Sunday, April 14, 2013

April 2, 2013
Suzan Clary
The Sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

RE: Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander? Some comments on your unlinkable boilerplate modern American Liberal defense of Professor Deandre Poole’s “Let’s stomp on Jesus to show how free we are” raree in today’s Sun Sentinel. The term “eclectic indignation” leaps to mind.

Ms. Clary,

First, let me state the obvious.

It would be inconceivable in today’s super sensitive clime for Professor Poole to have substituted – Allah forefend! – the name of the prophet Mohammed, and blessed be his name, for his class room stomping contest.

Had he done so Pakistan would have set itself on fire. Then, President B.O. would have walked barefoot to its Washington embassy to apologize and beg to be scourged as atonement.

If it were to happen, doubtless in one of those fundamentalist, red neck Southern colleges, it would take less than a week for it to be uncovered as a Zionist plot funded by the notorious Koch Brothers. It would have taken a bit longer but the fingerprints of Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, and Wal-Mart would have been uncovered. Before a fortnight had passed the DNA of Nixon and McCarthy would have been found.

If it were to happen Professor Poole would have been shot down the modern American Liberal academic memory hole at such a speed that his hair would quickly catch on fire.

Now comes a stickier point.

“Students do not have a right not to be offended
by classroom speech or assignments.”
The Sun Sentinel
Page 8A

I believe it was Plato who said that “Something cannot be that which it is not.” Had he stumbled on your sentence he would have been felled as if he were struck by a Hoplite.

How can I confound thee?

Let me count the ways.

Professor Poole tells his class that Darwin was a boob.
Professor Poole tells his class that Global Warming is bunk.
Professor Poole tells his class that same sex marriage is wrong.
Professor Poole tells his class that gun control is stupid.
Professor Poole tells his class that Margaret Sanger inspired Hitler.
Professor Poole tells his class that the minimum wage is anti-Black.
Professor Poole tells his class that Papa Joe Kennedy was an anti-Semite.
Professor Poole tells his class that taxes are too high.
Professor Poole tells his class that abortion must be outlawed.

Professor Poole tells his class that he knows a very literate curmudgeon in Fort Lauderdale who wants to burn a Koran, a sacred Koran if you will, wrapped in an American flag on the steps of the Federal Courthouse on Broward Boulevard. This free speech extremist will have a pitcher of pig pee close by should the fire get out of control.

He then asks for student volunteers for crowd control. He tells them that there is a possibility of extra credit.

[Except for the part about burning the Koran]
Better late than never.

Would “Mecca delenda est” be an acceptable topic for a political science class at Florida Atlantic University? “Mecca delenda est”? Send a SASE.

When will Florida Atlantic University have a display of and a discussion about the cartoons featuring Mohammed, Allah, and a couple of dazed goats and pre-pubescent sobbing girls? Can you get me tickets for that?


Can we stipulate that while all speech is free some speech is freer than others?

Kevin Smith

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