Tuesday, January 27, 2015

January 27, 2015
Congressman Alan Grayson
5842 Semoran Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32822

RE: You light up my life! - Some comments on your OP-ED in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel that contains so many errors that a reader is left breathless.

Mr. Grayson,

It cannot be overstated.

Among the more meretricious of the basic tenets of modern American Liberalism is the one that governs all their public actions.

“Never let facts interfere with your argument.”

The working premise of the above is that Professor Gruber is right. Americans are stupid. Other than what the Koch Bothers, the NRA, the Duck Dynasty people, and the hated Rush Limbaugh tell them they know nothing.

You say things that would make Goebbels blush secure in the knowledge that no one knows anything about what you are persiflaging about.

I hope your seat belt is buckled. It’s going to be a bumpy flight.

You say, without a hint of irony, that deficit financing is on par with penicillin, Mozart, and the infield fly rule as milestones of Western Civilization. It fits the modern American Liberals narrative that “wealth” sits in a big box or a huge cauldron where it is jealously guarded by stingy Republicans. The sole job of their elected officials is to keep others, particularly women and minorities, and specifically single moms who are women of color living in the inner city, from getting their “fair” share. G-d forbid that making a bigger pie might be the best thing. Someone might :”profit”, a major mAL no-no.

The elected modern American Liberals, Democrats all, believe that their job is to make sure that the pie is cut more “fairly” or that smaller ladles dip into the steaming cauldron thereby making sure that more people get a taste. As a man much smarter than you said, “Sounds like bullshit to me”.

You cite the great Lord Keynes as if you had read him. [You may have read Keynes but it was either his Uncle Murray, the greengrocer from the Cotswolds or Seymour, his layabout Liverpudlian cousin, a failed hat maker who was a serial nose picker.]

No mention of Keynes is possible without saying that his favorite cure for whatever ailed the economy was to cut taxes. If that didn’t work he cut them again, this time on a larger scale. Look it up, you boob.

Alas, modern American Liberals believe that no tax is ever high enough that it can’t be raised. They believe it is a moral imperative to do so. They also believe that making the rich poorer will make the poor richer. They also believe that they can stand in a bucket and pick themselves up by its handle. That’s why their lap dog, bum kissing media stooges sit by waiting for the oft-promised, never arriving Summer of Recovery.

Keynes was one of the most fascinating characters of the 20th century. He gets a bad rap because he is more cited than read. He was once asked at a Parliamentary enquiry if he ever changed his mind about any of his theories. “Certainly. If the facts change I change my mind. Don’t you”?

You, and all fire breathing, card carrying modern American Liberals conveniently forget – Praise God for “eclectic indignation”. Without it all you and your lodge members would go mad from cognitive dissonance – that, prior to his death, he wrote a letter to his good friend Fred Hayek [Google, quickly Google] telling him that he [Hayek] was right and that he [Keynes] was wrong.

Look it up, you boob.

There is one other thing; it is a most glaring error, particularly because it was so easily correctable. By 1931 Herbert Hoover was a firm believer in, and a most sincere practitioner of, deficit financing.

Franklin Roosevelt ran on the promise of a balanced budget. Honest Injun.

He did, he really did. Look it up, you boob.

Kevin Smith

PS – There is one consolation. After he was sworn in FDR came to know the Baby Jesus whose Gospel was “Spend and spend, tax and tax, elect and elect”. It is an inconvenient fact, one that can be easily refuted, save for the fact that it is true, but 6 years into his Presidency the economy was worse off than it was the day he was sworn in. Look it up, you boob. There is a rumor that you are going to run for Senate in 2016. If you I will take it as proof that my Redeemer liveth. If you do I’ll be waiting for you, you boob.

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