Monday, January 21, 2013

January 20, 2013
Stephen L. Goldstein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Politics and the ever present G-d thing – Some comments on your usual upbeat column in today’s Sun Sentinel.

My dear Professor,

This time you may be on to something.

I know that you would have sent Reverend Jerry Falwell on a one-way trip to Gehanna. Alas, he’s dead. Will you join in my crusade to ban Reverend Jesse Jackson and Reverend Al Sharpton from being in the public political arena in any way, manner, shape, or form?

You wiil?

Good. Scratch that. I mean grrrreat!

The next thing is simple.

I will relieve you of all your US money – both currency and specie – that makes any reference to G-d. Begin with Annuit coeptis. “He has blessed our undertakings” not only gives you a chance to do away with G-d you get a chance to put the knock on sexism also. Two birds with one stone, so to speak. In God We Trust must cause your billfold to become unbearable.

If you give it all to me I promise to dispose of it in an environmentally sensitive manner. It depends on how much you have but some single malt whisky might be involved in the final solution.

Since G-d is now banned allow me to say AllahDamn you.

How sterile, how barren must your world be?

I’ll still pray for you if for no other reason than your knowledge of my hope of divine intervention should cause your knickers to knot like a tourniquet.

Kevin Smith

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