April 2, 2014
Leonard Pitts, Jr.
The Miami Herald
3511 NW 91st Avenue
Miami, FL 33172
RE: “The True Face of Poverty in America” – Some comments on the unfairness of it all in today’s unlinkable column. This morning’s victim is a homeless single mom of 2, a woman of color, who is yet another victim of the Koch Brothers and, to make it worse, who lives her nasty, poor, brutish, and short life under the lion’s paw of Wal-Mart.
Mr. Pitts,
Let the record show that 50 years ago the United States declared war on poverty.
It was the 3rd war that decade, the other 2 being Vietnam and drugs. I lost track of the other 2. How did they work out?
Shanesha Taylor, and her 2 children, are victims of the longest war in American History. It has lasted far longer than the Athens/Sparta dustup, AKA the Peloponnesian War.
[2 things leap to mind. How she avoided the abortionist’s imported high tech coat hanger – Black women, 6% of the country’s population, have had 38% of the abortions since Roe v Wade – is a subject for a different forum. Suffice to say that it is a satanic combination of Affirmative Action on steroids and public policy gone mad. The “other thing” and I hope that the mere thought of it won’t cause you to brand me with “R” for racist, the new Scarlet Letter. It is a risk I am willing to take but what about the other partner in the horizontal tango that produced these 2 children? What about the fathers? Do you think Moynihan was right?]
Margaret Sanger, iconic heroine of modern American Liberalism and the woman whose face appears on a medal just given to Nancy Pelosi, the reigning Hecate of the accursed modern American Liberalism, would have had a simple, direct solution to Shanesha’s problem. Forced abortion, involuntary spaying, and, borrowing a tried and true tactic from the Spartans, slow starvation. Hell, she was so good that Hitler used her as a model for his 1934 Nuremberg Race Laws. No wonder modern American Liberals, secret Fascists all, are so comfortable with her.
What can we, as a society that exacerbated her and our problem, do to help her and us?
The first thing that must be done is to look at this from an a posteriori stand.
Whatever we did to cause her to become “unlucky in life’s lottery”, whatever we did to make her become “a victim of life’s circumstances”, whatever we did to make her become the poster girl for the perverse effects of modern American Liberalism, must stop.
The reasons are simple:
It is not working.
It never worked.
It never will work.
A “conscious uncoupling” of these disastrous social policies must start now. If it were possible, yesterday.
Having dug ditches in 3 countries I can assure you that when you realize you are digging on the wrong side of the property line the very first thing you do is…is…stop digging.
It is almost a Howard Beale moment.
You mention some unwise government expenditures that should be stopped so that more money will be available to “help” Shanesha. I would have liked to have seen Midnight Basketball, Cash for Clunkers, and the granddaddy of them all, Shovel Ready jobs, in there but I am just an old fashioned guy.
How about a suggestion on the income side of the ledger?
Why not make the interest on income from municipal bonds taxable? Why should inner city residents, mostly Black, many of whom are single moms, all of whom are renters, subsidize rich suburbanites, most of whom are White, when they avoid their “fair share” of taxes?
President B O, in what may have been his last truthful statement, said he wanted “to spread the wealth around”. [A statement like that bespeaks a mindset that assumes wealth is like manure. It’s not. If nothing goes into the front end of the cow, trust me, nothing is coming out the back end.] Why should Liberty City pay for Coconut Grove?
You say there are “46,000,000 poor people in America”. That is the same percentage in 1964. I mention 1964 because that was the year that Lyndon Johnson declared war on poverty.
The amount of money spent on this war is beyond calculation. No wonder the charlatans in D.C. can’t tell you how many people have paid their ObamaCare premiums. Why hasn’t the needle moved?
You say in counterpoint that Shanesha’s “unemployment benefits should be cut”.
It’s a small thing but if she never worked how could she qualify for unemployment insurance benefits.
A small housekeeping detail.
You said last year that your daughter was going to study English Literature when she went to college. I asked you to find out if Wordsworth is still the misogynistic turd he has been made out to be in the current arena of academia. Maybe she hasn’t gotten to him yet. Keep me in mind.
Kevin Smith
Thursday, April 3, 2014
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