Sunday, April 14, 2013

March 31, 2013
Steven L. Goldstein
The Sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

My dear Professor,

I was worried. It was the second Easter in a row, I hope it is only the second, that I couldn’t find my Easter eggs. I buried them. I think.

Then I got to your unlinkable column and the fuzzy world of senescence was replaced by your pixie dust, “moon bat” world of money being the solution for every problem, including undiscovered ones.

Who knew that “London Bridges Falling Down” was numero uno in Florida?

You did. .

$44,134,000,000. That’s 44 billion, one hundred and thirty four million dollars. And that’s only a down payment!

Compared to the “shovel ready” jobs that we borrowed a gazillion dollars from the Chinese to fund it’s a trifle, a trifle. And, hey, when the President snickered that the “shovel ready” jobs weren’t, you know what I‘m saying, “shovel ready” Secretary Clinton’s answer to the Benghazi deaths of 4 Americans, “In the long run what difference does it make”, applies retroactively.

In the world of modern American Liberalism results are irrelevant. It works, it doesn’t work. No big deal. In the long run what difference does it make? What counts are intentions. Sort of like a domestic “We are the World”.

Anyway, the $44,134,000,000 is the amount required to get Florida back from “If you cross that bridge you will die” to “Is your will with your solicitor” question asked by all bridge toll collectors. Methinks it is another fairy tale from one of the founding members of the Lockbox Marching and Chowder Society.

2 things stand out from your horizon reaching column.

#1 – “Denial that the bill always come due” – At first I was going to raise a 
Te Deum. Only someone who reads Milton Friedman and knows that he said “there is no such thing as a free lunch” could talk about markers being settled. On second thought that happed just after the Fort Lauderdale airport is closed because of a blizzard during the long awaited Summer of Recovery.

Your employer – The Tribune Company – has just come out of bankruptcy. Having danced at the Ball a few times I can absolutely guarantee you with 100% metaphysical certitude that if the Tribune Company had done any of the things the Feds do with our books the people wearing the green eye shades would have been dragged out by their heels and sent to Gitmo.

#2 – “create thousands of jobs” – There is no sense in being a half-assed modern American Liberal. If you drank the Kool-Aid of “hope and change” and asked for seconds that makes you a full-fledged, fire breathing, card carrying modern American Liberal.

How many jobs did the trillion dollar “Stimulus Program” create? Since we are about to enter the 5th Summer of Recovery” would I be revealing my Tea Party/Bastiat roots if I were to ask why none of that money ever got to Florida’s “failing infrastructure”?

For all we know Governor Crist [RID as in Republican Independent Democrat], in addition to playing tonsil hockey with President B.O., was taking long, warm showers with him in the early AM hours. Why did he fall for the “I’ll call you soon” routine? Why didn’t he get the money first, like a good hooker?

I think I know.

“Any public policy that involves robbing Peter to pay Paul will always have Paul’s support”. These poltroons will make Madoff look like a piker.

Kevin Smith

PS – Normally I would ascribe my e-mail fatal illness to the perversity of inanimate objects. This time I believe it was a classic Black-Op mission. Doubtless, it was funded by George Soros and carried out by Debbie Wasserman-Schultz’s brown shirts. I put 2 stamps on the envelope. If we all did that we could help the Post Office, no?

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