and round up all of my cousins and kill them I would, at the very least, sharpen my ax and keep my eye on him.

That’s known as using your Yiddishe kup.

A bit later I saw Congressperson Debbie Wasserman-Schultz [D-FL] Her family perfected the test. Her husband was a prison guard.

A mating of eagles!

Ain’t she a cutie? Rapunzel would shave her head if she saw her.

On September 18, 2001 – one week after feral bastard towel heads invaded this country and killed 3,000 people – 2 Florida Department of Law Enforcement Deputies, Agent Thomas and Agent Mineva, both of whom had badges and guns, came to my house to “advise” me that I shouldn’t write to then State Senator Debbie Wasserman-Shultz. Her resume says that she has two degrees in Political Science. She must have missed the part about the Greek saying that “Free men speak with free tongues”.

As a typical modern American Liberal she is, at heart, a friggin’ brown shirted, hob nailed boot stomping Nazi bastard. Free speech is reserved for her and those who share her opinions.

She is filled with “non-malodorous fecal matter”. As a champion of public education she sees no contradiction in sending her children to a very expensive private school. The basketball coach at that school drives a Bentley. That it creates a carbon footprint that could have come from a Goliath is of no import.

She was on TV this week caterwauling about milk being $6 a gallon. Publix Supermarket, about ¼ of a mile from her local office, will sell her all she wants for $2.69. She was off by half. Maybe she buys her milk from Sophia Loren.

Using Congressman Wexler’s Logic Congresswoman Little Debbie Wasserman-Schultz has become another dumb Jew.

Senator Barack Hussein Obama, and if President George Bush’s father can be called George Herbert Walker Bush why can’t the junior Senator form Illinois be called by his proper names, heard his pastor spew hatred for 20 years. He condemned his own country; he condemned Israel; he condemned Jews. How could he not have heard this? To say that he never knew what his own pastor said requires a willing suspension of disbelief on the part of his believers. It is a trait uncommon to Tribe members.

This week Louie Louie Farakhan called Senator Barack Hussein Obama the “Messiah”. “Moshiac”.

Only truly dumb Jews, biblically dumb Jews, Homerically dumb Jews, Guinness Book of Records dumb Jews, and the first two names that leap to mind are Congressman Robert Wexler and Congresschick Debbie Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, could sit through this and not say, “Oy”

In 2005 Adolf Akbar Ahmadinejad said: “Is it possible for us to witness a world without America and Zionism? But you had best know that this slogan and this goal are attainable, and can be achieved”.

This is the man that Senator Barack Hussein Obama wants to meet without conditions?

William Ayers, a guy that Senator Barack Hussein Obama says “lives in his neighborhood”, tried to blow up the Capitol in Washington, DC. He said in an interview published in the New York Times on September 11, 2001 that he was “sorry he didn’t do more”. Ayers wanted to blow up Amerikans. If Jews were in the mix so be it. He wasn’t aiming at them in particular. He was a non-denominational murderer. I suppose that’s a plus for him.

Senator Barack Hussein Obama is peeing on the backs of American Jews. They think it’s rain.

If I were a rich man I would say they had a lot to atone for this week.


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