August 9, 2009
Congressman Ron Klein
800 East Las Olas Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301
RE: Is it time for a new Alien & Sedition Act? Scratch the part about Aliens unless they’re coming from outer space. Perhaps we can get a return receipt from the first Pioneer flight. Is it time for a new Sedition Act?
Congressman Klein,
I enclose a copy of a letter I sent to you on February 17, 2009. I quoted you verbatim. It was unanswered in keeping with your practice.
“I want them to be the eyes and the ears of the stimulus plan.”
The Sun-Sentinel
February 17, 2009
Page 5B
A picture of you telling some workers what was expected of them accompanied the article. I couldn’t tell if you had a quirt in your hand. Doesn’t Castro have block committees to keep an eye on things? A sudden weight gain in Havana will land you in the pokey. High cholesterol will get you shot. In Broward your name will be taken and a line will be drawn through it. Where is the usual caterwauling about “slippery slopes” and “chilling effects”? It depends on whose boot is on whose neck.
There is a certain amount of irony in that card carrying modern American Liberals, particularly elected ones, see no moral dilemma in encouraging “snitching”? Concerns for the civil rights of assassins in Camp Gitmo somehow don’t extend to your fellow citizens.
Lillian Hellman must be spinning in her grave. I trust that my tax deductible contribution towards keeping a 24 hour armed guard facing her grave is still in operation.
Should this hecateish succubus slip the traces and further infect the common weal she would make Swine Flu look like the sniffles.
When are you being fitted for your brown shirt and your hob nail boots?
At the bottom modern American Liberals, particularly elected ones, are Fascist thugs. With the exception of abortion the only ones who will have “freedom of choice” will be those holding the truncheon. Is Rahm Emanuel the new Bull Conner? Which will be the first amendment to go after the First? The Fifth? The Second?
It appears that Attorney General Eric Holder will soon unleash a special prosecutor on the CIA because, in their zeal to prevent another 9/11, they may have ruffled the burnoose of a feral Abdul the Butcher. This is the same man who sat silently in the White House when the Clintons had an auction to get out of prison. Did Hillary’s loutish brother ever give back the $400,000 he got for selling pardons through his brother-in-law? That was the retail cost. I wonder what the wholesale cost was. Were there volume discounts? How about a family discount? Now Holder is going to conduct an inquisition about combatants and their interrogations. I know where he can get a good price on a used strapado. Wait a minute. The costs may be covered under the Stimulus plan.
Should you desire to leave the Congress I am sure the White House would welcome you as the Minister of Truth. Perhaps the Czar of Truth would be a better, more descriptive title. Either one would suit your Javert-like tendencies. Who would be your first Bukharin?
Would you be so kind as to inform the White House that I reek of “fishy” thoughts and writings? I wouldn’t want to interfere with the vacation plans of Lord Barack the Beneficent. Please forward them this letter with my name underlined like Zapata’s was. Tell them also that “free men still speak with free tongues”.
The Greeks called it hubris. I prefer “non-malodorous fecal matter”. Modern American Liberals suffer from it disproportionately. You have placed the Republic in peril.
Kevin Smith
PS – I just had a great idea! How about loyalty tests as a condition of employment by the Federal government in re the health plan? Why not expand it to include any job “created” by the sainted Stimulus pogrom?
Monday, August 10, 2009
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