Sunday, March 9, 2014

March 8, 2014
Margaret Carlson
Bloomberg News

RE: “Inches away from a clean getaway” – Some comments on your column about how North Carolina, the home of Sam Ervin, a man who devoted his entire adult life to preventing Black boys from going to school with White girls, will shortly be worse than Nigeria, North Korea, Paraguay, and even, God forgive us, Texas.

Ms. Carlson,

Almost. Almost. Right up to the end.

It’s been 14 years since you said that American GIs serving overseas were tax cheats and deserved to be disenfranchised. Honest. Remember? I do.

It was such a smarmily egregious but oh so typical of modern American Liberals, folks like you, who suffer from ginormous “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome” that I felt, feel, compelled to remind you of it from time to time.

[I told the New York Times that Walter Duranty’s name should be sandblasted off its wall honoring NYT Pulitzer Prize winners so many times that they assigned National Editor William Borders to act as a buffer between me and wee Sulzberger the publisher and President for Life of the Lucky Sperm Club. Linda Greenhouse wrote me a note thanking me for congratulating her on her Pulitzer Prize. In it she said that she never heard of Duranty but would find out more. Perhaps Western Civilization is doomed.]

You end your column with

“The protests are called Moral Mondays as a way of
showing the Christian right that laws favoring the
rich over the poor aren’t a bit Christian. We know
what Jesus and Pope Francis would do for the
poorest and most vulnerable. Let Republicans
in North Carolina do it, too.”
Bloomberg News

Speaking of the “poorest and most vulnerable” maybe you should have a serious conversation with Vice President Joe Biden, AKA “Curley” in honor of the smartest stooge. He and his wife had an adjusted gross income of more than $500,000.He and his wife live rent free in a house that is half the size of Delaware. The Secret Service cuts his lawn. The last time he did anything by himself was when he last cleared his bowel. He managed to give less than one half of 1% to the “poor vulnerable”. In addition to being a dopey bastard he is now a stingy dopey bastard. He has forgotten all that he ever learned at Auchmere Academy.

Pope Francis will probably not concern himself with alleged voter fraud, with porcine offal overflow in Tar Hell country, with whether or not the FCC should monitor speech in news organizations, with the horror, the horror of someone refusing to decorate a Mr. & Mr. wedding cake, with the awakening of the “vast Right-Wing conspiracy”, with the glass ceiling, with whether or not “you can keep your doctor” is a big venial or a small mortal sin, with drowning polar bears, with teenage obesity and the heartbreak of psoriasis……Wait a minute…..Did you say the “most vulnerable”?

There is one thing he will preach against.


It is inconceivable - nice play on words, right? – that he will give supposed Roman Catholics a pass on abortion. To say that you are at once a Roman Catholic and a Pro-Death advocate is impossible. One or the other. Not both. And absolutely not at the same time.

Uncle Screwtape is salivating over the squared circles, the 4 sided triangles, the “Yes, I can kiss my own elbow” nostrums of modern American Liberal Roman Catholics who say “Yes, but…” Dante has assigned Albert Speer the task of designing a new circle for them.

Your column provides a target-rich environment for rational adults who are marginally literate.

It begins, it always begins, with the modern American Liberal premise that the people, particularly when they vote, are boobs. They need the guiding hand of those who suffer, knowingly or unknowingly, from the Fatal Conceit of Democratic busybodies.
Vide Nancy Pelosi and “we have to pass the bill to see what is in it” and “Are you crazy?” when asked where in the Constitution does it say that the President can control the tides like Canute’s satraps told him he could.

You mention “voter fraud”.

I am from Hudson County, NJ. The lesson of cooking the books on voter lists was not lost on me. I live in Broward County. It is the most Liberal spot in America south of Zabar’s. The only way a Republican gets on a countywide elected board is if a Democrat gets convicted and a Republican Governor appoints a successor.

10 years ago, on a whim, I got 6 voter ID cards. If I am asked under oath if I ever used them I will take Lois Lerner’s advice and use the right against self-incrimination as a shield from prying prosecutors. It’s worked for her so far.

I am building a treasure chest of mail in vote requests.

I may or I may not use them. My Muses will guide me.

I add that there were thousands of dislocated elbows in Broward County when Miriam Oliphant was elected as Supervisor of Elections. It was bonanza time for chiropractors here. She was an attractive African-American woman with a Master’s degree in middle school hall monitoring and attendance taking in the Wi-Fi age. What could be better for modern American Liberals here? So busy were they patting themselves and each other on their backs that the use of public tennis courts pummeled after the election.

That she was dumber than a box of hammers, that she couldn’t find her attractive ass while standing in a phone booth and using both hands, that she couldn’t tell you what color an orange is never entered into the question of fitness for office.

None of that mattered to orgasmic Democrats here. What mattered was the greater good of promoting a minority and advancing the cause of social justice, truth, freedom, and the American way.

She was removed from office because of incompetence.

Why should North Carolina be exempt from concupiscence?

Like that old corsair Poppa Joe Kennedy said about buying the vote in the 1960 Democratic primary in West Virginia, “I’m not paying for a landslide. Just buy enough to win”.

Do you think the families of American GIs killed overseas should pay for the transportation costs of returning their dead bodies? That’s one way to cut the budget so that we can pay for a newly invigorated “Midnight Basketball” program.

Kevin Smith

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