Saturday, October 31, 2015

October 30, 2015
John Harwood

Mr. Harwood,

Has anyone ever told you that you are meaner than cat shit? Buckle up, you turd. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.

Back in the good old days, back when a 100% consensus of scientists said that not only was Ptolemy the top dog there was no one else in the race, back when it was not a question of whether or not angels could dance on the head of a pin but, rather, how many the faithful had a way of speeding up the canonization process.

When a person of extraordinary proportions, a person swamped in the musk of self-righteousness, died the people proclaimed him to be a saint.

Sometimes they didn’t even wait for him to die.

I hereby invoke that ancient, almost forgotten, tradition.

By the ;power vested in me by the Committee to Stamp Out Trousered Apes
I hereby proclaim you to be the


Your performance at the Republican “debate” is now in the Guinness Book of Records as the ultimate example of “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome”. [I f you need a translation send a SASE] It must have been a tough time for you in high school. If the cool guys got tired of complimenting each other they would kick your ass all over the cafeteria. Finally, as an adult, you can get some payback by poking the big dog in the eye and then, in typical modern American Liberal fashion, whine when he takes a big chunk out of your ass.

[As an aside, you seem to have inherited the mantle of “King of the One-Eyed 
Trouser Snakes” from that old horn dog, “Handsome Billy Clinton from Hot Springs”. It is a well-known fact that he would hump a snake if someone held its head while you seem to have found many rows to hoe in Congress. Send up a flare when you get to Barbara Mikulski. That would be the biggest pay day in the history of pay for view.]

Until President Obama, and may I quickly add that he is the best President we have, issues an executive order neutering the 8th Amendment you are safe form flogging, and either bastinado or the strapado.

I am an old man with but one good leg – barely – left.

If you see me coming stand aside.

I will kick you in the ass so hard you will have to take your socks down to take a dump.

And yes, my contempt is personal.

Kevin Smith
October 31, 2015
Becky Quick
CNBC, AKA modern American Liberal Knocking Shoppe

Dear Becky, 

Just a note to say Goodbye. Forever.

It was bad enough that you and your fellow traveling conspirators, all of whom could be called Hillary ass kissers, laid down like enterprising strumpets at a truck stop on Interstate 80 during a blizzard. That was to be expected.

What was unexpected was the Jimmy Durante moment when you all got caught planting big wet ones on her burgeoning Rubenesque arse. Since I too am calorically challenged I have nothing but great respect and admiration for someone who flaunts her Axe handle and a half wide keester in public view. There’s enough back there that you and your 2 co-conspirators could give it a tongue bath and never bump into each other.

Do you remember the Durante movie when he is sneaking an elephant out of the circus tent in the middle of the night? He is tip-toeing Babar on the end of a 15 foot rope, telling him to shush, when a cop says “What are you doing with that elephant”? “Elephant? What elephant”? sez the Great Schnoozaloh.

Plato said that there were some professions in which it is impossible to be honorable. Every time I listen to a TV shrieking shrew I am reminded of how smart a DWEM he was. Beware of Greeks speaking obvious truths.

Did I begin this note by saying “modern American Liberal journalists”? Yes, I did. Did I repeat myself? Yes, I did.

I am switching my AM TV time to Bloomberg.

Kevin Smith

PS – Ditch the make-up that was put on with a trowel. It makes you look like you are auditioning for “The Happy Hooker”. Upon further review, you are perfect for the role.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

October 26, 2015
Brian O’Donoghue

Mr. O’Donoghue,
If you are the same chap who had a letter published in the Sun Sentinel on Sunday this one’s for you. If you aren’t, read it anyway. A serendipitous treat awaits!
#1 – If you can show me one, just one, example of any country taxing itself to prosperity please share it with me. You need not limit your search to this continent. Try a different hemisphere. Hell, even a different planet or solar system is allowed. Please do not commit the basic modern American Liberal sin of confusingly conflating correlation and causation.
#2 – Was not the cornerstone of the Kennedy administration – on the domestic side – the dramatic cutting of taxes, both corporate and personal?
#3 – In 50 years we have spent $50,000,000,000,000 – that’s T as in trillion – fighting poverty, Why are people, particularly those on whom the money was spent, still poor?
#4 – We borrowed $1,000,000,000,000 from the Chinese, a practice that Senator Clinton raled against for the 8 years she spent in the Senate, to fund “shovel ready” jobs. How did that work out?
#5 – Speaking of F.D.R. do you know that he threatened to veto the Anti-Lynching bill of 1934? As a result of that threat the Senate did not pass it. I am sure you knew that, right? It is an inconvenient truth but he lobbied hard for the Davis-Bacon act. It was the most anti-Black bill passed on the national level in the 20th century.
#6 – Why did F.D.R, refuse to allow 900 Jews on the passenger liner Saint Louis to enter the United States?  By sending them back to Germany he guaranteed that they had tickets on the Midnight Express to Auschwitz? You knew that, didn’t you?
#7 – Why did he nominate Senator Hugo Black to the Supreme Court? He was a member of the Ku Klux Klan thus beginning a tradition in a Democratic Senate that Senator Robert Byrd [D-WV] continued. In addition to that little nugget he was the most virulently anti-Catholic public figure since Thomas Nast. You would have to go back to Cromwell to find someone who so hated Roman Catholics. Since I am both Irish and Catholic I tend to have a Sicilian memory is these matters. I guess you don’t.
#8 – Is the Allah Ain’t So Akbar movie maker, the one who Hillary Clinton said caused the deaths of 4 Americans in Benghazi, the one who Hillary promised the survivors of the 4 men, the bodies of whom were still warm, that she would “get”, still in jail? Pray tell does the First Amendment only apply to modern American Liberals?
#9 – Will the Summer of Recovery, the one we have been waiting for longer than we have waited for Godot, get here in time for the Democratic Convention next year?
#10 – Is it true that Hillary’s favorite color is plaid?
#11 – Can you get me the phone number of Red Bone, her dynamite commodities broker? I always said she should have put him in the Treasury. He would have solved the Debt issue in short order and we would still be farting through silk.
  #12 – Could you tell me how she managed to be named after Sir Edmund Hillary, the man who climbed Mt. Everest, even though she was born 5 years before he climbed the friggin’ mountain?
#13 – Do you remember the movie “The In-Laws’? There is a scene in it where Peter Falk tells Alan Arkin to “serpentine” as he crosses a runway in Kafiristan under fire? Did Hillary “serpentine” when she came under fire in Serbia? My last gunfight was in 1993. I assure you that I remember every detail of it. I did not “serpentine”.
#14 – We are 7 years into the Obama “good life”. Que paso, amigo? The “1%” is doing OK. They always do. This economy has the dry heaves. Why is that? What is she going to do differently than the ohmadahn in charge now? Why didn’t she pass him a note in 2009?
#15 – The President said that ISIS was the “JV team”. These are the guys who behead reporters, crucify Christians, sell young girls into sex slavery, and filet cartoonists. If this is the JV I can’t wait for the Varsity to show up. What’s her involvement in this?
#16 – In 1964 my betters told me that if Barry Goldwater won the election we would have 2,000,000 men in Vietnam and a wall in D.C with 58,562 names of Americans who were killed there inscribed on it. They also said that we would have race riots. 
#17 – Here is how supply and demand works. If 11,000,000 unskilled workers come to this country the wages of all other workers will be depressed. Honest Injun. Look it up, you boob. 
#18 – Since Senator Clinton, Senator Obama, and Congresschbick Pelosi voted against raising the debt limit in 2006 I guess it’s still OK to vote against it now. It is, isn’t it?
#19 – Has anyone ever seen a certified statement, one signed by an outside accountant, of the Clinton Crime Family Foundation? I’ll make this simple. Where did the money come from and where did it go.
#20– Is it true that Hillary’s Secret Service detail travels with the Jaws of Life in case her pants go on fire as in “Liar, liar, pants on fire”. The tool is needed as a backup in case the 5 gallons of industrial strength WD-40 can’t get her burning knickers off. If her keister ever went on fire she could feed Haiti for a week.

 Don’t you love it when a plan comes together?

Kevin Smith

Monday, October 26, 2015

October 25, 2015
Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd. 
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

RE: “Welfare Abuse by Immigrants Demands Action” - Some comments on your completely sensible editorial in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel on crooks who are also Cuban emigres.

MS O’Hara,

I’ll say this for modern American Liberals. “They never let you down.”

As a practicing  acolyte of Logic, the capstone of the Trivium, and may I quickly add that it is one the greatest gifts that the DWEMs gave us, I am loathe to construct a universal from a particular, however easy and tempting. 

In this instance I will tip-toe up to the fallacy line that leads to Sophistry.

“Welfare Abuse by Immigrants Demands Action”

is ideologically similar to

“Black Lives Matter”

Can I point out without fear of being called a racist, a term rightfully earned by such modern American Liberal stars as Senator Sam Ervin [D-NC] and Senator Albert Arnold Gore, Sr, [D-Tenn] that “All Lives Matter”?

If they don’t, and I await guidance from my betters, then I must paraphrase that former old Leftie, George Orwell.  

“All lives matter. Some lives matter more than others.”

I say “former” because after “Homage to Catalonia ”,“ Animal Farm and “1984” he was stripped of his rank, his saber broken, and sent into exile by the Liberal universe that came out of the “low, dishonest decade” of the ‘30s.

All it would take to have the Sun Sentinel World HQ surrounded by “trousered apes” calling for your heads would be to publish an editorial titled 

“Welfare Abuse Demands Action”

You would be instantly linked to the Koch Brothers, Wal-Mart, Nixon, David Mamet, the Chamber of Commerce, the NRA, and Climate Change Deniers.
Can I safely say without another visit from the dreaded Word Police, like the men with badges and guns that were sent to my house by then State Senator Debbie Wasserman-Schultz for something I wrote that, despite 50 years of a perpetually unsuccessful War on Poverty, men are not angels, some Cubans are crooks and that politicians would rather have a ground glass enema just after chewing razor blades than say that. 

Indeed it is passing strange that of the 10 members of Congress asked by you for their opinions on the matter 5 said, by their silence, that there was nothing to see here, move on. The 6th, the only Federal Court Judge to be impeached, convicted and, having had his Black-robed ass tossed off the Federal bench, was sent to Congress from a district that would have sent either Step-n-Fetchit or Willie Horton to Congress or both if possible, did not deign to respond.

[Your picture of Congressman Alcee Hastings [D-FL] could be used in a PSA for a Common Core dictionary highlighting the definition of hubris, no?]

Was it unintentional irony or was the modern American Liberal censor, the one responsible for applying massive doses of “eclectic indignation”, asleep at the switch when the following sentence slipped past his gimlet eye?

“Without question, politically persecuted Cubans and 
Venezuelans deserve the same safe harbor America 
grants persecuted people from other nations.”

Have you forgotten the 900 Deutsche Juden who, when they were passengers on the steam ship Saint Louis were denied safe haven in this country by FDR, the noted Democratic President? They were returned to Germany where they were put on the Midnight Train – a non-stop express with no food service – to Auschwitz?

Modern American Liberals, particularly those of the chattering class, must have chiropractors on speed dial. How else could you get out of bed in the AM after taking more positions than Hillary Clinton did in one of her advanced Yoga classes?  1 – 800 – oh my aching back guarantees instant relief. 


PS – Would you please tell Brian O’Donoghue whose letter about economics is notable for its forgetfulness that there is an inconvenient truth that is about as redolent as a 5 day old latke. As he says, “History doesn’t lie. People do” is, in his instance, a self-evident truth. Alas, in this case it is about him. 6 years onto the glorious reign of FDR each and every objective standard or metric about the economy was worse than they were when he took over. Tell him to look it up. Also, you may want to take a peek at the numbers of the early ‘20s. They were and still are astonishing. 

Go Bernie!
October 25, 2015

It is indeed fitting and proper that on this day Achilles welcomed a new Hoplite to his immortal phalanx. His name is Joshua Wheeler, husband and father of 4 sons, who “bravely fell in fray”. 

He was a Master Sergeant in a Ranger Battalion. He spent a bit more than half his life in the Army having volunteered in 1995. He was recognized for valor 11 times that being the number of times he was awarded the Bronze Star.

As a non-com he led a successful raid on what was about to become a moderate Muslim charnel site after its abattoir use was over.

70 infidels were saved. 1, his, was lost.

Having taken the American equivalent of the “Queen’s shilling” 2 decades he ago he knew he was taking a soldier’s chance.

I shan’t burden you with quotes form Kipling or MacArthur. His life, a voluntary life, was an iron lily that cannot be gilded.

I will cite an American movie, “The Bridges of Toko-Ri”.

The Admiral, on the bridge of an aircraft carrier to which a Naval Aviator shall not return, says to an aide:

“Where do we find such men”?

The only sour note, one tasted by every by every man who may go “into harm’s way”, was that government that he served so well said that while he was shot and killed by the bad guys while rescuing 70 people from beheading or crucifixion – Did I just say beheading and crucifixion? Yes, I did – he was not technically killed in combat.

The pall bearers will find that the extra weight of the coffin will be caused by a government uncomfortably unfamiliar with what it means to live life where having shield means that you may come home on it.’

He will soon rest in honored company.

The aforementioned Achilles. Leonidas. George Custer. Ernest Evans. Leonard Putnam – inter alia – will welcome him into their ranks.

God rest his soul.

“He stands in the unbroken line of patriots who have died that Freedom may live.”

Kevin Smith

PS – October 25th, a day made famous by warriors and poets in 3 different centuries, Agincourt, Balaclava, Leyte Gulf, has a new name, Sergeant Joshua Wheeler, to hold in awe.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

October 21, 2015
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Israel – Some comments on your column of October 18.

Big Stein,

“I wish I could give you an educated analysis
of exactly who to blame and how to fix it,
but that’s way above my pay grade.
The Sun Sentinel

Thank God there are Gentiles, righteous or otherwise, who know and will, in the true sense of Christian charity, share it with you.

First, mark October 10 on your 2016 calendar.

There are 2 things of note to commemorate on that date. #2 is the last time the French won a war. Not a battle but a war. #1 will be the 1284th anniversary of Charles Martel, AKA The Hammer, stopping a rampaging, ravaging horde of moderate Muslims from crossing the Rhine and overrunning Europe. Rome in all its might was never able to get across the Rhine. A rag tag band of religious fanatics, votaries of a bestial paedophile, almost did what Caesar couldn’t.

Pause, gentle reader, and think of a Europe run by feral WOGs who had just discovered that Jews were descended from apes and pigs and that Christians were only good enough to be sex slaves or candidates for crucifixion. 

Would it have been a reach too far to say that Western Civilization would have not ever been a distant memory? The centuries long stumble towards the Rule of Law and self-rule, the Renaissance, Dante, the scientific method, reasoned and civil discourse, Columbus and Magellan, Shakespeare, Mozart, James Madison, Eliot and Yeats, the DC-3, the Zippo lighter, Salk and Sabin,  microwave popcorn, Spandex,  Crick and Watson, the Super Bowl, The Eagle Has Landed, would not have begun.

Here’s a simple task for Little Stein, your favorite college student. 

Have him go back to the start of the Nobel Prizes and list all the winners in any category who have Muslim names. You will find Jews and Wasps and Orientals in huge numbers. Farouks and Abduls? No. Why is that?

Here is one answer that’s as valid as any others offered.

About 1000/1100 years ago Muslim society began to turn inward. They began to eat their own seed corn. After almost 50 generations of drawing water from the increasingly shallow end of the gene pool it can be said that if tents had doors they would be able to look through the keyhole with both eyes. 

It is to our everlasting shame that we enable acts of barbarism that not too many decades past sent us willingly into war. Stone cold killers steal airplanes and fly them into buildings. Knife wielding fanatics filet cartoonists for insulting someone dead for 14 centuries. At least 5 countries in Africa, countries with one vote apiece in the UN, just like us, allow sex slavery.

When will the moderate Muslims, the ones come here for a better life, stand up and say “ENOUGH”? If History is a guide the answer is simple: Never. 1571 at Lepanto and 1683 at Vienna bear witness. And 9/11/01, lest we forget.

You say in your column that you are disappointed with the UN. I tell you that my children were the only students in the Roosevelt School – Teddy, not Franklin – who were expressly forbidden to “Trick or Treat for UNICEF”. Even then I knew. Also, I was a lonely advocate in the ‘70s for an alliance of Israel, South Africa, and Taiwan. My premise was simple: What else could the UN do to them? Plus, they knew they were living in a tough neighborhood. You did what you had to do. That’s a world where “stones are hard and water is wet”. It is a world where 6 years of apologies and “leading form behind” and we are up to our ass in alligators and there are no vegan gators.

You say “Israeli tactics are aggressive and outrageous”. I say they are not aggressive enough. A man comes to my town with a pack of wild dogs. He says he is going to kill me, rape my wife, and crucify my children. And I’m supposed to ask him to come to dinner? As my Aunt from Hester Street still says, “Don’t pee on my back and tell me it’s rain”.

Thank God for Charles Martel, Pope Pius the Fifth, and Jan Sobieski.

My lips to God’s ears, right?


PS – Shouldn’t “who to blame” be “whom to blame”? Yet another task for Little Stein. I listened to Willie Nelson and Bach today, a treat not shared by anyone in Mecca. Their loss.

Monday, October 12, 2015

October 11, 2015
Michael Mayo
The Sun Sentinel

RE: “Capitalism at its Vilest” – How the auction of Adolph Hitler’s tsatchkes drives modern American Liberals crazy – Some comments on your Page 1 Above the Fold PR bit in today’s Sun Sentinel about a heretofore unknown auction going SRO.

Me. Mayo,

Every punter dreams of a daily double. The thought of a tri-fecta is inconceivable.
If you ever wonder why the short fat guy who looks like he should be ringing a bell has an obscene pinky ring, a zoftig blonde on each arm and a big house on the hill it’s because he owns the casino that books bets such as those.

You, as a former sports writer, should be familiar with the above. When I read your story I put it down and waited 10 minutes before returning to it. I thought that maybe I had skipped the second act.

I hadn’t because there was no second act.

My next thought was how a tri-fecta became a chalk bet.

“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” - Juvenal, a DWEM
“Congress shall make no law” – A lot of DWEMs
Che Guevara – the quintessential anti-DWEM

So who will guard the custodians? You? Me? The fellow behind the tree? 

I was once an amateur bibliophile. I got a set of books written in English, published in 1924, about Hinduism. Each of the books featured a swastika on its spine. The swastika was an ancient Hindu good luck sign. They were published long before Hitler came to power. Is guilt retroactive?  Should I have burned those books? Should I burn any books?

It resembles the dust-up over GlobalCoolingGlobalWarmingClimateChange. Anytime someone begins to defend his position by saying “The consensus of opinion is that…” I reach for the barf bag.

Thomas Nast whose caricatures of Boss Tweed and Santa Claus are still enjoyed today, was a bigoted xenophobe. He particularly hated Irish Americans of the late 19th century. His feisty green clad leprechaun was originally an ugly, drunken gnome with a distinctly Simian appearance. The crowd in South Bend cheered yesterday when this year’s version ran up and down whenever Notre Dame scored a TD. [It is passing strange but it is also a sign of American Exceptionalism that a school founded in the middle of nowhere by French priests has come to symbolize the Irish in America, don’t you think?] I am, forgive me, as Irish as Patty’s Pig. Should I have a disproportionate say in censoring the character?

Should Mayo have the final word on which, if any, of Hitler’s bric-a-brac are OK and which of them are beyond the pale?

Despite the fact that he died 9 years before Hitler was born Wagner’s music has long been associated with Hitler. I believe that Israel banned it for at least 50 years. Should his wedding music be verboten?

As a Roman Catholic I find “Piss Christ” and “Corpus Cristi” offensive. The first consists of a crucifix suspended in a clear plastic container of piss. The other is a play that says Crist was crucified because He had a spat with Judas Iscariot, his lover. Judas dropped a dime on Him and the rest is History. I also find the photographs of Robert Mapplethorpe to be offensive. I suppose there might be some artistic value in a picture of one man peeing into another man’s mouth. The one with the bullwhip handle inserted into a compliant Hershey Highway may need a few more years of seasoning before it enters the general public consciousness. Should they be banned?

Would you oppose an auction featuring the Mohammed cartoons? How about the ones that led to the slaughter in Paris at the cartoonist’s office? I think I may be able to get my hands on an autographed first edition of “Satanic verses”. If I can would you promote it? I don’t care if you praise it or pan it just as long as you do it on Page 1 above the Fold. I’ll cut you in for a piece of the selling price. It goes without saying that mum’s the word on the side deal.

Justice Black, himself a former Klan member, always kept a copy of the Constitution on his lap, particularly in speech cases. He would interrupt the government’s attorney with but one question. He would hold up Constitution and say, “Where does it say you can do that?”

Justice Holmes, an unwitting supporter of Margaret Sanger and an expert witness whose opinion was used in the defense of Nazis at Nuremberg, said “You must have room for what you hate”.

Does your aversion to Nazi and Klan items extend to Che Guevara tee shirts? How about Andy Warhol’s portrait of Chairman Mao? He killed more people than Hitler and Stalin combined.

Could this be the deadly combination of a “chilling effect” and a treacherous “slippery slope” that modern American Liberals are always telling us that the Tea Party and the Koch Brothers are bringing to us. We live in a time of limitless peril, don’t ’we?

Kevin Smith

October 10, 2015
Randy Schultz
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Sauce for the goose and/or dip for the gander? – Some comments on your column in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel decrying the profit motive in education.

Mr. Schultz,

“To help insure that growth in Florida, Charter Schools USA
contributes to political campaigns. Hage donated $50,000 to
Rick Scott’s political action committee last year. The company
gave nearly $300,000 in the 2014 cycle. Red Apple gave $7,000.
State Rep. Janet Adkins, who chairs the House K-12 subcommittee,
got $1,000 from his wife – a company vice president – the company 
and Red Apple. Charter Schools also spent $65,000 in the 2010 cycle.
The Sun Sentinel

2 things, things akin to turds bobbing in the punch bowl, come to mind.

#1 – If you  have evidence that the above mentioned contributions were bribes you must run, not walk, to the nearest FBI office. And since you buy ink by the barrel you must proclaim it on Page 1. I smell Pulitzer Prize here.

Speaking of bribery being rampant in the education/poverty complex, would you care to comment on the guilty plea taken by the head of the Chicago school system?. Everyone knows that not even a hot stove is safe in Cook County particularly when community organizers are involved. The strumpet who runs the highly successful Chicago school system was trying to shake down a company that she worked for for $2,300,000. She gave them a no-bid contract worth $23,000,000. None of that new math crap for her. She got a dime for each dollar the company got. No big deal. The kids read anyway. Besides, the Illinois pension system is heading straight for the crapper. What’s wrong with filling up the little tin box with a few dollars for her golden years? Also, I t must be noted for the sake of the record that if Baghdad succumbed to irenic serenity Chicago would be the murder capitol of the known universe.

#2 – Is it your contention that contributions to political campaigns are evil per se?
Are you using the perverted Logic that enables modern American use to keep from slipping into the troll filled bowel of cognitive dissonance, it being a place from which no traveler ever returns?

Are you saying in the “eclectically indignant” the way that carriers of extreme “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome” welcome lest they go mad that campaign contributions from causes that you don’t like are bad while political dollars from causes you support – think abortion, think Teachers’ unions, think manatee suffrage, think about helping gluten laden obese ungendered bullied teens who are plagued by the heartbreak of psoriasis – are good? ‘Fess up. Of course you do. If you didn’t you wouldn’t be able to hector people until they think and live the way you know they should.

#3 – I am going to fight dirty.

Get a copy of the Constitution, the one written in1787. Familiarize yourself with it. Pay particular attention to the First Amendment. Find the part that says that people have the right, a right granted not by others, but by God, “a gift from beyond the stars”, that says they can “petition the government for a redress of grievances”.

Silly me!

In the modern American Liberal universe, a place with neither straight lines nor right angles, it is an ex cathedra truth that money fromGeorge Soros is good, money from Tom Steyer is better, and money from the Koch Brothers should be burned lest it corrupt the Eden we all want to live in.

I know how modern American Liberal pundits agonize over what fair is as in “fair rate of return”. I also know that deep down when no one is looking when you have to positively, absolutely get something across the country overnight you choose FedEx over the Post Office.

Would it mark me as a bounder if I were to point out that the words “profit” and “post office” are destined never to appear in the same sentence? Never, ever.

It is an inconvenient truth that absent profit, humbug snake oil salesmen such as you would never be able to feed yourself, let alone others.

Kevin Smith

October 10, 2015
Rosemary O’Hara
Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel
500 E Broward Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 333394

RE: “State Needs to Solve Growing Poverty Issue” – Some comments on your achingly predictable editorial in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel on poverty and what not to do about it.

Ms. O’Hara,

Let me begin by paraphrasing Hillary the Hecate. [It is obvious that her favorite color is plaid what with her most recent flip-flop on the Asian trade pact. I do believe she has a virtual holograph implanted on the inside of her eyelids to keep her up to date on policy changes.] When she said there was a big story waiting for an reporter to get to the bottom of the “vast Right-Wing conspiracy” about her philandering perjurious husband she set the tone for investigating the biggest day time, no masks on, finger prints all over the place heist in American History.

Six and a half years ago we were promised that if we borrowed $1,000,000,000,000 from the Chinese we would be perpetually farting through silk in a never ending Summer of Recovery. The only danger was the possibility of being hit by an errant shovel from the brigade of Shovel Ready Jobs.

How did that work out?

Today’s tutorial begins with, to cite Orwell, the obvious.

With the possible exceptions of some Trappist monasteries, the United States Marine Corps, and the people who hand out water to runners in the marathon altruism is a policy that every time it has been tried and in every place it has been tired it has failed. It has failed repeatedly and catastrophically. A rational person would believe that it had been consigned to the dustbin of History. Then again a rational person is incapable of understanding the asinine illogical motivations that drive modern American Liberals. 

Follow the bouncing ball.

#1 – Poor people want to get rich.
#2 – Rich people want to stay rich.
#3 – Because of #2 rich people hire poor people.
#4 – Rich people need poor people to stay rich and get richer.
#5 – Poor people work for rich people because of #1.
#6 – Simple so far isn’t it?
#7 – Any attempts to make water run up hill are, as they always are,
doomed to failure.

You commit, over and over and over and over, tgheo classic modern American Liberal mistakes of confusing correlation with causation and letting expectations count more than results.

We know from empirical evidence, from hard, observable facts that the War on Drugs has failed. I know it is impossible for the hubris soaked elite who know that they are right to admit that the War on Poverty is an even bigger failure. To do so would be to admit that man is not perfectible, that he does not respond the way that Lysenko said he would, and that to do so would mean that the social engineer can only drive the train into the ditch.

Having dug ditches in 3 countries I assure you that when you find out that you have been digging on the wrong side of the road there is only one rule to follow, viz.

What does work, what has worked, what will work it, to cite the great Lord Keynes, is to release the “animal spirits of man”? The best anti-poverty program, the only anti-poverty program worthy of its name, is a job.

That is might result in the wretched excesses of “malefactors of great wealth” – perhaps the Kardashians might be an example – is a risk well worth taken.

We know, using History as a guide, that trying to make poor people rich by making rich people poor is cement headed stupid. [I credit Bernie Sanders with not dodging the issue, “If at first you don’t succeed fail, fail again” is a plan to rally around, don’t you think?

There are only so many ways to slice the pie. If “fairness” is to be the governing criterion there will always be fights at dessert time.

The obvious answer is to bake a bigger pie.

No nation, anywhere, anytime, has ever taxed itself to prosperity. Look it up.

Using Senator Sanders’ cabeza de ca-ca socialism would be, as Churchill said, “standing in a bucket and trying to pick it up by its handle”.

One of the reason schools don’t work is because if you can’t punish failure you can’t reward success.

We need a society dedicate to the proposition that the better we build pour mouse traps the richer we shall all be.

The Gods of the Copybook Headings have spoken.

Get the Hell out of the way!

Kevin Smith 

Monday, October 5, 2015

October 4, 2015
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Kill the Death Penalty! – A comment and a question about your column on the death penalty in today’s Sun Sentinel

Big Stein,

Modern American Liberals are able to square the circle seamlessly in re state sponsored executions. Abortion? Si. Dead man walking? No.

The death penalty begins in this country with the premise that somebody did something terribly, terribly wrong. Julius Rosenberg and Timothy McVeigh are bookends.

The caricature deputy sheriff in charge of the Huntsville, Texas “Old Sparky”, when asked about the deterrent effect of using the electric chair on maybe wanabee murderers, said he wasn’t sure if it deterred them but it sure as Hell deterred the guy whose ass was strapped onto the chair.

An argument can be made invoking lex talionis, better known as “an eye for an eye”. A further argument can be made that society so values one life that only another can balance the scales.

Abortion is different.

Whatever “it” is it is unequivocally innocent.

When the butcher puts his hook in the morality of his action is never questioned by modern American Liberal illuminati. That is why if Dr. Mengele were to run in a Democratic primary in Broward County he would win be margins not seen since the glory days of Hudson County. 

Walker Percy, a writer that Little Stein should be familiar with, said that when you go out the back door of an abortion abattoir there is an expressway that ends at Auschwitz.

Can you guess where I am going here?

I am going to ask you the same question for the 7th time.
Should Adolph Eichmann, he of SS Todt Juden death camp fame, have been executed?

Try yes or no.

Kevin Smith

PS – Speaking about the death penalty…Hillary Clinton was in town this weekend. I just know that there were no questions about Benghazi, her e-mails, her husband’s one eyed trouser snake, RESET buttons, Red Bone the broker, and being “dead broke”, or how her Clinton Crime Family Foundation spends all the dough they extort. How about a modern American Liberal, one who is opposed to the death penalty, asking her about Ricky Ray Rector? You mention Kelly Gissendaner who was executed this week in Georgia. Although she did not pull the trigger the Georgia statute says that if you are involved and you are found guilty you can, and in this case were, be executed. She was judged to be competent to stand trial and she was judged to be competent to assist in her defense. Ricky Ray Rector was neither. After he murdered a police officer he shot himself in the head. His IQ was measured as about 60. That didn’t stop the Clintons form executing him to show that modern American Liberals could be tough on crime. There is an Arkansas legend that says she would have given him a lap dance to get him into the chair. She didn’t have to. He went quietly to his death because he had no idea of it. Do you know of anyone asking her about this? Get back to me. It never made the papers.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

October 3, 2015
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Jet planes are noisy, particularly if you live under them –Some comments on your lower-case ass whupping of people in today’s Sun Sentinel who ignored the obvious; viz. jet planes flying too close to your house.

Big Stein, 

“Morons. I’m surrounded by morons” is my favorite line from “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid”.

You applied it to the morons who bought houses underneath jet plane landing routes. 

I suppose we could ban jets. The world is ready for a return to the glory days of DC-3s. Maybe the airlines could make their jets turn off their engines 5 miles from touchdown. [The passengers on planes that only make it to the start of the runway get vouchers that their survivors can use.]

Maybe we should ban morons from buying houses close to airports.

Maybe we should ban morons. And I bet you thought I would never have a good word for Margaret Sanger, Hitler’s favorite American.

But then we turn to Logic.

I am sure that by now Little Stein, your perpetual college student, has told you about the Trivium. Even though it was the invention of DWEMs, a class most despised by modern American Liberals, it has some good parts.

 Logic is one of them.

If people buy houses sitting under the landing patterns of noisy, gas guzzling, ozone depleting, polar bear killing, unmeasurable carbon foot printing jets, well that’s too God Damn bad.

I am sure that part of the still not arriving Summer of Recovery is a scheme that will insure and shield the morons from the consequences of their – you guessed it – moronic decisions.

Is it too late to bring back flogging?

Which brings us to living by the water

Climate change? 4 times a year forever

Rising sea level? 4 times a day. Every day. Like clock work. Forever.

It is an inconvenient fact, as my favorite moron former Vice President Alpha Gump would say, but if you choose to live on a barrier island, if you choose to live on littoral properties subject to tides and winds blowing from the wrong direction there remains one undeniable fact: Mother Nature always wins. That puny man tries to tame the mighty universe is a hubris not seen since Icarus or shovel ready jobs.

What is different from the morons who live underneath flight paths is that the rich people who live on the shore get everybody else, “else” including poor hard working people from Darmiscotta, Maine to Wynona, Minnesota, to guarantee that they will suffer no adverse consequences from their moronic decisions. 

That is one Hell of a deal for the buyers, the lenders, and the builders. 

What happens if some turtles are found to be nesting on the ground below the flight paths?

It’s the only hope that these morons have.

Also, bears shit in the woods, the Pope is Catholic, and a watched pot will boil.

Spread the word.

Kevin Smith

September 26, 2015
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: “Is the GOP Better Off?” – Some comments on your generous and gracious offer to advise Republicans how to conduct themselves, particularly in public, in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel.

Big Stein, 

Political parties, in representative Democracies, constantly renew and reinvent themselves.

Like the making of laws and sausages the sight of free men deciding how to govern themselves is sometimes best kept from the view of children.  It is something anathema to modern American Liberals who genetically are inclined being told what to do.

You seem to disapprove of Republican “earmarks” while remaining neutral, by virtue of omission on Democratic ones. Yet again, the hydra-like ogre called “eclectic indignation”, the one thing that enables modern American Liberals to get through days filled with cognitive dissonance of gargantuan dimensions.

My favorite rabbi, Paul nee Saul of Tarsus, chided his friend Alexander for not beating the bushes for more souls for Christ. [The Pope is still here, right?]

“How am I to know unless some man tells me?” was his answer.

Can you give me a specific example of a modern American Liberal “earmark”?

Shovel-ready jobs, Cash for Clunkers, Midnight Basketball, and the Godot-like Summer of Arrival are no longer eligible.

Speaking of “wacky ideas” Bernie Sanders is chock-a-block filled with them. I will give him this however. Unlike Hillary he can at least lie straight in bed. That is something that she in a role fit for her, that of being an oozing bag of foetid eel shit in a 3XXX pastel pant suit, is incapable of doing.

I’ll run your ideas past the Koch Brothers to see what they say.

Thanks for the help.