December 16, 2014
Robert Steinbach
The Sun Sentinel
RE: “Substance”
Mr. Steinbach,
If I were to say that feral Islamic Pakistani WOG terrorists were so upset about Ferguson that they killed almost 12 dozen children would that suggest, as you say, Ithat I lack “substance”? If I were to beg Senator Pocahontas Warren [D-MA] and Senator Boob McNut Sanders [D-VT] to run for President would that suggest, as you say, that I lack “substance”? If I were to say that Bill Cosby is helping Hillary Clinton in her quest for the White House would that suggest, as you say, that I lack “substance”? If half of Cosby’s wick dippings are true it will make Bill Clinton look like Dudley Do Right. One less brick on her pile as she hits the glass ceiling, no? If she could get Red Bone, Wal-Mart, and Whitewater to go gently into that good night, that would be better, yes?
“Substance”, like beauty, truth, and equity oft-times lies in the eyes of the beholder. I re-read my last two love notes to Sun Sentinel people - Gary Stein and Mitch Caesar - to see if they lacked “substance”. I submitted them to the Board of Adjudicators, a jury of my peers if that is possible, for their judgment. They suggested one minor style change but that both were overwhelmingly overflowing with “substance”.
Speaking of “substance”, I mentioned Burke and Madison. Is there anywhere in the archives of liberalism, be it the au courant modern American version of old wine in new skins, or the more classic school epitomized by Cuba, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe, the equivalent? Is there a Murderers’ Row hidden out there or is Senator SummerFallWinterWarren [D-MA} and Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz the “A” Team? The career of one is predicated on a lie while the other has the soul of a
Fascist. Can I say it may be Hobson’s Choice without you getting too mad at me?
I just go to pieces every time you get upset with me.
Please send me a list of your ideological and philosophical rabbis and I will devour their teachings.
I just sent, unintentionally, your note on my lack of “substance” down the electronic memory hole. [That’s the device that enables modern American Liberals to function, lest they go mad with cognitive dissonance] That means I am going on memory which, alas, is fading. I do remember that I am a certain target for the soon to be named ObamaCare Death Panels.
Al Sharpton is supposed to have said that the “Africans discovered everything before the Greek homos did”. How much “substance” is in that [alleged[ statement?
The collapse in the price of oil, a collapse that the Obama crew tried unknowingly for the last 5 years to prevent, is a chance for real politick in the White House. If carried out we can say goodbye to mid-East “Dancing Boy” clubs, we can watch as Venezuela descends into total chaos, and we’ll see how Stalinesque Putin can be when his checks are returned NSF. Alas, the last 5 years at the White House shout out that President B.O., a duffer who thinks foreign affairs is when Cosby and Clinton play golf in Brazil couldn’t find sand at the beach.
While it is true that not all Muslims are terrorists it is true that all terrorists in the 21st century are Muslims. [Some knowledge of the original DWEMs, all Greek, be they hetero, homo, bi, or just confused is required. Start with the Trivium.]
The death toll keeps climbing in Pakistan. Would it show “substance” to say that Pakistan needed stronger gun control laws?
Wouldn’t it be a refreshing change of villain if the perpetrators [alleged] of the victims [alleged] turned out to be Orthodox Latvians? How come – so far – no one from Paraguay has blown up himself, an airplane, or a building?
It is said that the slaughter of the innocents is in revenge for the Nobel Peace Prize going to a Pakistani teenage girl. Is that a statement brimming with “substance”?
The above funnels into my Christmas trip to see my Texas Ladies. 16, 12, & 10. Since all my capital is tied up in debt the only legacy that I can give them unencumbered by pesky creditors such as the IRS is a hunk of Western Civilization. I’ll focus on the American Exceptionalism wing. They have relatives who fought in 6 wars.
They have as part of their patrimony rights that became theirs at birth. They were “gifts from beyond the stars”. God willing they can pass them on to their grandchildren.
Today’s events remind us of the fragility of life, of culture, of humanity.
My job is simple. Like Horatius at the bridge. It is one filled with “substance”.
“And how can man better die than facing fearful odds
For the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his Gods?”
“You need me on that wall. You want me on that wall”
Send me those titles. Steinbach’s top ten, so to speak. Only the ones with “substance”.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
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