April 6, 2014
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel
RE: How about “None of the above”? Some comments on your unlinkable column about the leading gubernatorial candidates and why a leopard will change its spots before a modern American Liberal will turn on one of its own, with the possible exceptions of John Edwards
Big Stein,
By crikey, you’re right.
Crist’s favorite color is plaid.
Scott’s favorite is disappearing battleship gray.
Several things leap to mind
#1 – Is Crist’s inability to “make anybody’s toes tingle” the opposite of or the antithesis to Chris Matthews saying in a pulsating tumescently priapristic tribute to then candidate Obama, “Stand back Eve. I don’t know how big this thing is going to get”?
#2 – I hope Nan Rich is a nice lady. What she absolutely is is a wing-nut moon bat who would try to legalize 4th and 5th trimester abortions, make Midnight Basketball mandatory, and demand compulsory sensitivity training for persistent heterosexuals. Taking a page from President B.O. she would do this by fiat in her inaugural address. In an appeal to “fairness” she would raise every tax 10% and make mass transit free. To save the drowning polar bears she would ban air conditioning. To help the endangered Florida panther and to foster the “green” revolution she would recycle aborted fetuses to feeding stations in the panthers’ neighborhood. To balance the scales of social justice she would demand that every county name its next school after those martyred freedom fighters, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. Also, she would stop bullying by simply banning it. She would solve the problem of second hand smoke by banning exhaling. She would say, with neither a hint of mirth nor a sense of wit, that if a minimum wage of $10.10 is good think how much better $37.50 would be for lifting everyone out of the evil clutches of poverty, a condition caused by Wal-Mart and the new Devil du jour, the Koch Brothers.
You say, as if no one is reading, that she “would be, without a doubt, the best choice of all those running”.
I believe that I mentioned the leopard and his inability to change his spots. In this Holy season of Lent, a time when redemption and salvation is there for the taking, a weekend with Whittaker Chambers might do you some good.
#3 – Better Bubba the lawn guy than the aforementioned Ms Rich for Governor.
At least he runs a business. That means he gets to sign both sides of a pay check. That means he doesn’t mind what you think about him. He’ll keep cutting your lawn as long as you pay him. There is a valuable lesson there. It is one that modern American Liberals are incapable of learning.
#4 – Empowered by the McCutcheon decision I want to know if the ordure of “big money runs politics” extends to George Soros and Tom Steyer. Also, does the modern American Liberal ban on “big money” extend to inherited wealth? Think Kennedy. Other than being legatees of the Lucky Sperm Cabal what have those hedonistic layabouts ever done?
#5 – Prices and elections are sometimes set on the edges. I will vote for Scott for no other reason than judicial nominations and appointments. Crist works for a personal injury law firm. There is no record, none whatsoever, of him ever litigating a trip and fall or a malpractice suit or even a workmen’s comp case. That means he has been bought and paid for by parasitic plaintiff and class action lawyers. Payback is a bitch.
#6 – How is Little Stein doing in school? Has he brought any shikskas home?
Kevin Smith
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
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