Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 22, 2014
Arne Duncan
Secretary of Education
400 Maryland Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20202

RE: “stark portrait of inequity” – Some comments on your imbecilic, I dare say moronic, take on public education.

Mr. Secretary,

#1 – Are any of your children enrolled or have been enrolled in any of the really really good public schools in Washington. DC?
#2 – If not, why not?
#3 – Although his family gets intercontinental spring breaks, this time in China, paid for by the American taxpayer the President, a tenant in public housing, spends over $100,000 on tuitions for his daughter’s private school educations. Why aren’t they in any of the really, really fine public schools available in Washington, DC?
#4 – I’ll take it that you are not familiar with “post hoc propter ergo hoc”. You may wish to familiarize yourself with it. It’s been around for a very long time. Take your time reading this. I will write slowly.
If “black students were 3 times as likely to be suspended and expelled as white students” is it because they are black, is it because there are 3 times as many of “them” in inner city schools, or is it because they transgress 3 times as much as their melanin challenged classmates?

Blacks make up some 12% of our population. 65% of the NFL and 80% of the NBA are non-Caucasian. What conclusions can we draw from those facts? Should we have Affirmative Action in which we compensate for some athletes having longer femurs and bigger butts giving them an unfair advantage? Shouldn’t the admirable goal of a “level playing field” apply here? Will there be a place for nerdy, fat White point guards in March Madness?

#5 – Do you know of any other non-rent paying tenants of public housing in Washington who spend more than $50,000 for each of their children’s grammar school tuition? Would not fairness dictate that some equaling provision be applied to the Obamas? How about $100 a week towards the upkeep of the Rose Garden? How about paying for the first organic non-gluten compost heap on the East Coast?

Should the need for a tie-breaker arise how many non-rent paying tenants of public housing get to ship their wives, their daughters, and their broom riding mother-in- law to China, friggin’ China for Christ’s sake, for Spring Break? OOPs! I almost forgot. And it doesn’t cost him a dime.

An anxious public awaits your answers.

Kevin Smith

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