December 1, 2014
RE: The price of oil and how we have chance to put a stake in the heart of, after shooting out their eyes with silver bullets, people who do not mean us well. Plus, answers for other vexing matters, the most vexing of which is why won’t we take “Yes” for an answer.
Ten cents
When prices, particularly commodity prices, spike upwards 2 things happen
Whether you, you being the prototypical mush brained modern American Liberal whose first word after surviving the perilous journey to avoid the abortionist’s lethal pincers is “fairness”, is that the marginal user is shaken out. The lesson is simple: High prices decrease demand. The other thing, a thing that drives modern American Liberals mad, is that higher prices bring new supplies to the marketplace. Increased supply will bring prices down. It drives them mad because supply and demand and, yes, I am talking free markets here, are mechanisms that they can neither legislate nor regulate to their desires.
New supplies are a by-product of higher prices. Put differently, if eggs go to $5 a dozen the rooster lays.
It is a lesson quickly forgotten, one that must be relearned each time at a higher and higher cost. “Example is the school of mankind, and they will learn at no other” is why the burnt finger, having found comfort in the balm of time, returns to the flame and is shocked, shocked, when the finger is burnt yet again.
It’s been almost 40 years but the Department of Energy has yet to produce a barrel of crude, either sweet or sour, or a ton of coal, either low sulfur or high. If a mirror image is sought think of the Department of Education.
If someone can show me how or where education in this country is “better” after 35 years of ham-handed Federal nit-picking I’ll be amazed.
$2.65 was what a barrel fetched when I did my first drilling deal. The leases and equipment were assembled in the fall of 1973. In 3 months the price rose to $5.00 for “old” oil and $13 for “new” oil.
I “fracked” my first well in January, 1974. Both South Texas and I survived. It was hard by Duval County where “Landslide” Lyndon sent his goombah Abe Fortas to find those missing absentee ballots. Like a hog to truffles he found them. That they were in alphabetical order is something that still confounds actuaries. Cartographers were able to follow the trail from there to a wall in Washington with 58, 625 names of dead Americans on it.
Marvin Davis, one of the elders of the Democratic Party and a card-carrying modern American Liberal, made $1,000,000,000 making “old” oil become “new” oil. That he did this without using the centuries old, closely guarded secrets of transubstantiation is worthy of examination Concupiscence is the culprit. He did it the old fashioned way. He was a crook. He put “old” oil in “new” bottles and made 160% on the trade. A lot of teeth of children of shipping clerks were straightened and a whole bunch of bass boats were bought and put to good use because of his chicanery.
On the way back from his inauguration in 1981 the great Reagan decontrolled the price of oil. Before sundown Ralph Nader was saying that old people would freeze to death before Easter because of the high price of fuel oil. In March, 1981 I got $42.50 for oil produced on my New Mexico leases. By July, 1986 the price was $6.
I sold my last working interests in various wells in 1990. The price of WTI was $27. To celebrate I took my son Sean and the remarkable Mister Moose from Bayonne to Monument Valley where we shared a John Ford/John Wayne moment.
My daughter Courtenay got a royalty check 2 years ago for oil that sold for $104 a barrel. She got checks 5 years ago for gas that sold for $13 per MM cubic feet.
Pay attention.
Here’s where it gets interesting.
“Fracking” is 60 years old. Slant drilling has been around much longer. Usually it meant you were trying to steal your neighbor’s oil.
I first heard of the Austin Chalk formation in the last years of the glorious reign of Jimmy Carter. The Bakken formation, the Eastern and Western Overthrusts, the Monterey Basin, the Eagle Ford are geologic hydrocarbon bearing formations that were not discovered in the last 5 “Summers of Recovery”. They were there 100,000,000 years before T-Rex and prey went walkabout. Scratch that. Make it 200,000,000 years.
Drilling 5,000 feet straight down, making a right angle turn, and then drilling 5,000 more feet did not come about by ukase or government fiat. The combination of first drilling and then injecting nectar to make the rock explode and give up its treasures is a testament to free men.
Somebody said “What if”, somebody else said, “Let’s try this”, and somebody else wrote a check.
It was a solution in search of a problem.
$104 oil was both part of the problem and part of the solution.
The people who own a lot of $104 oil like to behead Christians, hijack airplanes, and blow up buildings. They stopped the futile search for the elusive G-spot by cutting it off. They think slavery is OK. They cure homosexuals by hanging them, and, possibly worse, they don’t like bacon. On top of which they, after a millennium of inbreeding, are not very bright. Count how many WOGs have won Nobel Prizes. Is there an Abdul Mozart or a Yuseff Salk or a Muhammed Disney to be found in a country ruled by Sharia law? What would they do if a Martha Graham, a Ron Popeil, a Kemmons Wilson, or an Al Pacino were to appear before them? Would Ben & Jerry prosper? How many string quartets will be playing Bach in Mecca tonight? I haven’t heard anything about the 260 kidnapped Nigerian girls in a few months. How do you suppose they’re doing? I’m in the market for some good quality, low number Mohammed cartoons. Call me if you have some.
God’s Holy Trousers but when will we wake up? Evil abounds and no amount of head up our ass nonsense about multi-culturalism, diversity, sensitivity, reaching out, or other noxious nostrums can change that. 14 centuries they were half way across Europe until they ran into the last really pissed off Frenchman. 5 centuries ago they promised to stable their horses in Saint Peter’s Basilica until they met some Venetians who convinced them otherwise
It is in the best interests of this country, indeed this civilization, to drive these sand lovers back to being full time camel jockeys and goat humping paedophiles.
Speaking of paedophiles why hasn’t the name Terry Bean been plastered all over the media? He was arrested and charged with cornholing an underage male. I suppose if you raise $500,000 for President B.O. and you get to ride with him on Air Force One the modern American Liberal press gives you a mulligan. Plus, as the founder of a national Let’s Not Be Beastly to Sodomites support group, it’s the least we can do to promote our inclusive Rainbow society.
[In 1859 a very successful cartel, one that controlled reading lamp oil in this country, decided to triple – repeat – triple the price of a barrel of its product from $2 to $6. In the same year Colonel Drake punched a hole in the ground in Titusville, PA. By 1862 the killing of whales was to be found only in the pages of Herman Melville. Many are the uses of kerosene. Making it safe for Jonah to swim with his pals was not thought to be one of them.
If you tax something, and speak not of “fairness”, it being something like the horizon, something that can neither be reached nor defined, or I will take you to the dunking pool, you get less of it.
People who drill oil wells don’t do it to make life better for “single moms, usually women of color, whose sons are in need of Midnight Basketball and who are exploited by the low prices at Wal-Mart”. They don’t do it to make it easier for Florida to aggressively air condition itself. They don’t do it to make it easier for Chrysler to go in to bankruptcy, get $12,000,000,000 from the perpetually lactating mammary of the Treasury Department, thus enabling it to sell itself to an Italian company and then make Jeeps in China.
They do it because they want to be at least as rich as Croesus.
They do it because they want to be able to have people commit suicide by jumping off their wallets.
They do it because they are driven in a way that terrifies most men.
Along the way, in a manner that assaults the belief systems of mush brained, hard core modern American Liberals, the inner city mom and the Florida curmudgeon benefit from this relentless pursuit of profit.
My Uncle Adam advised the traveler not to rely on the good intentions of the innkeeper when looking to secure a good meal and night’s lodgings. He may not have any good intentions. “Appeal, therefore, to his rational self-interest.”
The free exchange of the customer’s money for the innkeeper’s goods and services benefits both and others who are not even part of the direct transaction.
The Gods have aligned the stars in such a manner that it is within our power to blow up OPEC.
If we were to team up with Canada no one would say Boo!
If Mexico learns to behave itself it we could let them join us in being the Alpha males of the hydrocarbon world.
Just drill, baby. Just drill.
Let Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Nigeria, inter alia, live with $40 oil.
If you would prefer people who have banned whistling and balloons to charge of the world’s energy so be it.
It may be our destiny, along with the Canadians and the reformed Mexicans, to “mete and dole unequal laws unto a savage race”. Who better able than us “to bear the blame of those we better and the hate of those we guard”?
Cubans and Ibos would be allowed to join.
Moving on to other things…I am not sure whether it was Al Sharpton, noted White House insider, or Jesse Jackson, noted outhouse insider, who used “hooked nose diamond merchants” as a synonym for Jews I do know that the Duke stripper is in jail for killing her boyfriend. Al Sharpton was in the White House frothing over the death of an unarmed teenager by a policeman. I am willing to be money that I don’t have that the name Dillon Taylor never came up. He was a teenager [White] who was shot by a policeman [Black]
I don’t imagine that Eric Holder will set his Federal dragoons on the trail of the 2 Black teenagers who hammered a Bosnian to death in Chicago last week. For the uninitiated you can’t get much Whiter than a Bosnian.
An unarmed White teenager was gunned down by an alleged perpetrator who proclaimed that Allah was really Akbar at this arraignment. He was graduated from Seton Hall Prep, a school with which I have a deep and abiding interest. The accused gunman was auditioning for ISIS. Will the Federal Government send its A-Team to help the Essex County prosecutors build an airtight case? Is the “No Justice, no peace” mantra reserved for only unarmed Black teenagers?
An unarmed Black teenager is dead after being confronted by 5 New York City policemen. His crime – alleged – was selling loose cigarettes, AKA “untaxed butts”. Such is the blood lust for ever increasing tax revenues that the modern American Liberal regime that governs NYC had 5 - repeat – 5 policemen apprehending entrepreneurially inclined street salesmen. Shades of Shay’s Rebellion! First whiskey; now tobacco. It is obscene that governments at all levels prosper from the sale of these evil products. If they are bad, if people die from their use, don’t tax them
Ban them.
Kevin Smith
PS – Ten cents was the price of a barrel of oil when the East Texas oil field began to produce in 1932. Unlike farmers guys in the oil patch don’t need help from DC when prices go in the crapper. We are now in the 5th year of record farm prices. Maybe it’s time to let the American Gothic couple make their own way in the world Maybe it’s time for Willie Nelson to take the training wheels off the bike. Why should a CPA in Roseland, NJ or a bond salesman in Edina, MN have to pony up for them.
A great burden has been lifter from my shoulders. I like Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, particularly Chocolate Therapy. I also shop at Wal-Mart. Ben & Jerry is the keeper of what is left of the American business community’s soul. Wal-Mart is a heartless exploiter of lower class Americans, people who are “unlucky in life’s lottery” and are vulnerable to the siren call of low prices.
It was cognitive dissonance at its worst.
I bought B & J Chocolate Therapy at Wal-Mart last week. That means it is OK to shop there. B & J wouldn’t sell their ice cream there if they hadn’t become good guys, would they?
Having had a teenage daughter I am very familiar, as is every parent of teenaged girls, with the “look”. With the possible exception of them being told that they would have to attend any of the really fine public high schools in Washington, DC there is no excuse for the pouting pusses of the Obama chicks. Nevertheless, cut them some slack. At least they aren’t looting, pillaging, and burning any strip malls.
The Obama girls, now being officially off limits, the gimlet eye focuses on Curley Biden’s kids. His 42 year old son was busted out of the US Navy for cocaine possession His 28 year old daughter is a foul mouthed coke head.
Let’s profile them.
Why can’t the same brush that is tarring Bill Cosby for decades old sexual assault allegations be used on Big Bill Clinton. He would have humped a snake if someone held its head.
The rest is silence…almost
Sunday, December 7, 2014
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