August 18, 2009
Eugene Robinson
The Washington Post
1150 15th Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20071
Washington, D.C.
RE: “Process Has Been Hijacked” – Your thoughts on the horror, the horror of free men debating and deciding questions about their future in this morning’s Miami Herald. I prefer to call your never ending Jeremiads, like STDs, “the gift that keeps on giving”.
Mr. Robinson,
Lest I ignore other targets of convenience on health care, the budget, the world wide apology tour, and the geography lessons of Lord Barack the Beneficent, and blessed be his name, I was going to limit my ripostes to you. I mean how much fun can it be shooting fish in a barrel or clubbing baby seals? I figured I had enough piñatas to last me through Labor Day.
Then I read the following this morning.
“Giving up the public option might be expedient.
But we didn’t elect Obama to be an expedient President.
We elected him to be a great President.”
The Miami Herald
Page 11A
Which President, with the possible exceptions of the two Jimmies, Buchanan and Carter, did we elect NOT to be a “great President”?
In Rhetoric it’s called denying the major premise.
What do they call “non-malodorous fecal matter” in the Oval Office? Business as usual? More importantly, what do the prostrating acolytes of the chattering classes call it when his shadow falls on them when He passes?
Your expectations, like all card carrying members of the modern American Liberal cabal, never allow reality, facts, experience, History, or an innate sense of right and wrong to interfere with your pronouncements ex cathedra.
It’s been some time since the election. My memory is fading.
How many of the 57 or 58 states did the proud alumnus of the Cook County School of Political Thuggery carry? I can’t find an English-Austrian dictionary. Is Austrian a quasi-Romance language?
After Mrs. O got a $4,000 a week raise – that’s four thousand dollars – her husband got an earmark for her employer for $1,000,000. When she moved to Washington her employer never filled her vacant job slot. Maybe they could use some Stimulus swag. Michelle set the bar very high. For every dollar of salary increase she got her husband paid it back 5 times. Coincidence? Sure. Like when they “find a trout in the milk”.
I mention the above because water seeks its own level. Despite 2 Ivy League degrees, excuse me, 4 Ivy League degrees maybe they aren’t too bright. Slick, sly, cunning, ruthless, absolutely. Bright? The jury is still out.
President B.O. is surrounded by Chicago hacks who know one thing. “Push back twice as hard” may be good street smarts. I search the Federalist Papers in vain to find any reference to it. Hamilton may have been a bit of a hard case but Madison never was.
I remember Mayor Daley the First screaming “Fuck you” at Senator Ribicoff during the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago. The Chicago police then “pushed back twice as hard”, didn’t they?
Now we have Rahm Emanuel, as foul mouthed a goniff as has ever been in the White House, cracking knuckles, not all of which are his own, trying to figure out some way to get the Chicago police to keep order at the Town Hall meetings.
This crew is starting to make John Edwards and Denis Kucinich look good. Everybody knew that those two couldn’t find their asses using both hands. An abundance of “non-malodorous fecal matter” at the White House seems to be the result of supping with the Gods. “Non-malodorous fecal matter”? Send a SASE.
Perhaps greatness will be thrust upon in Afghanistan. Perhaps not.
Can you tell me why a toe-tagged GI in Baghdad was a cause for national outrage from modern American Liberals while a toe-tagged GI in Kandahar is treated with an indifference bordering on cynicism by the same self appointed guardians of what is good and what is bad?
You say that he wants to “revolutionize education”. I had hoped that the first change he would bring to education would be sending both his daughters to any of the really fine Washington, D.C. They’re good enough for all the other residents of Public housing there. Why not him?
Considering David Axelrod’s deal with the drug companies can we expect Governor Rod Blago to be made the Czar of Public Sleaze?
Kevin Smith
Friday, August 21, 2009
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