Tuesday, December 9, 2014

December 7, 2014
Glenn Garvin
The Miami Herald

RE: Lincoln, the Constitution, and why it is not a “suicide pact”. – Some comments on your column of 12/2/14.

Mr. Garvin,

Lincoln possessed a tunnel vison when it came to the Union. He wanted to keep it united. Anything that furthered that cause was good; anything that hindered it was bad. In addition to suspending the writ of habeas corpus he ran a Congressman out of the country. It took him 3 years to find the right generals. When he found them he made sure they had enough ammunition to do the job. Freeing the slaves where he couldn’t and keeping them in slavery where he could have freed them was a political move that was used to win the war. It worked.

Churchill said that if Hitler were to invade Hell he would at least make a favorable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons.

Madison’s Constitution tells us what government can do. Mason’s Bill of Rights tells us what government cannot do. We ignore it at our own peril.

Further, since your column of 12/2/14 another American hostage has been killed.

Hot, humid days in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787 gave, gives, us instructions for both emergencies.

Article 1, Section 9, Clause 2 gives the government the right to suspend the writ of habeas corpus “in cases of rebellion or invasion”. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 gives the government the right to issue letters of marque and reprisal. They are open ended hunting licenses to settle debts of national honor.

Using Osama bin Laden’s “strong horse, weak horse analogy” perhaps a period of smart phone photos of feral WOG terrorists having their eyes shoot out and then having bacon stuffed into them before being wrapped in pig skin to rot in the town square where the dogs and crows devour them will bring the other merry pranksters to their senses. If it doesn’t at least it will put paid on the bill of a dead American.

King George the Third said that if George Washington were to go back to private life after fighting the British Empire to a stand-off and serving as President for 2 terms he would be “the greatest man in the world”. He did and he was.

British, French, and German observers of Sherman’s army, particularly from late summer of 1864 to early spring of 1865, said that it would have marched through Europe in 6 weeks. After their jubilee in Washington the army disbanded. They went back to Ohio and Indiana and got on with their lives. Their sons and grandsons took up arms and were as ferocious as were their forebears. They did not. It is part of the American character.

2 Presidents – Lincoln in 1864 and Roosevelt in 1942 – broke into the supposedly sanctum sanctorum of American government, the Census Bureau, to gather information vital to the war effort; Lincoln to give Sherman the locations of the best farms on the road from Atlanta to Savannah and Roosevelt to give Earl Warren the street addresses of Japanese-Americans thus making it easier to round them up. [About 40,000 German-Americans and Italian-Americans were also interned. I find no evidence of reparations for them]

There was a time when the story of Cincannatus was told and lived in this land.

Now we have poltroons in and around the White House who say, “Stroke of the pen. Law of the land. Cool.” The sophist, Paul Begala, who said that, teaches at Georgetown Law. Prior to that he acquiesced in the death of Ricky Ray Rector, a Black man with the IQ of an egg plant. His death enabled Governor Clinton to show he was “tough on crime”. They are “men without chests”.

“And when you cut down every law to get at the Devil
Where would you hide, the laws being flat,
When he turned on you?”

“I tremble for our country when I remember that our Lord is just:.

Thank you for reminding us of that,

Kevin Smith

PS – If I were to say that there was a nip in the air today would the Word Police visit me? The aide who criticized the Obama girls just had her ass welded to the next Pioneer rocket going to Neptune. Will the same rules apply retroactively to the rotters who suggested rape for Sarah Palin and her 12 year old daughter?

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