Monday, March 10, 2014

March 9, 2014
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: “I expect more from Hillary Clinton” – Some comments on your unlinkable slobbering serenade in today’s Sun Sentinel in which you chastise her ever so gently.

Big Stein,

It occurs to me that short of running off with either Rush Limbaugh or Rosie O’Donnell or both, there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that Hillary Rodham Clinton could do that would lessen the fervor that some people who should know better have for her.

On the other hand, the image of Hillary doing the horizontal tango with either or both is mindbendingly boggling.

Hillary said the Putin was like Hitler. That got your kickers knotted. Hitler permitted no smoking in his presence. He was a Teutonic vegan. He was kind to children and he loved animals. Somehow I don’t think those traits entered you’re your equation.

I’ll get back to Hitler shortly.

Can someone please tell me what this fagot has ever done?

She wrote her senior thesis on Saul Alinksy. I’ll find the fifth Gospel before I find that. Follow the bouncing ball.
She was graduated from law school.
She married a classmate.
He became the Attorney General of Arkansas
She was hired by the “largest law firm in Arkansas”
[The “largest law firm in Arkansas” is better- slightly,
Ever so slightly better than being the 3rd largest hotel in Wichita]
Her husband became the Governor of Arkansas.
She was made a partner in the “largest law firm in Arkansas”.
Ain’t no glass ceiling gonna stop this bitch!

She met a good old boy named Red Bone. She found a few dollars in Bill’s used trousers. [On&off, on&off, on&off, on&off, all before lunch will take a toll, particularly on the zipper] She called Red Bone and made $100,000 in cattle futures. Honest.

Whitewater should still raise a stink in the nostrils of honest men. Not because it failed. Hell,even Solyndra went down the tubes. It stinks after 30 years because she took Uncle Goober and Auntie Eller to the friggin’ cleaners in a manner worthy of a 3 card Monty dealer.

These boobs bought the land with the only document memorializing the sale being a time-sales contract. No mortgage. The reason is simple. If there is a default the debtor gets to tell his side of the story to a Judge. If you default on a car loan you see a large man hook your car and tow it away as the Law allows. Since the main market for this land would not fall into the category of “sophisticated investor” surely a document prepared by the “largest law firm in Arkansas” would offer some comfort. It didn’t.

What a bitch!

Her skills in retailing were such that Wal-Mart asked her to be an outside Director. The fact that she slept with the Governor like an oyster – months with no rs – had nothing to do with it. Honest.

Jeezua Haitch Keerist but my brother the hunchback will straighten up before that’s true.

It is not known whether Wal-Mart was a wee bit evil when she was there. What is known is that when she left it became a rapacious monster destroying Mom&Pop stores and luring in low income customers by lowering prices, the dirty dogs, the robber barons, the malefactors of great wealth, and secret Tea Party supporters. Plus it is obvious that they are in kahoots with the notorious Koch Brothers.

Look at a map. Kansas and Arkansas are neighbors, aren’t they? That’s all the proof anyone needs, right?

Meanwhile, her husband has been known to hump a rock pile because he thought a snake was hiding in it.

One good thing she did was to become the poster girl for publically abused “Piss on my back and tell me it’s rain” women.

And for this she thinks she should be President?

The boobies are running the hatch

As promised…Move over Adolph

Stalin killed some 8,000,000 Kulaks –The Nazis saw that the West did nothing and when they got to the plate they were better record keepers – most of whom were Jews in Ukraine when it was called the Ukraine, like the Bronx. A special shout out to Walter Duranty and the New York Times for being compliant, still compliant, in this.

Later on he killed 20,000,000 more because that is the Logical conclusion of statism on steroids.

But if you add them together they are still way short of what that lovable old, wily Oriental agrarian reformer Mao did. Try 60,000,000

Pol Pot deserves to be mentioned not because of the number [2,000,000] of his countrymen that he killed. 2,000,000 was one third of the population of his country. We’ll put an asterisk next to that number.

I’ll say this for her. She sure as Hell has some set of balls.

Kevin Smith

PS – If Hitler had been captured alive do you think he should have been executed? Try yes or no.

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