Sunday, January 27, 2013

January 27, 2013
David Giambusso
The Star Ledger
Star Ledger Plaza
Newark, NJ 07102-1200

RE: Guns & Language & Logic – Some comments on your article about Newark Mayor Booker’s flaccid [sic] stance on gun control in today’s Star Ledger.

Mr. Giambusso,

You write…

“…despite Newark recording roughly six times the
numbers of murder per capita than New York –
the vast majority due to guns…”
[Italics mine]

If guns cause murders would not Logic dictate that umbrellas cause rain?

Having been in a gunfight in Newark on June 3, 1993 – Yes, that one – I know full well the power of weapons, particularly when they are used up close and personal.

Since a hole in the ten ring is usually clear and well-formed I suggest that your argument can be better made if you language is the same.

Kevin Smith

PS – It’s been quite a few years since I have been in Newark. The last time I saw your building – perhaps redoubt would be a better word – it did not yet have a moat. Is that still the case?

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