Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January 13, 2013
Linda Campbell
Ft. Worth Star-Telegram
PO Box 1870
Ft. Worth, TX 76001

RE: Hillary Clinton and why we should pray for her recovery because what would we do without her – Some comments on your article in today’s Sun-Sentinel

Ms. Campbell,

As a proud founding member of the “vast Right-Wing conspiracy”, the bĂȘte-noire of Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Javert-like pursuer of the truth about her, I am always glad to receive new information about the 20th century’s poster girl for publically abused spouses.

Beginning with her senior thesis on the irenic qualities of Saul Alinsky to her being hired by the largest law firm in Arkansas just after her husband was elected Attorney General of Arkansas to being made a partner by the largest law firm in Arkansas just after her husband was elected Governor of – you guessed it! – Arkansas to making $100,000 on cattle futures [Her broker was named Red Bone. That name must be preserved] just by reading the Wall Street Journal to being named an outside director of Wal-Mart because of her vast retail experience [Whatever else the big boys in Bentonville are they ain’t dumb. What better way to get an inside track, if you know what I’m saying, to Governor Handsome Billy from Hot Springs] to the ethically challenged moral slag heap that was Whitewater to containing perpetual “Bimbo Eruptions” by turning a blind eye to her husband’s wandering one-eyed trouser snake and the rumors that he would hump a snake if someone would hold its head, I have followed her career with great interest.

And that was before she got to the White House.

Your article adds a few things to my ever increasing treasure trove of truths revealed by the Church of Modern American Liberalism about her.

#1 – “Dissect” a blood clot? That’s usually done by the smartest doctor in the hospital. The only drawback is that he does it the day after she died. It’s called an autopsy and RIP Jack Klugman for putting a human face on them. Blood clots are dissolved.

#2 – You say her concussion was “announced” in mid-December. By whom? The ghost of Vince Foster? “New York lawyer” Bernie Nussbaum? [“NY lawyer” is modern American Liberal shorthand for Jew. Honest] Emily’s List? NARAL? In addition to working overtime to save everybody, even those of us who don’t want to be saved, she apparently went to medical school on line. Something, no doubt, to fill in all those hours in the air taking up the White Woman’s burden. Not since Luke the Physician and Dr. Zhivago have we had a practitioner who could both self-diagnose and treat a concussion. Perhaps this could be an answer to our never ending medical crisis. To Hell with adding an extra bedroom. Build a do it yourself E.R. It wouldn’t take long before every neighborhood would have somebody who could do a pneumonectomy. A win-win
all around, no?

#3 – You say part of her medical condition should not be made public. I like to think that Vice President Henry Wallace was dumped in 1944 for 2 reasons. A – Roosevelt was dying and –B- the wise old men, patriots all, in the Democratic Party could not imagine him in the Oval Office. Didn’t the people have a right to know about Senator Kennedy’s ailments and addictions before the election? I remember Senator McGovern saying that he was “1000%” behind Senator Eagleton before he defenestrated him.

#4 – You mention her “greatest asset”. You are a bit obtuse but I think you mean her mind.

Not so.

Her greatest asset was the decades’ long tolerance of her husband’s philandering ways. Now chastened, perhaps a loss of extramural libido helped, he is playing catch-up ball by trying to get back to the White House by getting her into the Oval Office. The last time Billy had “a bit of the gobble” with Monica he was in the Oval Office and Hillary was upstairs. She’ll be downstairs trying to make “rainbow stew” the official soup of the newly named Washington Native Americans and he’ll be upstairs playing hide the salami with zoftig Monica.

The woman would shame Ananias. She is a disaster and a train wreck waiting to happen.

If you can reach her tell her I have 5 different blood thinners in my medicine chest. Also, I have the inside skinny on leeches. I would be happy to share any or all with her, particularly since I am not a physician.

Has anyone looked into the possibility that the blood clot was self-induced? After 65 years of hearing that cacophonous cackle of a laugh, a laugh that makes one pine for finger nails on a blackboard, her brain may have said Basta!,

Meanwhile, the 4 Americans killed in Libya are going to be dead for a very long time. The only person in jail for this is the movie producer of whom she said the US would “get” because his film caused the murder and mayhem.

I would like to know, under oath, what Hillary the harridan knew and when did she know it.

If I were to say, like Wanda Sykes who said of Rush Limbaugh, “I hope his kidneys fail”, or Julianne Malveaux who said that she hoped Clarence Thomas’s wife fed him so he would have a stroke, or Michael Moore who said he “wished that more Republicans died on 9/11”, that I hope her carotid artery does a back flip would that make me “cruel and unfair”?

I hope so.

Kevin Smith

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