Monday, April 29, 2013

April 28, 2013
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Your “outrage” is not “wavering”, I think. – Some comments on your column in today’s Sun Sentinel.

Big Stein,

Phyllis Wasserman-Rubin, Broward County’s leading modern American Liberal Democratic Juban politician and du jour crook, pled guilty to counts of stealing form the public trough and, because she is sick and her husband just got out of jail, gets to keep both her pension and her freedom.

[Don’t you think it’s about time, it being a question of goals not quotas and of fundamental fairness, that a Republican get his dick or dickette caught in the “Steal a Hot Stove” review? One of the drawbacks of one party rule – Think Hudson County, think Cook County, think Wayne County, think Boston – is that the gene pool soon gets to the incest warning light. Maybe the Koch Brothers could sponsor some Republican crooks.]

I am glad you are not “wavering” in this because a few weeks back you also took the pledge against “wavering”. You wrote that you had finally made up your mind about the death penalty.

You said you were opposed to it with no exceptions.

I wrote to you and asked what about the Florida ax murderer who was up next for the hot shot. I asked you what about Adolph Eichmann. To date I have received no answer.

I wrote again asking you about the surviving Muslim terrorist in Boston. Modern American Liberals, having tried, convicted, and executed George Zimmerman, a “White Hispanic” according to the New York Times, have been strangely silent about whatever the Son of a Bitch Jihadist murderer’s name is. There is enough physical evidence to convict him in Mecca. [Mecca is another place where there is no “wavering’ about the death penalty either.]

Do you think he should be executed? Yes or No. “Wavering” is not allowed.


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