Tuesday, January 20, 2015

January 18, 2015
Mitchell Berger, Esq,
Berger Singerman
350 E. Las Olas Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: Who will run? Some comments on your 2 sentence OP-ED in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel.

Mr. Berger,

Forget about Romney & Bush

Please, please get your pal, Tom Steyer, that rascally coal mining, tax dodging, vegan wanabe hedge fund aficionado, to send some dough to Bernie Sanders [D-VT] and Elizabeth Warren [D-MA]

He has so much money that they old folks who draw the short straw from the ObamaCare Death Panels will have the option of jumping off his wallet as a way to end the drain on Medicare.

I think Senator Sanders [D-VT] should have a national forum for his 105% top tax rate, for his outlawing of dividends, for his stopping all foreclosures, for his speaking style that can simultaneously curdle milk and straighten Debbie Wasserman-Schultz’s hair. Plus, the fact that he is a horse’s ass of Guinness Book proportions deserves national attention. He makes Senator SummerFallWinterWarren [D-MA] – Are you old enough to remember Howdy Doody? - sound like just a run of the mill modern American Liberal cabeza de ca-ca.

Secretary of State Jay Forbes Kerry outdid his pink bunny suit caper and his “I voted for it before I voted against it” shtick by bringing James Taylor to Paris. I may be wrong here because the Frogs think Jerry Lewis is a genius but he was God awful terrible.

When he talks to Iran in their 17th, or was it the 18th, last chance nuclear negotiations, before he draws the next line in the sand, he should have Big Bird do a song and dance bit. Maybe Pee Wee Herman and Bill Cosby could be held in reserve for last minute delicate meetings.

The boobies are running the hatch.

Kevin Smith

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